
The good girl's wrath

Miles is an ordinary girl who was raised and live with her aunt, she's happy and contented with her few good friends and beloved boyfriend, she kept her life simple until she found out that her boyfriend has been cheating on her with his assistant.., on the same night a handsome and mysterious stranger barge inside the ladies bathroom where she was and she unintentionally save his life. "Ugh what is this thing that keeps poking on my back?" "Stop moving or else this "THING" will go berserk and devour you"...

PrincessFaye · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Fateful Encounter

"Oh my God.... Brent are you okay?"

Dianne rushed to help Brent up, she look at the people around them and shouted at the guards,

"Are you guys blind,? didn't you see that my boyfriend is being beaten by this hooligan!!? are you just gonna stand there and watch? you bunch of useless morons!?"

"Who are you calling a hooligan? you wench!!"

Giah was so furious she's about to go forward and slap the girl but Miles hold her hand making her stop. Giah frowned and say

"Don't stop me Miles, let me teach this bitch a lesson..!"

"Please G it's enough, we've already attracted lot of attentions..." she said while looking at the crowd feeling embarrassed.. some people are looking at her with sympathy while the others are smirking as if they are enjoying the show..

Ace despite being angry looks more calmer than he was earlier, he hold Giah's hand and whisper something on her ear in a soothing manner, Giah nod her head reluctantly and cast the cheating couple a disgusting look then turn around tugging Miles's hand..,

Ace followed them but before he left he ordered the securities in the side

"Escort this two guest outside and make sure not to let them enter here ever again"

"understood young master" the men answer in unison and approach Brent and Dianne,

"No need to send us out, we know the way"

Brent said with a gloomy look on his face, he's a proud young man who's never been through this kind of humiliation before. Being thrown out from the club is something he never imagined that would happen to him but what can he do? Ace Johanson is someone he couldn't mess up with, Midnight Breeze is one of many entertainment establishment owned by Johanson Group of Companies.

He will difinitely make him pay for humiliating him, as of now he have to grit his teeth and swallow his anger, he swore that there will be time to get even with him, who could have thought that a plain jane like Miles is friends with this big shot.

"Why did you just let them chase us out like dogs? you even let that jerk beat you up without a fight, Brent are you out of your mind?"

"Shut up!, it's all your fault after all, if you just keep your mouth shut and didn't spout anything in front of Miles, things wouldn't end like this. Now get inside the car unless you want to stay here outside by yourself.

Dianne want to retaliate but seeing Brent's angry face she just held it all inside and sit in the passenger's side. Brent then start and speed up the car before she could even put on her seatbelt. he's face looks dark and gloomy.

He didn't really love her, he's just using her for his own advantage, Miles is pretty intelligent and gullible, she always helps him for all his school works and thesis. And his latest presentation which land him to a big project was also made by Miles,

he's not really sad to lose her, what irritates him is the fact that he couldn't use her anymore.

Inside the VIP room, everyone welcomed the three of them when they entered, some of them are already tipsy which is not a surprise for them for they come quite late than the time agreed...

Miles smile and respond to the greetings of her friends, she seems like her usual self. thanks to the dim light inside the room no one can tell that her smile is stiff and didn't even reach her eyes. some even make a joke that her joining in the fun is a big miracle and need to be celebrated, she just laugh along with them and drink her heart out.

She's not really a good drinker so after a few round of drinks she feel her head spinning, she stand up and excuse herself to the ladies room. Giah was worried and wanted to come with her but she tell her she's fine and she won't take long.

When she finish use the bathroom she open the cubicle door but before she can go outside someone push the door and pull her back inside and lock the door.

"Don't shout I'm not going to do anything to you"

the man whisper to her while holding her waist and the other hand covering her mouth.