
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
106 Chs


"So you say that my talent is low, and I am not qualified to enter the academy...".

I don't care how talented I am, all I want is to get to Alexander Bernenberg, and find out what happened to me and how I lost my memory.

"Do you know who was the least talented person in our family?" Alex asked with a sad look on his face.

He didn't wait for my answer and continued, "It was me, and my talent was from the (SS) rank."

"..." I would be lying if I said I wasn't shocked, as per Alex's words, this talent was very high and it's not an exaggeration to say that he stood at the top of the world, yet he said he was the least talented within our family.

"But I…" I paused, not daring to finish my sentence

"Yes, I was the least talented within our family, until you were born. In fact, you were the most intelligent among your brothers, and you were able to gather the power of aura, inside your body at the age of nine. That was an amazing feat, because even your talented sister couldn't do that , You were skilled in martial arts, and you read more than half of the books in the family library. You were simply exemplary, and no one doubted that you would lead our family to glory..." Alex paused for a moment.

"master , I think so..." Alfred tried to intervene, but Alex stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"It's okay, Alfred. It's not a secret. Elia would have known this information eventually, so I'd better tell him myself."

Alex took a deep breath, and continued speaking

" Then came the day when your talent was supposed to be measured, and our family and all the other families were looking forward to seeing your result, but when the result came out we were all shocked, it was only (B) rank talent, it was high for the common people, but For a family ruling the entire North Region, this was a disappointing result…"

"…" I could imagine how frustrating it must have been for the person who was their hope to have such a low talent.

" But what does talent mean?.."

"Talent is your body's ability to collect aura, that aura is a type of energy that is found everywhere around us, and the higher your talent, the greater your ability to absorb aura, for example a person who has talent of rank (B) can collect a certain amount of aura, while a person He who has talent (A) can collect more auras, so when these two fight, the person with talent (B) will quickly run out of aura reserves, and thus he will be defeated , the humans who can use auras were divided into specific ranks..."

"So that means that a person with rank (A) talent can reach rank (A).." I put my hand on my chin while thinking about this.

"Right, a person with rank (A) talent, who can reach the (A) level and will stop here, can't move up the ranks…."

"Does this mean that no one can surpass his talent and advance in levels?..."

"I had never heard of such a case before, that talent is like a barrier that no one can cross…"

After Alex said that, he stared at me, and I continued in this state for some time.

"…" I was starting to feel uncomfortable at that unwarranted stare.

"Uncle, is there something you want to tell me?"

"The detectives will arrive tomorrow to interrogate you..".

"What…but you said the investigation will be postponed for a while, did something emergency happen?" I asked him with some concern

"You were supposed to be interrogated next week, but there was a sudden accident, and because of this incident, the investigators want to interrogate you tomorrow. Even I can't pressure them to postpone the investigation because orders were issued by the central government..."

I was troubled by my low talent, especially the fact that humans are divided into different classes, doesn't this mean that there are low-level humans who can be dispensed with? Just thinking about it was annoying.

After a sleepless night of nightmares, I dragged my tired body into Alex's office, Alfred looking at me anxiously.

When we entered the room, Alex greeted us with two people, one of whom was wearing black glasses, and the other had green, snake-like eyes, which I have to admit are mesmerizing.

"Elia, it seems you can't sleep because of nightmares again..." Alex asked worriedly

"I don't know what my problem is, these disturbing nightmares continue every night..."

"Okay, let me introduce you to our guests, this is Mr. Christopher, and Mr. Mancera, they are the detectives sent by the central government.." Alex pointed towards the black glasses man and the green-eyed man, respectively.

"Nice to meet you, gentlemen."

"Hahaha, no need to be polite, Mr. Elia, we are here to conduct a simple investigation, and I'd prefer you to be comfortable during this investigation..." The green-eyed man whose name was Mancera spoke, and smiling.

Mancera seemed to be a person with a cheerful personality, while the one with black glasses named Christopher was silent and his expression did not change.

I sat down on the sofa across from them while Alex sat on one of the chairs.

"We heard that you lost your memory, what an unfortunate accident…" Mancera spoke with a smile still on his face, but his eyes were focused on mine.

" Right, I still struggle to remember things".

"Well, it may be normal for you to forget your name and identity, but I heard that you forgot how to use intuitive things like the TV and the phone, isn't that strange…"

"I… I don't really know, it's vague to me."

"Then, Mr. Elia , do you remember anything, it may be that you forgot to tell your uncle about it..."

"No, I don't remember anything..." I immediately denied.

But it seems that Mancera did not believe me, he was silent for a few moments and that provocative smile on his face, he was staring at me as if his eyes were piercing me.

Those eyes are definitely not for decoration, he might have the ability to detect lies, or something.

I learned from Alex that there are unique people, with special abilities, that no one else has, and they are very rare, so they often hold high positions in the central government.

"Well, I'll show you pictures and I want you to tell me if you remember anything about them..." Mancera said, pulling a bunch of pictures out of the bag.

I grabbed those pictures and started looking at them. They contained an ordinary room, but the strange thing about them was that the walls of the room contained a group of strange symbols and talismans, and it seemed that they were written in... blood.

"This room looks familiar..."

"Because it's your room, Elia..." Mancera replied

"..." I looked at the pictures again, and it really looked like my room, but where did all these scary talismans come from?

These talismans are not something I see for the first time, I've seen them before but I don't remember where.

"I don't know what these symbols are..."

Mancera frowned and said, "These symbols were found inside a room the night you disappeared. We could not understand their meaning, and they were written with a kind of blood. But after scientists examined these blood, they found that these blood are not human, and they do not belong to any race that we know." ..."

" Is this some kind of ritual to summon demons?"

"Only you know that... But now you don't remember anything, so no one knows what these symbols are.."

Mancera took out a tablet from his bag, and put it on the table in front of me, I brought my face close to the device, and it was showing a video, about a large hall in which there were many people dressed in strange clothes, and in the middle of the hall there was a vehicle.

It was the vehicle that transported me from the city under the sea to the surface. People were gathering around that vehicle and it seemed that they were doing tests on it. Suddenly, that vehicle began to glow and then disappeared.

"This..." I was shocked

"I know, it's shocking, that vehicle suddenly disappeared..." Mancera was looking at me seriously, and the playful smile disappeared from his face.

"But how does this happen, is it a technology for teleporting things?…"

"This technology has not yet been invented, but one of the most important human scientists working on such a project and this scientist is... Thomas Weir."