
Catch them all (ll)

Disclaimer, I do not own any of the works used in this story. This novel is entirely and completely non-profit, created by a fan for other fans.

Chapter 6: Vol. 1: The Fundamentals of Brotherhood


Marvel Universe. September 6, 2007, 12:00 AM.

The Caribbean Boca Caliente.

As Ocelotl walked down a long hallway. Memories of one of the clones dispatched came to his mind.

A smile appeared on his lips.

He looked like he had just become the first official member of the Brotherhood.

Dr. Maya Hansen.

It was quite easy to recruit her.

She was going through a bad time. The opportunity I offered was basically to change your destiny. There are not many people who can refuse such an offer.

Even more so when they only have to win and nothing to lose.

If they had to play it for manipulating her, using a projection of Maya's appearance when she was a child, Ocelotl would only limit himself to smiling. It is not a manipulation because the projection had the memories of Maya Hansen. As well as the feelings attached to her, she was not an inanimate object but a sentient one.

At the end.

All that follows for her are good things as a member of the brotherhood.

For Ocelotl, that's a win-win for both of us.

Returning your attention to the front.

I walk through a wall.

Right on the other side was her second target.

A disheveled-looking man.

Repeatedly drinking a full glass of whiskey.


Along with the sound of a glass breaking. Ocelotl stared at the man; honestly, he didn't feel like doing something as deep as with Maya again, especially because this guy was different.

Maya, despite everything.

In the end, she was a good person.

Aldrich Killian.

He wasn't.

Despite his sad past and humiliation at the hands of Tony Stark, it's easy to see what an evil man he is.

Willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. And although his skills in the scientific field were top-notch, the guy's personality left a lot to be desired.


Ocelotl was not one to touch his heart with guys like these.

The line that every person has to have in their morals. He defines himself personally. In his hunt, he would never touch innocent people.

Unfortunately for Killian.

He wasn't.

So, doing the world a favor.

Ocelotl moved.

Appearing right in front of his face. Killian's eyes snapped open, probably sensing the presence of someone he could not see in front of him.


Without allowing him to speak.

Ocelotl's hand grabbed his face.

With a little force, his body was lifted off the ground. Similar to a leaf being carried by the wind, his body traveled backward until he collided with the wall.

With his eyes wide open in horror, Killian watched as the torso of a person materialized in front of his eyes.

Platinum white hair.

Flashing green eyes.

The lower part of his face seemed to be obscured by darkness.

"He's over for you."

Activated Skill: Phantasmal Possession.


Aldrich Killian. -POV

It's curious.

He feels different somehow.

Not in a bad way.

If not, different.

Until a few moments ago.

He was sure that he was shaking with fear.

He didn't know the reason anymore, however, he could discern a little.

The feeling is similar to having déjà vu.


The feeling of fear was due to the strange place where he was.

Everything was dark.

Like an infinite void.

His body floated in nothingness, he had nothing to do but think.

He didn't remember how he ended up in this place. The last thing he remembers is talking to his colleague Maya Hansen about the stability of the formulas.

Remember that he was angry.

Government investors demanded immediate results.

Dumb guys.

Science cannot be rushed.

He wasn't stupid.

He knew they wanted to start human trials.

But this, in his book, was a resounding no.

His morals did not allow him to play with human life. Even if it meant the withdrawal of funds, Aldrich Killian refused to go down a dark path like that.

With this said.

The problems did not disappear.

They only became more annoying.

He had a deadline of one week at most to continue the investigation. After they withdraw the funds, he could support the investigation with his money for at least another week.

Beyond that, it was doubtful.

He was between a rock and a hard place. Not to mention, at this moment, he was trapped in this strange black space.

—I'm dead?

"No, not yet."



A strange voice echoed throughout the place.

Exalted, he looked everywhere.

Finally, a shiver ran through his body.

Right in front of him.

The giant figure of a person materialized.

His features could not be distinguished, and a long black robe covered his body.

—That? W-who are you?


Or had, he died?

A heavy, sinking feeling took hold of her chest.

She was so close.

So close, damn.

How could he give up right now? All the effort over the years, the tears and blood spilled from his hands.


He did not accept this.

He couldn't end like this.

"Don't worry, as I mentioned before, you're not dead yet."

Letting out a content sigh, he looked at the enormous being in front of him. —So what happened? I mean... Who are you?

"I am nobody, but at the same time I am everything." The strange being commented.

Now that he could pay attention.

His voice was very strange.

It seemed like many voices were superimposed on one another.

After a moment, the giant spoke again. "You can call me Mictlantecuhtli.


What a strange name.

Wait, I think I recognize it.

If he remembered correctly, the name sounded similar to an ancient Mexican language.

In his years of research.

One of his destinations was a neighboring country.

Remember the name of the language.


Something like.


"Oh, you know that ancient language."


Could he read minds!?



A laugh echoed through the place. "Well, we're getting off-topic; I brought you to this place before your death for a reason."

Looking up, I ask

—What would that reason be?

"An opportunity."

-An opportunity? —The curiosity inside him exploded with all its might.

For some reason.

The adrenaline in his body began to pump strongly.

"To be part of something much bigger than you can imagine. Your skills and strengths are enough to become an active member."

"Aldrich Killian."

"You have been called."

"To the place where legends are forged, where money and power are so easy to obtain, wherever your talent takes you, and where no one can stop your investigations, not even God."


He could pretend that at this moment his body was generating it.

His eyes dilated.

The beautiful bristles of him.

The heart in his chest threatened to explode.

In his eyes, like a movie, the story of his life was replayed again and again.

And within this, a constant was always repeated.


He was never elected to anything.

Not because of his parents.

Not in his childhood.

Not on a team.

Not in love.

Not as a scientist.



He was tired.

The world seemed to want to push him into the abyss at all costs.

He so often compared himself to other people.

And so many times, he had to endure tears.

He knew he was destined because of his birth history.

Being just any guy, he had to kiss the feet of those who were at the top.

He still remembered Tony Stark's mocking smile.

How he had to lower his head.

And beg.

That memory alone made his blood boil.




"Are you in? Or not."

With a strong blow.

His right arm rested on his chest, while his left knee knelt on the ground.

Strangely, he knew what to say.

A few words came to his mind.

He knew they had some special meaning.

Looking with fire in his eyes at the giant being, he replied with all the power his body could expel.

—We live in the shadows to serve the light... We are...  Assassin's.


In that endless darkness, in the end, only a giant smile and flashing green eyes were the only things that could be seen.


Second objective.

Aldrich Killian.

Age: 33

Description: Dr. Aldrich Killian was a brilliant scientist working for the FuturePharm Corporation, he was the founder and CEO of Advanced Mechanical Ideas. After Anthony Stark refused to join his research, Killian participated in the development of Extremis alongside Maya Hansen, forming a group of altered soldiers under his command.

Results: Successful.



In case it was not clear, Ocelotl changed the personality of the original Aldrich to a more virtuous one.

So this former evil scientist now has the opportunity that only hero protagonists possess.

Creating is difficult, especially when you have to do it in a language other than your own.

So if you like what you're seeing, let me know what you think or if you have any thoughts on the plot.

Leave your stones if you think the story deserves them, or if you think it doesn't, just leave them, don't be stingy.


Without further ado, her friendly neighbor, her sisters' boyfriend and future stepfather, the God of creation: Ometcutli, says goodbye.

Ometecuhtlicreators' thoughts