


Learning to go on


After the day at the beach, I started feeling like myself a little more. I even went for a run.

I ran down the street, letting the sun warm my skin, and the fresh air filled my lungs. The feeling was incredible. The birds chirped, and sprinklers turned on. As I kept stride, someone ran next to me. I knew who it was.

As we ran, keeping an even stride, we spoke nothing. We didn’t need to. Having Michael here was enough for me.

We ran until we stopped to catch our breaths.

/"If you wanted to take a run, all you had to do was ask. All this chasing you is tiresome./" Michael grinned, causing me to snicker.

We started walking. /"It’s funny./" My breathing calmed.

/"What is?/"

/"It’s the first time I’ve wanted to go running. Everything seems like it’s new./" I looked ahead.

/"Because it is. When you suffer a loss, it changes you. You aren’t that same person as you were, but don’t allow it to consume you./"

/"I see that. I felt so lost. How do you go on when you’re grieving?/"

/"You do./"

We walked. With Michael around, I felt more like myself. There was something about him.

We stopped and got breakfast. We ordered our food.

/"When’s the last time you ate?/" Michael asked.

/"I don’t know. Why?/"

/"Lyric, you’ve lost weight./"

/"I know. I haven’t been hungry./"

/"But you need to eat. When you’re grieving, everything feels like an effort. Trust me. You need to take care of yourself./"

The server returned with our food, and we started eating. I couldn’t believe how hungry I was. I devoured everything on my plate as Michael glanced at me.

When we finished, he paid the bill. I protested, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He was happy I was eating.

We got up and walked out of the diner, making our way back to my house. We said bye and parted, but a part of me didn’t want him to leave. I furrowed my brows.

I entered the house. What was happening to me? Why does it feel like a part of me left when Michael wasn’t here? I brushed off the thought. It was dumb.


That night I awoke with a nightmare. I needed to get out of here. I climbed out of my window and walked in the darkness.

My bare feet moved along the cold cement until I found myself in front of a house. I knocked on the door.

There wasn’t an answer. I kept knocking until someone answered. /"Lyric?/"

I stood there as Michael rubbed his eyes. Once he focused, he saw me standing there in my bare feet and pajamas.

/"Another nightmare?/"

I nodded.

/"Come on./" He ushered me inside, closing the door and leading me to his room. Once inside, he closed the door. I climbed into his bed. He followed suit, crawling in next to me.

I laid down, and he laid down behind me as he wrapped his arm around me. I snuggled into him as I drifted off to sleep.

I had told no one about the nightmares except for Michael. Most nights, I found myself at his door, needing comfort. He offered without hesitation.

It was the only way I could sleep. My parents didn’t know until they found me gone one morning. Michael told them what was happening. They left me alone.

I awoke the following day as Michael was still sleeping. His door opened, and Maverick gave us a look and shook his head as he chuckled.

/"You know, at some point, you both need to admit you like each other,/" Maverick said.



/"Go away./"

Maverick laughed, closing the door.

/"He’s right,/" someone said.

I saw Michael awake.

/"What?/" I asked.

He rubbed his face. /"Not that I don’t enjoy our late-night cuddle sessions and all. Is there a reason you keep showing up at my door all hours of the night?/"

/"I couldn’t sleep./" I got out of bed.

He propped himself up. /"Lyric?/"

I started pacing. /"I don’t know! It’s like I have these feelings that I shouldn’t have! I shouldn’t be feeling these things for you! But I do! And I don’t know what to do! I don’t want to feel things!/" I paced.

Michael got out of bed and walked over to me. I paced, trying to avoid him, but it was no use. He pulled me to him as I squirmed. /"Look at me, Lyric./"

I moved in his arms as his hand caressed the side of my face. I turned my head into his palm. His warmth was terrific as he tried to capture my eyes with his.

Then he leaned in, and I closed my eyes as he pressed his lips against mine. I fought but finally gave in to him. He wrapped his arms around me as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

The kiss was sweet, like him. I melted into it as our lips moved in sync with each other. I never wanted it to end.

Then he pulled back and looked into my eyes.

/"You have to stop fighting this,/" Michael said.

/"I’m scared./"

/"I know, but I promise not to hurt you. Lyric, I like you, and I want to be with you. We can take it as slow as you like./"

/"What about school?/"

/"What about it?/"

/"I’m leaving in a few weeks./"


/"So, you aren’t coming./" I furrowed my brows.

/"Who says?/"


/"I’m going to school, along with everyone else. I spoke to my uncle. My parents and Major and Maverick’s parents left him in charge of our trust fund. He told me to go./"

I had no words. All I could do was smile at Michael. He smiled back before leaning in and kissing me again. Slow was good. I could manage slowly.


We sat on the bed while I played with my fingers. It was something I did when I was nervous, and Michael was making me nervous right now.



/"What’s wrong?/"


/"I’ve spent enough time with you to know when something is bothering you./"

/"Nothing is bothering me./"

He placed his hand on mine. /"Lyric?/"

I hated how he could see right through me.

/"Okay, I think you’re much older than me, and it feels weird. Does it feel weird to you?/"



/"Look, I know I’m six years older. Trust me. Age is a number. I’m still that same guy who sat with you at the funeral, staying with you when you didn’t want to go out and letting you cry./"

Michael’s hair fell onto his forehead. He had the prettiest blue eyes with a close-cropped beard defining his jawline. He could look at you with an intensity that could make you squirm yet soft to make you comfortable.

Compared to when he was sixteen, he had grown into a man with more sophisticated features. He was stunning, and he terrified me.

/"I like you, Lyric. I’ve always had. When I first met you, I thought nothing of it, but getting to know you this past summer made me like you more. It’s scary to let yourself feel again, but trust me, it’s worth it./"

/"Can I ask you a question?/"


/"Did you have a girlfriend?/"

/"I did. I had a couple. But after my parents died, the one I was seeing couldn’t manage my grief. Plus, she didn’t like the fact I had to take care of three other people. In her words, I wasn’t serious about us./"

/"I’m sorry to hear that./"

/"Don’t be. I don’t need someone in my life who wants to be selfish. I know it sounds harsh, but that’s my family. They had lost someone, too./"

He slid his hand into mine, intertwining our fingers.

/"I can’t tell you, it’ll be easy, but I’ll tell you, it’ll be worth it. Take it day by day./"


What did I have to lose? I already sunk to the depths of despair. There was only one to go, and that was up.