
The Golden Chain

Athanasia Gruwéigh, who graduate with the highest honor at the most prestigious university in Glovarno and was recognized as the best doctor against poison, decided to stay at her home, the golden forest and met a chained man in the middle of it. Athanasia’s interest in the man grew stronger as she slowly unfolds the mysteries around him.  Marcus Parham, chained and captive inside the most poisonous forest is awaiting his death when a golden-haired woman fell into his cage. As his annoyance grew towards the woman another emotion is slowly surfacing inside him. Both are in the forest, one is chained and one is free. As they try to unlock the chain that is bounding Marcus, a series of forbidden locks was also unlocked. Misfortunes surfaced and the cost of the key is a huge prize to pay.  ----------- (ON-HOLD) She grinned happily as she looked at Marcus who was now staring blankly at her. She felt strangely happy. Tingles erupted on her body as she looked at him. She felt excited, excited to give her gifts to him, and excited to see him up close. It was a strange feeling. Maybe because she rarely see him and she was not used to being around him or she just kissed him taking care of someone trapped in the forest. "Have you missed me?" She asked as she grins at him. His expression didn't change as he looked at her blankly. Athanasia wasn't exactly surprised by the reaction so she just went near him cautiously. She didn't forget to cast a protective spell around her as she walked toward him. She needs to be cautious because he's still a dark one, who hates her kind. "Hawdy was outside again. You should take care of your fox more." She said as she slowly takes a step closer to him. "You shouldn't treat him as your bodyguard." She continued, now she's close to where his chains will allow him. Sound of chains getting dragged echoed. He stood up from his seat and he glared at her. Suddenly, he was in front of her. He moved as fast as a wind that she didn't even notice it. They stood face to face with each other. They were inches away from each other. She can clearly see the color of his obsidian eyes, his thick eyebrows, and his red lips. She can almost hear his steady heartbeat. Her heart went crazy. It pounded so fast and loud that she was afraid he can heat it. "Gifts?" She cringed and raised the bag.

FraKaDAl · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Welcome to Ethereal

"You drink this," Athanasia said as she put a small bottle in front of Hawdy.

Dandelion also grabbed a bottle of the black liquid that Athanasia is giving to Hawdy. The black liquid also gives out a cloud of black smoke. It also gives out an unpleasant smell that made Hawdy's stomach turn.

Athanasia watched Hawdy's face crumpled at the taste of the potion. Chuckling, she gave one golden hood to Hawdy.

"Does it taste that bad?" Athanasia asked.

"That was gross," Hawdy replied, his face is now turning purple from the awful taste of the potion.

"Why aren't you drinking one?" Hawdy asked. He thought that everyone needs to drink one for a safe journey through the forest.

The black potion was made from the bones and the black peach that came from the land of the undead. Because the Dark ones are immune to the gold poison, Athanasia made a potion that can give a similar effect to a person for a limited time. She's never shared the secret recipe with anyone, not even Dandelion.

"Did you forget that she's immune to the poison? She has never tasted this awful potion." Dandelion asked Hawdy.

Hawdy looked at Athanasia with an unfair look written all over his face.

Athanasia saw the look on Hawdy's face and chuckled. "What can I do? I'm immune. Anyways, we need to move fast because the effect of the potion can only last for half a day."

"How can we carry things this big?" Hawdy asked while looking at the pile of boxes in front of him.

The boxes have the herbs and medicines that they need to operate a small clinic while some boxes have the rare items that they will auction, including one golden drop.

"Don't worry, Dandelion will take care of those," Athanasia said while checking her bag is she left anything.

Dandelion walked towards the boxes and touched them. Blinding light emits from her hand. Hawdy had to cover his eyes from the brightness of the light. Then the light disappeared.

In front of them are a small Dandelion and small boxes. Dandelion raised her eyebrows at Hawdy and raised her head. She's boasting her powers in front of Hawdy again.

Hawdy being Hawdy looks amazed by how she made those bunch of boxes small. He stood there with his mouth open and his eyes are shining with amazement.

"You look like a child. Pick up those little boxes and secure them in my bag." Athanasia smiled at Hawdy's amazed face.

She has never seen a werewolf this cute and soft. Most are ferocious and have a bad temper.

"We need to reach the end of the forest before the sunsets. Let's get moving." Athanasia said.

They all move and picked up their things while Dandelion goes inside the small pouch that Athanasia is carrying. Hawdy looks nervous because he has been traumatized by the forest.

"Let's go?" Athanasia asked with a smile. Giving assurance to Hawdy's shaken heart.

"Let's go. We don't want the effect of the potion to wear off." Hawdy said with a brave face.

They headed west and traveled for hours. It was quite a peaceful travel considering that they are in one of the most dangerous forests. They stumbled across different beasts and creatures. Thankfully most of them are not aggressive. If there are aggressive ones it's either Athanasia will scare them or kill them using her thread or Hawdy will scare them away.

