


Party Issues


After Halloween, I kept my distance from the Gray boys. It seemed like I had nothing but issues every time I was around them. Plus, I wanted to focus on school and work.

Liz had other ideas like the party she decided that we should attend on Friday night. I didn’t know about her plan and thought I was staying the night and having a girl’s night with junk food, movies, and gossip.

She had other ideas. Why was this a terrible idea?


As we walked to someone’s house, I knew this idea was terrible.

/"Come on, Patty!/"

I dawdled with my arms crossed. /"Liz, why are we attending a party? If our parents find out…./"

She stopped and turned to me. /"They won’t find out. Live a little, Patty./"

My stomach churned. I didn’t like this idea. I wasn’t the girl to sneak behind her parents' back, cause trouble, or be irresponsible. I followed the rules.