
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

Herbert's letter

|| I heard about the news of sudden deaths, and that all of these accidents are related to Daniel

This means the shadow is chasing Daniel

So how did the shadow get to this place?

Is Daniel already dead?

This is the worst thing that could happen, Ayandra warned me that the shadow is an entity that I cannot face no matter how many men and weapons I have.

Every time we discussed our plan, he made sure to warn me about the shadow

He was concerned that I might hesitate about using one of my men as human bait

This made me curious about the powerful entity that made someone as cruel and brutal as Ayandra fear him and tremble at the mention of him.

The moment this roar reached my ears, I realized why Ayandra was afraid of the shadow

I didn't see the shadow, but that sound that caused the ground to shake was enough for me to realize that the shadow was here

While everyone was frozen by the sudden roar, I ran to my tent and opened the locked chest in which I hid the orb and celestial compass.

I was supposed to return with the orb and the celestial compass to Ayandra, but all plans changed when the shadow arrived here. I might die at any moment, so I must use the power of the orb to escape from here.

I heard the sound of gunfire coming from outside the tent. When I left the tent, I saw that all the soldiers who were with me were dead

Their bodies were torn apart in the most horrible way, some archaeologists tried to escape, but a strange force picked them up and lifted them into the air, then tore their bodies apart, While their organs and blood were falling like rain.

This scene can't be expressed in words, but I knew I would be the next person to be torn apart if I didn't escape from here.


I heard the roar again, and this time huge lumps of flesh began to appear on the ground

Masses of flesh cover the desert. This flesh was pulsing as if it were a living entity

I suspected that this flesh was the body of a shadow, but I didn't dare to attack it, I saw how these trained soldiers were torn apart, how would an old man like me be able to stand up to him.

But how will I escape?

I don't know how to use the orb

Suddenly, the orb that I was holding in my right hand began to glow strongly, While the cover of the celestial compass that I hold in my left hand opened and emitted a similar glow.

Several circles containing mystical symbols emerged from the celestial compass and floated in front of me. Each circle contained what looked like a clock hand. The clock hands were rotating in different directions and speeds.

I knew this was my chance to escape from this place

The glow increased and the space distorted around me, it was a difficult experience and it made me sick, but I took it, if I can avoid this tragic fate I have no problem with suffering from some nausea

When the space around me became stable, I realized that I had reached another world different from my own

How did I know that?

Because it is impossible for there to be a damned place that has such landmarks in my world, these constellations that pierce the sky, this sky that has no sun or moon.

At first I expected the orb to transport me to another place in my world

But I did not expect the Orb to transport me to another world entirely. My goal in all these plans was to reach other worlds. I was excited about the idea of moving between worlds and communicating with other civilizations, but my enthusiasm disappeared when I arrived in this world.

I felt afraid of this world. It did not seem like a normal world. There might be monsters or dangers threatening my life

So I tried to activate the orb to get me out of here


I heard a strong roar coming from the sky, cracks started to appear in the sky as if the sky was being torn into pieces

I sank into despair when I saw this

This trickster Ayandra didn't tell me that the shadow is so powerful that it can chase me through the different dimensions

The ground started to shake and lumps of flesh appeared that were pulsating madly

I felt as if a strong grip had closed on my neck, I was starting to suffocate, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get away from this thing.

I felt death approaching me, I knew it was my end

The orb rose in the air as if someone was carrying it, the orb rushed through one of the cracks that appeared in the sky and disappeared, then I felt the fist that was holding my neck disappear.

I could breathe again, the earth stopped shaking and the gray sky returned to its normal form

Shadow gone

I don't know why he decided to leave me alive, but I'm glad I survived

But what am I going to do now?

I exist in an unknown world, I don't know what kind of entities live in this world, they may not be friendly

I tried to check the celestial compass, but I could not open the outer cover of the compass no matter how hard I tried

After giving up on opening the celestial compass, I decided to wander around until I found some food or water

And here was the shock

This world is completely deserted, there are no living beings. No matter how much I searched, I could not find anything living

All that exists in this world are giant black towers, but I couldn't get close to them because there was an invisible barrier around these towers

I found black human statues. I think they were the inhabitants of this world, but they turned into this form because of a disaster that befell them

The days began to pass, and my body began to collapse from hunger and thirst

Being alone in this world is starting to drive me crazy

I tried to smash these statues hoping to find some flesh, but I couldn't even scratch them, these statues are incredibly hard

When I remember this I feel so disgusted, did I really try to eat human flesh in order to survive?!

Although I'm not sure if they are human, the inhabitants of this world may be different beings from humans, but that is no excuse for the heinous act I was about to do.

In the end, I collapsed into this cave in the middle of nowhere, all I had were a few sheets of paper and a pen

I used what was left of my consciousness to record what happened to me, the celestial compass was near me the whole time

I have reached such a point of despair that I beg the celestial compass to save me

I was hoping this compass would have some awareness and pity me

But it's all in vain

this is the end

I'm sorry, Diana, your grandfather was a bad person

Daniel, my loyal friend, I'm sorry I betrayed you.||