

She could not understand who or what she was. After her mother's death,she turned vengeful and started seeking revenge against her enemies. A book filled with hatred, betrayal, love and romance.

STlizzy203 · Fantasi
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4 Chs

CHAPTER FOUR-Upcoming ball.

"WHAT!!!,what do you mean, by saying that??"

Queen Estella asked.

"I mean my daughter is having,her coming of age ball and there's nothing you can do about it." Mira said, while chewing her food elegantly.

"No, it's not going to happen,I refuse it. Edward as your queen,I demand you terminate the ball at once." The queen said. She didn't want Isabella to have her ball, because if she did many princes, would want to marry Isabella. It was no lie,that the girl was extremely beautiful. If Isabella had her ball, everyone would know that she was beautiful and well mannered,and her lie would be exposed,and Isabella will outshine her daughter Anna. She can't allow that, NEVER.

"I can't do that, it's a custom,that cannot be erased."King Edward said.

"There has to be a way!"

"If we don't throw her a ball,our kingdom popularity and reputation would be tarnished,and no kingdom would be our partner anymore."King Edward explained to his wife.

"oh, Estella are you afraid that my daughter beauty and elegance would outshine yours. Hahaha."

"Shut up, how dare you speak to your queen that way.Your daughter is not a magical being,and no prince would want a powerless being as their wife."

"We shall see,anyway her ball is on Wednesday."

"Have already sent the invitations"King Edward said.

"Thank you Edward. Let's go get you a new ball gown, Isabella."

As Mira said this, she went outside and her daughter followed her. Leaving only the king, queen and the other royal children in the dinning room. They entered the carriage with their entourage and rode to Mrs Smith the famous tailor in the kingdom,who was a friend of Mira.

"Isa, would you like some tea and cookies?"

"Yes, I'll have the cookies only." Isabella took the cookies and used her magic to cover them with strawberry cream.

"I see you're getting accustomed to your magic,quite easily"

"Yes, mother it does come in handy sometimes."


Isabella decided that,in order not to get bored, during the long ride, she'll spy on her step-sister Anna with her powers for a while.

Thank you for reading my book. I hope to have your full support and love. I will try to improve my writing ability.

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