
The Great Caspian

- "There are just things you can't quiet know about yet." In which the heir to the demon throne is forced to forget about her heritage and is hidden away among humans until she is ready to come home.

Ablissfae · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs


"Wh-What?" Ophelia stuttered, looking at Natalia. "No... if it was destroyed then how is it in my possession?" Natalia shrugged and stroked her chin. "Why would anybody recreate a journal to give to me?" Ophelia asked, watching her mother pace.

"Someone who wanted you out of the picture." Natalia said, biting her finger lightly. Ophelia watched cautiously.

"You need to go back. Find who wants you gone." Natalia said, looking at Ophelia. "What? No, I don't want to go back. I want to stay here. With you!" Ophelia said as Natalia shook her head.

"You have to go, Eli. There's more for you to do before you're ready to leave. This won't be the last time we talk, if that's what you're worried about," Natalia said, walking forward and resting a hand on her cheek. "Go back, your dad and fiance needs you."

"You know about Caspian?" Ophelia asked, a blush creeping up her neck. Natalia released a chuckle before nodding. "I'm always there."

"Oh," Ophelia said, smiling to herself. "Dad'll be happy to know." Natalia nodded and wrapped her arms around Ophelia. "They were right, though," Natalia said, twirling a strand of Ophelia's hair around her finger. "You do look like me. I'm so proud of what you've become."

Tears rose into Ophelia's eyes as she wrapped her mother into a hug. "It's time for you to leave now, Eli. Go home, your quest isn't over yet."

Ophelia wiped away the tears and nodded. "I'm gonna miss you." Natalia nodded and smiled. "I love you." She reached up and patted her cheek.

Natalia let her hand slide from Ophelia's cheek to the top of her chest bone. "It's time for you to go." She pushed, sending Ophelia spiralling backwards. She seemed to fly backwards forever when she finally heard Caspian. "Ophelia, wake up. That's it."

Ophelia's eyes flew open and she sat up, nearly headbutting Caspian in the process. A single tear rolled out of the corner of her left eye. "I saw her." Ophelia croaked, voice weak from not being used.

"Saw who, Ophelia?" Caspian asked, grabbing her hand and stroking her knuckles with his thumb. "I saw Mom. She was there." Ophelia turned and looked at Caspian, eyes wide and teary. "I need to go back to the party-" "Ophelia, you've been out for 5 days." Caspian looked worried.

"No..." Ophelia looked down, before looking up and finally realizing where she was. Her room was warmer than she was used to, but everything was where she had left it.

She flung the comforter of the side, covering Caspian in the process and rushed to her bookshelf and pulled out the journal.

"We have to destroy this." Ophelia stated, holding it out to Caspian. "What? Why?" Caspian asked, laying the blanket back onto the bed. He walked closer to her and took the book, setting it down and tried to lead her back to her bed.

"That's not my mother's journal. She destroyed it before Perseus killed her." Ophelia pushed his hands away, before pacing back and forth. "Ophelia, you need to sit down, I don't want you to get hurt!" Caspian scolded, standing up to bring her back to the bed.

"We have to find them. I have to find them!" Ophelia said, turning and facing Caspian and grabbed his biceps. "Please. I need to find them."

Caspian looked between Ophelia and the balcony doors. "You'll just run off if I don't convince Abraxas, aren't you?" Caspian pursed his lips and looked down to Ophelia, who nodded.

"It's something I need to do."

"What's something you need to do?"

Caspian and Ophelia jumped and looked towards the source of the sound. Abraxas was leaning against the wall. "Oh! Dad, I need to talk to you." Ophelia stepped around Caspian and made her way to stand in front of Abraxas.

"You need to be sitting down, Eli." Abraxas scolded, causing Ophelia to sigh. "I know-" "If you know, then why aren't you doing it?" Abraxas cocked an eyebrow and led her to one of the chairs sitting beside the balcony doors. "Dad, I saw Mom."

Abraxas stopped, back turned to Ophelia and Caspian. "What do you mean, you saw your mother?" He lowered his head and tensed his jaw.

"She was there. Where I was while I was passed out." Ophelia slowly answered. "Ophelia, you weren't passed out. You died." Abraxas said, turning and facing her, tears in his eyes. Ophelia's eyes widened. "Why am I here right now, then?"

Caspian walked up behind her and rubbed her bicep. "I shouldn't have agreed to let you back here. You weren't ready." Abraxas said, rubbing his forehead. It felt like a white-hot fire poker was shoved into her chest.

"You regret that I came home?" Ophelia whispered, looking up at Abraxas. "Yes, right now, I do! You come home and within the month, you've died and came back!" Abraxas yelled. Ophelia pursed her lips and spun on her heel and ran from her room, slinging the door open and slamming it shut behind her.

Caspian looked at Abraxas, who sat down and rested his head in his hands. "I fucked up." Abraxas murmured. Caspian nodded. "Yea. Yea, you did."

Abraxas looked up at Caspian, glaring. "You weren't supposed to agree with me." He rested his head in his hands once more.

"It's the truth. You shouldn't have said that you regret letting her come back home," Caspian explained, sitting in the chair across from Abraxas. "It's bad enough that she had to go most of her life not remembering who she was. How would you feel if your own father acted like he never wanted you around?" Caspian sighed and pushed himself up.

"I think you need to get your head on straight before you rush to find Ophelia. I know you're scared of losing her too, but she's strong. She can hold herself in a fight."

Caspian turned on his heel and walked out of the room, heading towards the first place he could think Ophelia would hide. The place she always found peace in: the library.


Ophelia sat in the back of the large library, reading through some necromancy books that were hidden amongst the other, old books. Tears steadily rolled down her cheeks as she flipped through the pages of the book.

Why didn't I fight harder to stay with Mom? Dad doesn't want me here, anyways.

She sniffled and slammed the book closed, standing up and put the book back. "I knew you would be here."

Ophelia jumped and turned, looking down the aisle of books. Caspian was walking towards her, his hands shoved into his pockets.

"You scared me." Ophelia said, quickly wiping away her tears. Caspian didn't say anything, continued to walk towards her before grabbing her bicep and spun her around and hugged her tightly.

Ophelia broke down and a sob broke through her chest. Tears soaked the front of his shirt. "He didn't mean it." Caspian assured, smoothing down Ophelia's hair. "He didn't want me here." Ophelia whimpered, pulling away and turning around.

"He doesn't want to lose you, Darling. He lost your mother." Caspian said, walking around to stand in front of her. Ophelia kept her head turned towards the ground. "Now, go get some rest, you've had an upsetting hour." Caspian said, lifting her head with his index finger.

"I'll walk you back." Caspian said, leaning down and waiting for Ophelia to climb onto his back. "I can walk, you know?" Ophelia released a little laugh. "I know," Caspian said, and looked over his shoulder. "I want to give you a ride."

Ophelia smiled and walked forward, and climbed onto his back.

<i>I'm going to find them and end this.</i> Ophelia thought as she set her head on Caspian's shoulder. <i>I'm going to make them pay.</i>