
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

I am the boss

| You!...|. Kepler's voice was angry and helpless. | Did you create harvesters in this world as well? You must realize what would happen if this news leaked to the outside world...|

Thomas: | There may be people hiding around this place, or there may be cameras recording what is happening. If we use the harvesters, we will be forced to escape from the academy. We will not be able to take refuge anywhere if the harvesters are exposed...|

Alexander bit his lip. He knew the consequences of using the harvesters. Neither the central government nor any other powers would allow such crazy practices, so Alexander expected that he would be chased everywhere if the harvesters were exposed.

But he had no other choice. This was the only way to escape from this difficult situation. The harvesters would buy him some time to escape.

'Do you think I had another choice?...I was alone in this world, and I did not know when your souls would awaken. As for Creed, he needed a large amount of Vitae energy and I would not be able to use it freely, so I needed some kind of Security...'

Thomas: | Where are they now?..|

'Inside a special dimension that I created using the power of the orb.'

Thomas: | How many are there?...|

' twelve..'

| Let me guess....they are the servants from the Gracefield family mansion...|. Thomas's voice was deep, and it seemed that many things that had happened in the past were beginning to become clear

'I think we should focus on the enemy in front of us.' Alexander evaded the question

Alexander guided the Vitae to his feet, then turned and started running as fast as he could

Alexander was planning to launch the harvesters at the right moment so as to surprise and confuse his enemy

After running for a full minute, Alexander reached the edge of the park and was about to reach the residential area

He looked back, but he couldn't see the masked man

Kepler: | This man did not chase us...|

Thomas: | This is strange... He is not an assassin, otherwise he would attack us directly...|

Thomas and Kepler were inside the orb so they could use the power of the spell Alexander placed in that place to see the surroundings around Elijah's body at a 360 degree angle.

Alexander trusted their words when they said there was no one chasing him

But this only increased his confusion

Why didn't that masked man chase me?

He was definitely waiting for me, so it doesn't make sense for him not to chase after me

Alexander took the phone out of his pocket and tried to call Christopher

Christopher was the person assigned to protect Elia. Alexander was confident that Christopher would be able to do something to stop this masked man

At this time, Alexander started running towards the professors' dormitory

That place is where all the professors live and even the Vice President lives there

It is definitely the safest place within the academy

Anyone who dares to make trouble there will be directly surrounded by the army of instructors

Even Alexander himself had some difficulty when he broke into the professors' dormitory to kill Katarina, as he had to use an illusion spell and send one of the harvesters to do the job.

Alexander saw the professors' dormitory in front of him. If he could enter and inform someone of an intruder trying to target him, then he would be safe.

But Alexander stopped running when someone stood in front of the building designated for instructors

The masked man was standing ten meters away from him. "hoo, that's an impressive speed... You can't use aura, so how can you run so fast? Is it possible that you have another source of energy?.."

Drops of sweat began to form on Alexander's forehead as he looked at the building behind the masked man

Is it possible that no one noticed this suspicious man? He is standing in a public place with this strange appearance in front of one of the students

It is clear that this masked man is bullying the student in front of him, so where did the academy guards and the rest of the instructors go?

Alexander resisted the urge to curse all the instructors at this academy

Worst of all, this masked man began to suspect that he possessed a different type of energy than aura

Alexander knew that sooner or later someone would find out that he was using Vitae energy, but he hoped that he would have enough power to protect himself when his secret was revealed, or at least gain support from a powerful figure.

Kepler: | This man is dangerous.... release the harvesters ...|

| Wait...|. Alexander was about to release the harvesters from his own dimension, but Thomas stopped him at the last moment. | This man doesn't want to kill us, he must have another goal...|

Alexander looked at the masked man. " What do you want from me..."

The masked man tilted his head slightly and answered in a robotic voice. " Just curious..."

"And did curiosity prompt you to disable the surveillance cameras and follow me all this time..." Alexander scoffed

Alexander was holding the phone in his hand and took out the contacts while running to the professors' dormitory. He was able to find Christopher's number, but this masked man suddenly appeared in front of him.

So he couldn't call Christopher, because the masked man might attack him

The masked man turned and started walking towards the professors' dormitory, leaving a single sentence behind him. " Follow me..."

Alexander frowned, but calmly followed the masked man. The power gap between them was large, so there was no point in resisting

If there was a solution to this problem in a peaceful way, he would certainly try to use it

But if the matter turned into a fight between them, he would use the harvesters without hesitation

Alexander followed the masked man, but they did not enter the professors' dormitory. Rather, they went around the dormitory and walked towards a skyscraper behind the building.

This was the academy's administration building

Alexander raised his eyebrows when he saw the masked man entering the academy's administration building without anyone stopping him

Aren't there supposed to be guards in this place?

Even the staff who were supposed to be in the information hall, right after entering the door weren't here

The place was suspiciously empty

This masked man was walking around the place with complete ease, as if he was turning around in his backyard

The two took the elevator and reached the thirtieth floor. On this floor there is a corridor containing many similar doors, and there was no number or symbol indicating the difference between these doors.

The masked man opened one of these doors and entered

Alexander entered the room and quickly scanned the contents of this room

It was a large room with white walls and ceiling, and it was exaggeratedly lit. The lights were also white

This white color in the walls, ceiling and lighting was uncomfortable for the eyes

The only furniture in this room was two chairs and a table, and the strange thing is that the chairs and the table were also white

"I suggest that you fire the person who designed this room, because he has no artistic sense..." Alexander sat on one of the chairs, not paying attention to the masked man

"Actually, I was the one who designed this room." The masked man clicked on buttons on the wall

When Alexander looked for a moment, he noticed a machine mounted on the wall, but that machine was not clear because it was white. "Really? I can guess you have a unique taste from the mask you're wearing.."

Two cups emerged from the machine mounted on the wall, filling the room with the fragrant scent of tea. "I heard from the reports I received that you are a discreet and quiet person. I did not expect you to be a comedian..." The masked man placed the cup of tea in front of Alexander. "I hope you don't hate tea."

Alexander didn't care about any of the nonsense this man was saying, but what caught his attention was the word 'reports'.

"For whom do you work..." Alexander took a sip of his tea

The masked man sat on the chair opposite. "I work for the central government..."

Alexander narrowed his eyes. "I still haven't regained my memory... I need more time..."

"There is no need for that...". The masked man interrupted him. "I have a more important goal than finding Thomas Weir..."

" You have?..". Alexander tried to deduce what this masked man wanted. "You…so not your superiors…"

"I do not have a boss, because I am the boss." The man took off his mask

| shit...|. Thomas cursed when he saw this man's face