After a few hours of traveling, they decided to stop and rest at the top of a tree. They are near the border where the elven kingdom also called ethereal is located.

"We will stop at Ethereal for a day before getting at a boat to Centro," Athanasia said while drinking water.

"I've never been to Ethereal," Hawdy said while watching his surroundings.

"It is nice there. The technology is quite advanced and they like Athanasia." Dandelion said with her little voice.

"They like Athanasia? Why?" Hawdy asked without thinking.

Athanasia looked at him. Is it a bad thing for the elves to like me? Athanasia thought to herself.

"You'll know once we get there." Dandelion answered.

After a fifteen minutes break, they continued their travel. They reached the end of the forest before the sunset, the right time before the potion wear off.

They were welcomed by the sight of a high wall over fifteen meters high and a curved gate that has golden lines around it with a height over ten meters. The gates are close but there are two elven soldiers in front of the gate and another two at the tower.

"Will they let us enter?" Hawdy asked.

Athanasia didn't reply, she just walked confidently in front of the soldiers then she removed her hood.

"Athanasia Gruwéigh Sir," Athanasia said with a smile.

The soldier tried to hide his blushed face but failed as his face turned red and it almost looks like a ripe tomato.

Hawdy nodded, he looks like he now understands what Dandelion means by them like Athanasia.

"Welcome, Princess." The guard replied as he gestures at the tower to open the gates.

"It's princess Athanasia!" Shouted the guards at the tower.

Why are they calling her princess? Hawdy asked himself.

Because of its massive size, the gates created a loud noise as it opens. The gate opened, revealing a massive city in a forest.

The city itself seems like it combined itself with the forest. Some buildings are made of stone and some buildings are in the tree or inside a big tree. A lot of elves are also walking around the city and some who heard the gate opened curiously take a peek at them.

Because the sun is about to set a lot of buildings or houses have their lights on. The lights on the road are also opened. The sound of the buzzing city made the three of them kind of warm and happy because they rarely see a lot of people living normal lives.

"This city looks amazing," Hawdy said in awe. Just like any first timer in the city he was looking around like a kid, amazed by the new things that he sees.

"Welcome to Ethereal," Athanasia said while smiling. She missed this city and its people.

As they admire the city a Carriage stopped in front of them. The carriage is in color white with a touch of gold and green.

"Princess Athanasia we're glad to have you here. Your accommodation is ready." A male elf stood in front of them.

He wears the common formal wear of the Elves. A fitted formal innerwear and a long coat reaching his ankle. His hair is in color white and it reaches his shoulder. He's also wearing an accessory on his forehead in gold.

"I didn't expect to see you welcome us Advisor Annargael," Athanasia said with a smile on her face.

"You flatter me, Princess. Let us go to your accommodation and get you and your friends settled." Annargael replied.

"We should go," Athanasia said.

She looked at her dress that is full of dirt and a little splash of blood. Then she looked around and saw some elves staring at her. She felt embarrassed because she was in a mess so she hurriedly got into the carriage.

I should go and take a shower. Athanasia thought to herself.

The carriage started to move once all of them are already inside. Inside of the carriage is Hawdy beside Annargael and Athanasia on the other side with Dandelion sitting on her soldier.

"Your travel must have been hard," Annargael said as he looks at Athanasia and Hawdy's clothes.

Athanasia once again looked at her clothes then at Hawdy's. We must look like a mess, she thought.

"It was. The beasts seem to have multiplied compared to last year." Athanasia said.

"I'm afraid your brother is not doing his job properly," Annargael said in a strict tone.

"You're his best friend, you tell him that. I haven't seen him for years."

"The last time that I saw him was last year," Annargael said carefully, sensing that Athanasia is annoyed.

Athanasia stayed quiet and looked outside of the carriage. There are a lot of elves still wandering around even though it's getting dark. The lights are yellow which reminded her of the golden chain that is chained to Marcus.

"Advisor Annargael. I believe that you are well versed in general knowledge. Am I right?" Athanasia asked.

"I am true, Princess." He said with a proud look on his face.

"Have you ever heard of a golden chain? It has no hole for a key or anything. It was quite fancy, actually." She asked, hoping to get information about the chain that bound Marcus.

Annargael's brows furrowed as he tried to remember if he had ever encounter such a chain. Athanasia watched him as he concentrate on thinking.

Athanasia's eyes are full of hope which made Annargael feel guilty when he couldn't think of anything related to the chain. The only thing that he remembered is his best friend talking about a magical chain.

"I'm sorry but the only thing that I remember is your brother talking about a magical chain that he found." Annargael sounds apologetic as he talks.

Athanasia nodded and reminded herself that she needs to meet her stubborn brother later.

We are going to the elves nation! Are you excited? Comment your thoughts on the comment section below! Happy reading!

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