
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
106 Chs

injured child

I walked to my room, lost in thought

Am I paranoid? I was just protecting myself, though I always thought I might be overdoing it sometimes.

I looked at the tattoo on my hand. This tattoo is the cube that Alexander Bernenberg sent to me. I kept thinking of a way to hide it and prepare an argument in case someone asked me about it.

But in the end no one asked me about it, even Christopher who watches me all the time did not doubt this tattoo for a moment

It's just a tattoo, and yet I kept thinking about it for hours

As I was walking towards my room, I passed the garden and heard a sound in the trees

I got curious, so I went to that tree

It was already late and most of the students were in their rooms, either resting after a tiring training day or studying for exams.

When I was behind the tree, I extended my head, and saw a student leaning on the tree

Even though I was close to him, he didn't notice me

His clothes were covered in dust and there were bruises on his face, and he was holding his leg, which appeared to be broken

he had sky blue hair, but I couldn't see his face because I was standing behind him

"Uh…" The boy let out a weak moan as he clutched at his broken leg

I felt pity when I looked at this boy

Obviously, he was attacked and left in this place

I hesitated for a moment, I don't know what to do, should I help him?

But what if he did not want anyone to interfere in his affairs? I have no right to interfere in such matters

Especially since I am very popular in this place

I'm sure they'd rather meet a ghost in this place than meet Elia Gracefield

I decided to leave quietly, a person must face hardships himself, this is how children like this boy grow up

I walked a few steps before stopping, I looked behind me at that tree on which the boy was leaning

"Sigh... damn it..." I whispered before heading towards that tree

I can't leave an injured child in such a place

I stood in front of the boy, it seems that he finally noticed my presence and raised his head, it seems that he is fourteen years old, that child had a small face and beautiful blue eyes

When our eyes met, the boy blushed for a moment, then turned pale

I have to try to calm him down, "What are you doing in this place so late..."

The boy didn't answer, he was trembling as he stared at me

It is difficult to communicate with others, especially those who shiver when I talk to them

I extended my hand to the boy, "It seems that you are injured. You should go to the clinic for treatment..."

The boy was surprised by my words and hesitantly looked at my hand

My patience began to run out, "Hold on to my hand or else..."

I started throwing menacing glances at this boy

The boy shuddered and quickly grabbed my hand , I lifted him up

The boy was short and up to my chest

But this is not the important thing

There was something strange when this boy grabbed my hand, I felt goosebumps run through my body

But what is this feeling?

The boy leaned on me and lifted his broken leg off the ground, he was embarrassed by this situation

What a poor kid, who would do something like beat him up and break his leg

I wanted to put his hand on my shoulder, but he is short and I can't do it, but with his broken leg he can't reach the clinic until after a long time

I held the boy in my hand, he was small, so there was no problem carrying him

The boy was surprised by my movement, and looked at me in disbelief

"Haha, don't worry kid, I will take you to the clinic quickly.."

I started running towards the clinic as fast as I could, it would be embarrassing for someone to see me carrying this boy

But worse than that, they might think I'm kidnapping him

I can't rule out the possibility that others might suspect me after they see me pick someone up when I'm running at such a late hour.

Luckily, clinics are scattered all over the academy in case something unforeseen happens

When i entered the clinic, I saw a nurse who was walking quickly carrying a box, "Excuse me, where can I put this injured person..."

The nurse looked at me and was surprised to see me, and looked at the injured boy, "Follow me..."

I followed the nurse into a room that contained a small bed, put the boy on the bed and then turned to the nurse, "Okay, since I'm done I'm leaving..."

But the nurse blocked my way, "You can't leave..."


"You should tell us how this student was injured…"

Do they suspect that I beat him?

"Wait here until I get back..." The nurse quickly left

Looks like I'm in trouble

I quickly pulled out my phone and called Christopher, he gave me his number the last time we met before he left

"Hello, Elia..."

"Christopher, I'm in trouble, can you come to clinic 23…."

"One minute and I'll be there..."

Christopher hung up, I looked behind me to find the boy staring at me

I walked over to him and smiled, "What's your name?"

"Ren…" The boy spoke as he looked at the ground

"Ren….it seems that there was a misunderstanding, the officials in the clinic might think that I beat you, so can you tell them that I didn't.."

Ren shook his head and still looked down, "Okay..."

This boy has a weak personality and seems to be an easy victim of bullying

Sigh, this day was difficult, at first it was that nightmare that I could not overcome its shock until now, and meeting Seraphina, which ended with me saying harsh words to her, and then meeting that strange person Victor Planck, and in the end there was this injured child

But I couldn't leave an injured child and pretend I didn't see him, when I walked away I remembered the nightmare when I ran away and left the hunters behind

The door opened and Christopher entered

Wow, it didn't even take a minute before he got here

Christopher looked at the injured Ren and then turned his gaze towards me while frowning

I raised my hand, "I didn't do that..."

"I know you didn't do it, but looking at that injured boy and your notoriety, others will definitely suspect you…"

"Sigh, were you expecting me to leave him injured because people might suspect me?…"

Christopher put his hand on my shoulder while consoling me, "You didn't do anything wrong , I will make sure that this problem does not grow..."

Christopher looked at the boy, "What's your name?"

"Ren…" Ren replied, seeming relieved that we were no longer alone in the room

"Student Ren, they will ask you why you were injured, so make sure you tell them the truth.."

"Yes, sir..."