
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
106 Chs


When I opened the door , i scanned the room in case there was any danger

But everything was looking good

It was a spacious room with many wonderful historical paintings

I went to one of these paintings, and read the name written under it

' Andrew Ryan '

The frame of this painting was gold, this is definitely a great way to show extravagance

I went towards another painting, but suddenly I heard a sound coming from the ceiling. I looked up, to be surprised to see a person hanging on the chandelier in the ceiling.

That person looked at me before he jumped, and when he reached the ground, there was a strong explosion, and the shock was so strong that it made me hit the wall hard

"Please forgive me, father."

That person started screaming like crazy while he holds his head, but that's not the problem

There was fire emanating from that person, then he started using his hands that started to emit strong flame, i was sure that one hit from him would kill me.

I started looking for a way out, but the door was on the other side. Trying to go towards that door was a risk I wasn't ready to take. If that madman noticed me and started attacking me, I doubt I could escape from him.

It was clear that he was superior in terms of physical strength, as he was able to jump from the chandelier hanging on the ceiling without getting hit by anything, not to mention his ability to emit fire.

Noticing a square hole on the wall, I crawled straight into it

I found myself inside a cramped room filled with empty boxes that looked like a storage room


I heard that madman's scream, which made me rush towards the door to escape from this place

I walked around, there were a lot of rooms, and a lot of dead bodies in the rooms and hallways.

I noticed that all the corpses had mutilated faces, some of them had severe wounds caused by a knife or dagger, and others had a burnt face that I could not distinguish their features.

They all had such ferocious looks on their faces that even after they were dead, I didn't have the courage to search through their bodies.

After a lot of searching, I was able to find a bathroom that had a few corpses in it, but that became a common sight after seeing all those corpses everywhere.

I went to the mirror inside, and there I could see my face for the first time

The face of a 16 or 17 year old teenager

With a pale face, gray hair, and gray eyes, i looked in the mirror for a long time

And I felt a little strange, as if something wasn't right, but I couldn't figure out what it was

In the end, I left the bathroom and headed towards one of those glass bridges that connect the different buildings together.

When I opened the gate leading to the glass bridge, I saw a white spherical object floating in the air. It was completely white and its body smooth, the size of a baby, and it contained a small red circle that looked like an eye. It was standing over a corpse and looking at me.

I took a suitable position to enable me to attack or escape when needed, but that sphere turned around and started to move away, I felt relieved because that thing was not hostile, but that sphere turned suddenly, my body stiffened and tensed, but the spherical object started to make a strange sound and Then he started moving again

'Is he asking me to follow him...? '

I had this strange idea, after seeing the behavior of that robotic thing

I thought for a while before I decided to follow him

Having someone who knew this place was better than wandering aimlessly

While I was following that strange body, I began to think about my current situation. I do not have enough information about myself. It is currently in an unknown place, and looking at these dead bodies that are everywhere, it does not take a genius to know that this place is dangerous.

While I was following the spherical object to an unknown place, the idea of ​​escaping came to my mind, but I gave up that idea. Wandering around the place alone was fraught with a lot of danger.

As for the idea of ​​attacking this spherical body, it was a completely rejected idea. I do not know what material it is made of and what weapons it has. I do not know how it floats in the air like that, for sure it possesses techniques that I do not know.

I and the spherical object entered a very spacious place that contains many huge reservoirs that are a few tens of meters high, and there are pipes of various sizes that enter and exit from those reservoirs.

I was walking quietly behind the spherical body before I heard a loud sound coming behind one of those cabinets, I went there out of curiosity, the spherical body stopped moving and started following me, and when it reached the place I saw two men covering their faces with masks and were screaming

"Kill the intruder"

"Please forgive me, aaaah."

There were two men , one of them was able to emit a fire so strong that I could feel the heat even though I was standing tens of meters away from him.

And the other man was emitting electricity and it was intense and emitting a strong light. The mere idea of ​​being near them terrified me

The two of them were fighting a giant mechanical man who was two meters tall and instead of the palm of his left hand, there was a giant drill, and he was making frightening sounds during the fight.

Although the two men were fiercely attacking that metal giant, and any of those attacks could kill a human directly, it didn't seem to have any significant effect on that giant.

The metal giant started moving towards them quickly, and every step was enough to cause the ground to tremble, which shows its great weight.

He used the drill against the electric man, and it pierced his stomach directly. I saw something fall out. I think it was his intestines.

Then the metal giant grabbed the fiery man's head, and slammed it against the wall. It was so strong that it blew off the poor man's head and the remains of the brain were scattered on the wall and floor.

After killing the two men, the metal giant calmed down, its red eyes turned yellow, and it stopped making that frightening sound.

Then I saw a strange scene. A little girl came out, hiding behind one of the cabinets. She was a very thin and pale girl with eyes glowing yellow. She wore simple clothes and carried something like a syringe, but it was relatively large.

That child went towards the dead bodies of the two men, and started using that syringe to draw something out of the dead bodies

And after she finished, she headed towards the metal giant, who carried the child and placed her on his shoulder

The little girl started waving and clapping while laughing

"I've seen angels , hahaha..."

She said so cheerfully, though I don't know what angels she's talking about, all I saw was the sight of mutilated corpses.

It was a brutal and bloody scene in the extreme

'Is this giant the one who killed all those people? '

I saw so many dead bodies during my Walk around the city that it is hard to believe that this giant alone could kill them by himself

The spherical body made a sound as if urging me to follow it, and started moving again

I couldn't help but sigh while watching it, after the bloody scene that I saw a while ago, I decided that following the spherical body was the best option.