
The Golden Chain

Athanasia Gruwéigh, who graduate with the highest honor at the most prestigious university in Glovarno and was recognized as the best doctor against poison, decided to stay at her home, the golden forest and met a chained man in the middle of it. Athanasia’s interest in the man grew stronger as she slowly unfolds the mysteries around him.  Marcus Parham, chained and captive inside the most poisonous forest is awaiting his death when a golden-haired woman fell into his cage. As his annoyance grew towards the woman another emotion is slowly surfacing inside him. Both are in the forest, one is chained and one is free. As they try to unlock the chain that is bounding Marcus, a series of forbidden locks was also unlocked. Misfortunes surfaced and the cost of the key is a huge prize to pay.  ----------- (ON-HOLD) She grinned happily as she looked at Marcus who was now staring blankly at her. She felt strangely happy. Tingles erupted on her body as she looked at him. She felt excited, excited to give her gifts to him, and excited to see him up close. It was a strange feeling. Maybe because she rarely see him and she was not used to being around him or she just kissed him taking care of someone trapped in the forest. "Have you missed me?" She asked as she grins at him. His expression didn't change as he looked at her blankly. Athanasia wasn't exactly surprised by the reaction so she just went near him cautiously. She didn't forget to cast a protective spell around her as she walked toward him. She needs to be cautious because he's still a dark one, who hates her kind. "Hawdy was outside again. You should take care of your fox more." She said as she slowly takes a step closer to him. "You shouldn't treat him as your bodyguard." She continued, now she's close to where his chains will allow him. Sound of chains getting dragged echoed. He stood up from his seat and he glared at her. Suddenly, he was in front of her. He moved as fast as a wind that she didn't even notice it. They stood face to face with each other. They were inches away from each other. She can clearly see the color of his obsidian eyes, his thick eyebrows, and his red lips. She can almost hear his steady heartbeat. Her heart went crazy. It pounded so fast and loud that she was afraid he can heat it. "Gifts?" She cringed and raised the bag.

FraKaDAl · Fantasi
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24 Chs

The Gold Lilly

They reached The Gold Lilly a bit late than what was planned. The sun is at its peak and everyone in the city is going out to eat. Crowds of people are all over the bustling streets. Buildings that do not exceed ten floors stood like a tower. Carriages and horses are all over the street. There was no trash around, the only thing that is there is the beauty that it projects.

In front of them stood The Gold Lilly. A building that has seven floors and a rooftop that has a view of the sea and the city stood. The outside is painted in white and little gold. Huge columns added to the character of the building. Different plants are planted outside and every window and terrace has a plant. Two guards are stationed in front and a huge amount of staff are coming in and out of the building to escort the guests.

It indeed was the grandest hotel to stay in Centro.

The first floor has its clinic, which at the present is close, and another clothing store that has one of the most quality expensive fabrics in the city. Contrary to what everyone thought, Athanasia doesn't own a clothing store. She is merely a shareholder because it is her brother, Anastasius, who owned it.

"This looks like it'll cost a lot," Hady said as he looked up.

"You bet, but do not fear because I own the building," Athanasia said as she walked towards the entrance where she removed the hood that was covering her face.

The guard in front immediately recognized her and called for the manager of the building. The employee may not see her every day but they were familiar with her face and that she is the one who provides their salary.

A woman with dark skin came out of the entrance while smiling. Four staff are following behind her with a smile on their faces. They were also dragging a cart where their luggage will be put.

"Welcome back lady. We already prepared everything for your arrival." The manager said.

"It's so nice to see you again Vilda. Did I mention that I have a new companion with me? Please prepare the spare room for him to stay in." Athanasia said as she entered the place.

"I already prepared the room for him. Please help the lady and sir with their things." Vilda said as she gestured for the staff to pick up their bags.

The four staff rushed towards them and grabbed their things. Hawdy still looks in a daze and he accidentally gave the bag where Dandelion is sleeping into them.

"That's Dandelion," Athanasia said while grabbing the bag, stopping the staff from carrying it.

The staff looks shocked, blushing he walked behind them while carrying the other bags. Vilda looked inside the bag and found Dandelion sleeping inside.

"Didn't she get enough sleep?" Vilda asked.

"She didn't. She played around at the ship." Athanasia said.

Vilda nodded with raised brows. Why would an adult play around on the ship, she thought.

The lounge has a huge space that can serve hundreds of guests. The giant staircase in the middle is the main attraction aside from the fountain inside. Just like its appearance outside, inside the golden lily is a wide space carefully designed and decorated with expensive and strong materials.

"Is there any faster way to go up?" Athanasia asked while looking around.

"We have an elevator," Vilda suggested, the surprise being seen on her face.

It seems like she didn't expect the owner to ask about such things, especially because she never ask about the hotel.

"Since when did we have this?" Athanasia asked inside the elevator.

"Three years ago. I thought you knew about it but you just like using stairs more." Vilda said.

Athanasia nod. She didn't know they had this. She rarely read the reports that Vilda sends to her because she trusts her. It seems like reading them is necessary to keep up with the new technologies outside the forest.

They were assisted by Vilda and the other staff until they reach their room. On the sixth floor of the building, their house, which occupies half of the floor has all that they need. It has a spare room which is perfect for Hawdy.

"Please don't hesitate to call whenever you need something. I will ready the clinic while you rest." Vilda said before leaving them.

"You own this building?" Hawdy asked while looking around the room.

He looks amazed as he looks around the hotel earlier. He probably didn't expect that Athanasia and Dandelion were this rich. Even though he came from a wealthy family they never stay at the Golden Lilly because it is expensive for them. He only heard rumors about it before, on how it was the best place to stay at.

It was like a house inside. There's a living room, dining, kitchen, toilet, and rooms. Everything that is inside a home is inside the floor. The house is much more luxurious than their home at the Golden Forest. The ceiling is high and the interior matches the interior of the whole hotel.

"There is an extra room here. You can put your things there." Athanasia said while getting her things.

Athanasia guided Hawdy to his room. His room may not be as big as theirs but it is big enough for him. She was supposed to turn that room into a lab or a stock room but the clinic below has enough space for both. In the end, they decided to turn the room into a spare room if ever a guest arrive.

She walked and opened Dandelion's room. Dandelion's room is big enough to have a small room for fairies inside. She put down Dandelion who is still in the bag on her bed. Dandelion would usually be awake at this point but she may be more exhausted than before.

She pulled a notepad from Dandelion's cabinet and wrote that she will be helping at cleaning the clinic. She left it on the bedside table and left the room.

Athanasia's room has all the basic stuff that she needs. Aside from the basic stuff she also placed big bookshelves and a desk where she can study herbs and medicine privately. She also has spare clothes in her cabinet that's why she didn't bring many clothes with her.

She put down her things on the floor. She didn't waste a second as she quickly went out to go to the clinic. Organizing the herbs and the medicines will be her work because the staff may not know where to put them.