
The golden summoner

Cordelia Ebony would do anything for her fiancé, as summoning is the one thing she is good at, and the one thing her fiancé needs to be successful. She will be by his side even if he’s the only one who will get the glory. Even if means risking her life for a ritual to get stronger for him. But most of all the betrayal that follows as she watches him whisper love words to her own cousin Elizabeth. As death follows bringing her a year and a half in the past. With a broken heart and her knowledge of what will happen, she is determined to change the future even if means forming an alliance with the coldhearted Duke of Crimson... What will happen once that time is up? Will she have her revenge? Or will she fall again?

Lushcious · Fantasi
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4 Chs


5 months later...

"Countess Silas of Harrington and lady Cordelia Ebony are engaged"

The day they announced their engagement many people brought them gifts and congratulated them, as many people where surprised due to the fact that they are from different status. While Countess Silas of Harrington was the king's nephew Lady Cordelia Ebony was a nobody.

Cordelias father couldn't be happier for his daughter as he received many gifts from the countess himself, as for him he spoiled all the girls that where at his feet with the countess riches. For him his daughter was only a pawn to use and nothing else.

Cordelia was wearing a light pink dress with a blue necklace she had received in her gifts, she goes to ask Ella for her thoughts "what do you think Ella? Do you think the Countess would like it?" She happily asked as she braided her hair and adding some flowers to it.

"You look gorgeous lady Cordelia, I'm sure the Countess would love it" Ella replied as the other lady's in waiting all agreed. They hear the sound of a carriage approaching as Cordelia walks towards the window to see Countess Silas getting out.

She freaked out with happiness "he's here" as she hurried down the hall and stairs going into the big living room.

The living room had red carpet and big windows from the floor all the way to the ceiling. Cordelia sat in a white leather couch with a book in hand waiting for the Countess to walk in.

"Goodmorning my Lord" the ladies in waiting all bowed to him as he proceeded to great them "Goodmorning, i came to see lady Cordelia" Silas replied.

"Follow me my Lord" Ella said as she took him down the hall to the living room. Silas walked in as Cordelia got up and bowed "Goodmorning my Lord" she happily greeted Silas with a smile but Silas was to fixed on what she was reading 'a fairy tail book?' -Silas

They walked back and Cordelia sat back down and Silas sat across from her "what have you been doing Cordelia" He question her as he kept fixed on the book she had.

"reading my lord, what do you think of my dress. Isn't it beautiful" Cordelia happily says as her smile fades away.

Silas's expression had went from happy to mad real quick. "You're supposed to be studying to be able to call out for the powerful Fabulous beast, not reading" he says as he gets up and walks towards the window.

Cordelia gets up to try and talk to him "we still have some time, I'm sure I'll manage" she calmly says as Silas turns "I need you to be ready Cordelia I need your summoning powers so that I could be the next king!" He exclaims.

'That's right. You want to be king and you need me to be your right hand' -Cordelia

"I cannot let the Duke of Crimson win, he already carries the holy sword and has more advantages" Silas turns around to look at Cordelia with despair "I need you. You promised to give me a hand as my future wife" he says as he goes on "or is the love you have for me not real?" He sorely says looking away 'this should do the trick to get her up' Silas thought.

Cordelia reached out and gently got his hand "you know I love you my Lord, but gaining power only comes with practice so there's not much I can do"she bitterly said. She felt as if she was useless. She felt as is he would get rid of her for not being enough.

Silas grabs her hand into his and goes on to say exactly what Elizabeth told him to say "I heard that there is a book with a ritual to gain the power to fully be able to summon all fabulous beast"

Cordelias eyes widened not many people know about that book that's has been locked away for generations. She slowly opens her mouth to try to speak but it's not what he wants to hear.

"I can't perform that ritual, we are not allowed to even touch the book it is said to be pure evil" Cordelia explains as Silas let's go of her hand "so you don't love me" he coldly says as he fixes his suit.

Cordelia goes on to explain "of course I love you but if I attempt to do the ritual it could kill me and even if I did manage to achieve it I will only have some time to live I would soon die after" Silas goes on to leave as he turns around "so you don't love me enough to die for me?" He coldly says as he walks out leaving Cordelia alone.

She slowly makes her way to her room as the ladies in waiting all question her "My lady is everything okay?" Cordelia just smiles "everything is okay, I'm just a bit tired that's all" she walks in her room as she turns her door to lock it.

"I'm sorry mother" she whispers as she goes on into her study room to find the book with the ritual.

The king had made it no secret that he was looking for a successor someone who he could leave the kingdom to, as he also made it no secret that he already had two people in mind.

The Duke of Crimson and the Countess of Harrington.

The Duke itself came from a family of knights and a prophecy to him being the one to hold the Holy Sword and a savior to the kingdom as for the Countess of Harrington he was just simply the king's nephew who was determined to sit on the kings chair.

Cordelia goes on to start drawing the circle and each symbol that is on the book not missing anything.

It takes her about half of the day to finish it as she goes on to read everything that is needed.

She starts placing candles around the circle twelve in total. The book says that the ritual must start when the moon is at its highest point and you must draw from ur own blood a circle on the circle.

As time goes by Cordelia starts to worry, is she really able to do this? Risk her own life for someone else?

She lights up all the candles and as the moon reaches its highest point she grabs a sharp knife and cuts her hand and fills in the circle she had drew with her own blood using both hands.

She stands in the middle as she starts. She places both of her hands out as the circle starts to move around and turn blue.

She comes off the floor floating as she is surprised and happy "I did it!"

'It's working just a little bit more' she though but little did she know it would backfire.

Everything turned red as she started feeling pain all over her body. She started crying in pain and tried to stop the ritual but as she fell to floor and tried crawling out of it she couldn't leave. She looked at her arms as many cuts appeared all over her body and three cuts on the right side of her face.

"I'm sorry" she cried out in pain as tears kept flowing down her face.

'Is this what love is? Is this what I have to do to have it?'