
Ch.1 "Mindlessly"

"These bastards! Why can't you guys flank?!"

I yelled at the mic attached on my headset, while pressing the keys harder and harder as nothing but rage filled my consciousness

"That's if you can heal better! You sure do talk a lot for a useless support you are!"

Said by one my teammates. I gritted my teeth, annoyed, I answered back

"Gosh, f*cking useless!"

[Labyrinth Failed]

The text popped up on the screen.

"These f*cking assholes"

I muttered upon myself

[Retry? Yes? No?]

I clicked 'No'.

"Well, I guess that's what you get for playing random queue..."

While stretching my back, I suddenly heard the grunts of my stomach. I looked at my watch-

"12 am?! F*ck! I'm gonna be late for tommorrow! I haven't eaten yet. What a night."

[Exit the game?]

I pressed Yes.

Raphael, that is my name. A 27 year old man. With no girlfriend, friend, heck, even pets don't like me. I've been playing this game since I was on Senior year. A game that I was once heard from a group of popular kids.

"Hey! Have you ever heard of [The Labyrinth]? "

Said by one of the popular kid. My interest peaked suddenly. My curiosity got me so... I eavesdrop

"What?! That was the game everyone's playing right now!"

"Yeah! It's pretty good to be honest."

[The Labyrinth] is a RPG game which where you clear labyrinths, choose class, do quests and defeat the Demon Queen, Azareth. The game peaked at 2019-2020 but... went downhill on January of 2021- Where the founder of the game, caught grooming a young woman on his own game. He was arrested and his case was published online. With that news going ravage online people start judging the game itself too- saying "Trash mechanics", "Trash Classes", "Trash Storyline" and so on. But I myself LOVE the game! I didn't care wheter people like it or not. But I find the game the most interesting. Well, to make story short, because of that game. I've been living 6 years of my life, In my roof. You might sa "Wow you've been playing the game for 6 years? You must be on max level!" ... I am on level 99. Priest. A F*CKING PRIEST! 

"... F*ck eating imma go straight to bed. Those as*holes were tiring."

I jumped on my bed and slept like a log.

[Transporting Player]

[In 3...]



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