
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

A MACHINE FOR PIGS : redemption

Mandus tried to get close to Freud and Fran

But the space around Mandus is changing, and moving to other places, he saw the horrors that took place in these places

Enslavement of thousands of African peoples

Raped thousands of women in Germany after losing the war

Famine in China that wiped out millions of farmers

Entire peoples were occupied by powerful countries, and the resources and capabilities of these peoples were robbed

Space changed around Mandus, and he found himself in a dark place. He was floating in the dark. His body is completely numb.

Despair and anger seized him, seeing all these people dying because of these senseless wars, these devastating weapons that could destroy entire cities and kill thousands, and his children who were brutally murdered in front of him.


Mandus heard a deep voice

The strange thing is that this voice is very similar to his voice, no, it was his voice, as if he was talking to himself

"Mandus..." the voice called again

" Who are you?...". Mandus asked puzzled

"I am?.....I am you..."

" What do you mean?..."

"I mean, I am you, you are Mandus, and I am Mandus..."

"How do you talk to me?..."

" I am here to help you...."

"How can you help me?..."

"You saw the future..."

"The future?…" Mandus became even more puzzled

"These things that you saw, were all events from the future…."

"What?…..but…they are all going to die…." Mandus' voice became desperate

"Has this world failed you?". This voice spoke softly, then paused for a moment before continuing "That's right. All these wars, weapons, and greedy leaders who throw their people to death, Famines, enslavement, plundering of peoplesare, all things that will happen in the future..."

"No....Please, help me change what is going to happen...". Mandus started crying

"We cannot change the future..."

"Why?… If I knew what would happen in the future, I could prevent these wars and disasters from happening…"

"The future cannot be changed so easily. You have no power, not even strength. What can you do? Do you think you can prevent the United States from making nuclear weapons? Or prevent world wars between countries? Even if you can prevent these disasters from happening somehow. Another disasters will happen..."

Mandus became even more desperate. "Fran... Freud..." Mandus whispered the name of his children

" But don't worry, I'm here to help you..."

" You?...". Mandus' eyes lit up, as if he'd found a way out of a dark tunnel

"Yes, you and I are the same person. We will try to obtain strength and power…. But we will use our strength to cleanse this corrupt world….". The tone of that voice gradually became stronger and darker

"Cleansing the world...". muttered Mandus

"This world is corrupt because of these people, they kill each other because of the land and resources, or because of the difference in skin color, and the difference in religion and belief, they do not accept each other's ideas, even if you and I try to save the world, we will fail, so we must eliminate the root of the problem...humanity...". The voice shouted furiously

Mandus remained silent, his eyes blank, as he listened to the words of this voice

"You have seen very well how low and evil human beings have become. Millions will be killed, but even these millions are not innocent. They will all turn into monsters that devour each other if they gain some strength. But we will change everything… We will start the new century...It's your century , Mandus..."

The space around Mandus changed and he saw himself returned to the stone temple

" father?...". Freud approached his father cautiously

Freud saw that his father was standing in his place for a long time while touching this stone, and when he tried to call him, his father did not respond

So he decided to gather his courage and approach his father

Mandus looked at his surroundings and saw that he had returned to the stone temple, but this did not make him feel at ease

His body was exhausted to the extreme, A fever spread through his body as if to set his entire body on fire, and he could not think of anything but the future events he had seen.

" father?..."

Mandus heard the voice of his son behind him. A chill ran through Mandus' body when he heard Freud's voice

Mandus turned cautiously, and saw Freud approaching him

But he wasn't a ten-year-old

He was a young man of twenty years old

He is the same young man he saw in the future

What is happening


Mandus suddenly heard the voice

"Why is he here?..." Mandus cried out in panic

But the voice ignored Mandus' question, "You have to kill them..."

"What? What the hell are you talking about, how could..." Mandus yelled, not believing what he was hearing

"Redemption, Mandus, I am talking about redemption. You will make these children avoid the pain and suffering they will face in this world…."

"But…but…" A severe headache started to spread through Mandus' head

"You can't save them, they will only suffer, they are now innocent children and they don't know pain, why do you want to make them see the corruption of this world….save them from this corrupt world…"

The headache increased and Mandus' body temperature rose due to a fever

When he looked ahead, he saw Freud standing there, stunned

"Father, who are you talking to?…"

"Salvation... Salvation, Mandus..." The voice whispered softly

Mandus pulled the gun out of his jacket pocket and pointed it at Freud's head

Freud was shocked when he saw the gun. "father , what's going on with you, you're going to hurt yourself..."


Gunfire echoed in the hall

Freud's body fell to the ground and blood flows from his head. He did not know what happened until the end, and the worried look was still on his face

Fran looked at her brother in astonishment, she didn't know why Freud fell to the ground

she approached him and tried to help him up


The sound of the second shot echoed, and Fran's body fell next to her brother's

"Haa...". Mandus looked at the two dead children and his hand holding the gun was shaking

"Haha... ahahaha...". Mandus laughed maniacally as he spread his arms in the air and looked at the dead bodies of Freud and Fran

The blood flowing onto the ground was absorbed by the stone base of the orb, and the orb started to glow intensely

"Pig… Mandus, we are all the pig…." The voice spoke as he heard Mandus' manic laughter