
The Golden Chain

Athanasia Gruwéigh, who graduate with the highest honor at the most prestigious university in Glovarno and was recognized as the best doctor against poison, decided to stay at her home, the golden forest and met a chained man in the middle of it. Athanasia’s interest in the man grew stronger as she slowly unfolds the mysteries around him.  Marcus Parham, chained and captive inside the most poisonous forest is awaiting his death when a golden-haired woman fell into his cage. As his annoyance grew towards the woman another emotion is slowly surfacing inside him. Both are in the forest, one is chained and one is free. As they try to unlock the chain that is bounding Marcus, a series of forbidden locks was also unlocked. Misfortunes surfaced and the cost of the key is a huge prize to pay.  ----------- (ON-HOLD) She grinned happily as she looked at Marcus who was now staring blankly at her. She felt strangely happy. Tingles erupted on her body as she looked at him. She felt excited, excited to give her gifts to him, and excited to see him up close. It was a strange feeling. Maybe because she rarely see him and she was not used to being around him or she just kissed him taking care of someone trapped in the forest. "Have you missed me?" She asked as she grins at him. His expression didn't change as he looked at her blankly. Athanasia wasn't exactly surprised by the reaction so she just went near him cautiously. She didn't forget to cast a protective spell around her as she walked toward him. She needs to be cautious because he's still a dark one, who hates her kind. "Hawdy was outside again. You should take care of your fox more." She said as she slowly takes a step closer to him. "You shouldn't treat him as your bodyguard." She continued, now she's close to where his chains will allow him. Sound of chains getting dragged echoed. He stood up from his seat and he glared at her. Suddenly, he was in front of her. He moved as fast as a wind that she didn't even notice it. They stood face to face with each other. They were inches away from each other. She can clearly see the color of his obsidian eyes, his thick eyebrows, and his red lips. She can almost hear his steady heartbeat. Her heart went crazy. It pounded so fast and loud that she was afraid he can heat it. "Gifts?" She cringed and raised the bag.

FraKaDAl · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Exchanging Threats and Gifts

A cold callous hand catches her left wrist. She gasped at the sudden contact as tingles erupted from where he was holding her. Her eyes widen as she looks at Marcus.

How can he touch her with the protective spell that she casted? Her heart jumped in nervousness. She's never met anyone other than her brother who was able to touch her despite the protective spell.

"Why are you here again?" He asked with a rough commanding voice that echoed in the entire space.

"There's a storm and I need to take shelter again?" She said and cringed at the way the tone of her voice came out.

He narrowed his eyes at her and his stare slowly went down. She flinched, shocked and embarrassed by his action.

She was a mess. Her clothes are all muddy and tattered, her hair looks like she showered in the mud, and her face all muddy and pale.

She blushed as red as a tomato as he continued to look at her like she is a piece of artwork displayed in a museum.

"What are you looking at?" She managed to speak as she tries hard to compose herself.

He narrowed his eyes at her and scrunched his eyebrows.

"You should go home. Your clothes..." He trailed his eyes on her skirt. "... It's ripped."

Her eyes widen and she abruptly looked to where he was staring. She blushed and gasped at what she saw. She imagined steam coming out of her ears with how red her face is now.

The skirt of her dress has a long slit running to her upper leg. Her favorite dress that she always wore in her house was now torn apart. Her white long legs are exposed to a man, who probably wants to kill her. And they are too close to each other for her comfort.

Athanasia wondered when the dress ripped. She didn't even notice it not until he said it. It's probably because the skirt was thick and there are many layers but how can that dress rip this easily? She was too occupied with surviving and finding shelter that she didn't even notice her ripped dress.

And now she is in close proximity to a man chained inside the forest who she intended to help, but he probably didn't want her help and just want her head instead.

Athanasia tried to pull her hands but his grip only became stronger. As if he didn't want her to go.

"Let me go." She said as she stares at him.

Marcus held her stare. He has a blank look on his face but Athanasia can somehow feel that there was something more in his eyes that she can't name.

She pursed her lips and glared at him. Hoping that her glare would somehow affect him. She somehow felt that it affected him as she saw his mouth twitch which seems like he is stopping himself from voicing out his inner voice.

His eyebrows scrunched before letting her go and turning his back on her. She saw him inhale a deep breath before starting to walk to the center platform.

Still flustered, Athanasia clumsily tried to cover her exposed leg by covering it with the rest of her skirt. She was in a hurry because he is starting to go to the platform where he usually sits again. She needs to give him her present!

"Why are you going back?!" She shouted in frustration at his retreating back and her ragged dress.

He didn't answer and just sat comfortably on the wet platform. He started to get drenched in the rain as he sat while looking at her shuffling around.

He had a blank look on his face again which Athanasia is tired of seeing. She never saw him smile even once since she met him! It's not like he will be happy while being held captive here, but his eyes are devoid of any positive emotion that she somehow wants to see.

Maybe the reason why she wants to help him badly was that she wants to see him smile, even though he is her natural enemy.

"Can't I at least step inside this zone of yours?" She asked while cautiously taking a step closer while looking at him cautiously.

He didn't answer but he glared at her when she took a step. He clearly didn't want her to invade his personal space.

Athanasia stomped her foot in frustration and glared at him while crossing her arm over her chest.

She already invaded his personal space not too long ago. What's wrong with just getting a little closer to him?

Because of her, crossing her arms on her chest. Her legs were exposed again and she didn't fail to notice him looking at her legs quickly before looking at Hawdy at the back - whom she already forgot was there. The poor fox was probably confused about what happened just minutes ago.

She blushed, she didn't know how many times she blushed that day but she blushed pretty much whenever he looked at her.

All of a sudden she gained her courage and bravely started taking a step forward while Marus is busy rubbing Hawdy's head.

She didn't even get closer to him than three meters before he glared at her. The room suddenly got dark for a second and she didn't even notice it if it weren't for her hair getting darker too.

Her eyes almost bulged out at her realization. Her heart started to beat fast again as she looks at him nervously.

He just used his dark power against her! It was clearly a threat to make her stop from approaching him even further than she already has.

She took a step back and looked at him, bewildered by the power that he had shown. Even though he is bound and obviously restrained from using his power he still managed to show bits of it.

She but her lips in nervousness and amazement at the man in front of her. She felt thrilled and nervous at the same time. She was insane for feeling thrilled at the situation that she is in now but she can't help it. Maybe, Marcus made her insane.

"I'll just stay here then." She said and sat on the ground while covering her exposed leg.

"Three meters away is alright, right?" She asked and smiled at him.

Her nervousness is now gone and is replaced with sheer amazement and thrill.