
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

Frank Fontaine's plan

"I've settled everything, everyone should go their own way, we don't have to be stuck in the painful past..." I replied indifferently.

"It's good to act mature, But sometimes you get mean. Elia..."

I looked at Sia, who was also looking at me. With a serious face, there was no her usual smile on her face

" Sometimes it is difficult to accept the bitter truth, but this is better than living in useless illusions..."

Sia didn't reply, and just stared at me

I tried to change the subject, "What is your problem with Seraphina, you weren't friendly with her..."

"I just.... don't like people like her...". Sia replied hesitantly

"Good morning Princess..." A girl entered the classroom door and greeted Sia

The girl had lavender hair and purple eyes

"Su Yan…." Sia approached the girl and hugged her

"Your highness, we are in a public place…" Su Yan smiled nervously

I frowned when I saw this girl

Not because of her looks

It's because of the girl's name

Su Yan

This name sounds familiar, so I decided to ask Sia about this girl

Sia and Su Yan stayed talking for a few minutes. Su Yan went to sit at the front of the class

Sia returned to her place

I looked at Sia. "who is this girl?..."

"She is my friend Su Yan…"

"I've never heard of her before, but she seems close to you..."

"Oh, actually I met her at the academy. She was famous before. She is the genius girl Su Yan. She managed to pass the academy's test when she was twelve years old, but because of her father's disappearance, she had to postpone her enrollment in the academy, Because she was helping her mother search for her missing father.."

"Her father's disappearance? Did they manage to find him?..."

"Unfortunately, no. The poor girl couldn't find him even after years of searching. Finally, her mother convinced her to join the academy.While her mother continued searching on her own, They haven't given up yet..."

"What's her father's name?..." I asked Sia worriedly, praying he wasn't the same person I had in mind.

"His name is Su Zhong…."

Why isn't anything going right for me?

I looked at Su Yan sympathetically

Sia was sad, "She is trying her best, to reach high ranks in the government, to use her power to search for her father..."

I was sad when I heard this, she still retained hope

Unfortunately, I know the hard truth

But the most difficult thing is that I may be the indirect cause of her father's death

Su Zhong is dead, most likely he was killed during the riots that took place in the city

Perhaps he was killed by one of the splicers , or he himself was transformed into a splicer

There is a possibility that he died during the riots, and the conflict between Andrew Ryan and Frank Fontaine

I wanted to tell Su Yan about her father's death. It's harsh, but if I were her, I wanted someone to tell me the truth. I didn't want to live with false hope.

But I realize that this is impossible. I can't tell Su Yan or anyone else about Su Zhong's death. This will get me into a lot of trouble.

What would I answer them if they asked me, Where did I learn about Su Zhong's death?

I am sad for Su Yan and her mother, but I will not risk myself for her

Professor Mihara arrived, and she began to explain the lesson

But I was thinking of something more important

What is Frank Fontaine's plan? He said he would lead an army of splicer to the outside world and start a war for world domination

I am worried about what this man will do. After seeing Frank Fontaine and what he is capable of, I know how dangerous he is.

He managed to deceive everyone and use them to destroy Olympia, he is a terrifying person, if Frank starts a war, I am sure that millions of innocent people will die

The Adam endowed the people of Olympia with superpowers, and And because of that gas that spread throughout the city, the abilities of the people of Olympia became stronger.

If Frank leads the army of splicers , I doubt he can win against all the forces of the world, but he will certainly drag this world to the brink of destruction.

Even worse, Frank may ally with demons and vampires, if that happened, his chances of achieving his goal wouldn't be impossible.

Frank Fontaine is a malicious person, even if he allies himself with a party, he will most likely betray them in the end.

He would not hesitate for a moment to betray the human race and ally with other races

The question is, how am I going to stop Frank Fontaine's attack?

'Alexander...' I called Alexander

Alexander: | What?...|

'Do you think that one person can take on an entire army?...'

Alexander: | No way, no matter how strong this person is, he needs allies, especially if he has more than one enemy, so you have to make sure to get suitable allies.... I think that elf girl would be a good fit...|

'Do you mean sia? ...'

Alexander: | Yes....|

I looked at Sia strangely

She was sitting next to me focusing on Professor Mihara, but when she noticed that I was looking at her, she smiled while narrowing her eyes.

"..." Am I forced to ally with this girl?

I understand Alexander's point, Sia is the royal princess of an entire race, if I can win her trust and tell her about the impending attack by Frank Fontaine then I think we can do something before it's too late

Thomas: | There are many ways to build alliances, some families use intertwined interests, when a family is harmed, the rest of the families will also be harmed, but the common method in this world is marriage... |

' marriage? with Sia? You must be kidding...'.

Thomas: | It was just a suggestion...|

Alexander: | I doubt your ability to approach women....|

'What the hell does that mean...'. I felt my pride as a man had been insulted

"Apprentice Elia…." I heard Mihara's voice calling me, "It seems you're not listening to the lesson, do you think I came here to waste time..."

"No, I just…" I smiled nervously and tried to find an excuse

But Mihara interrupted me, "No excuses, all of you, a surprise exam..."

Although the students tried not to show it on their faces, but I could see their annoyance, they wanted to hit me

"You really are a magnet for trouble…" Sia whispered as she tried to suppress her laughter

"....." I can't refute her words