
the final chapter this is basicly just a op story

the god gets mad at how terrible the humans had evolved gus is testing the strongest people in the earth's power he says he will take on the entire earth and if they failed he would destroy the earth and the whole solar system so no humans will remain alive he gives the humans on earth 1000 years and makes a giant 1000 foot crater in the world to leave his mark so people don't forget as he is waiting he falls the gods helping the humans and doesn't care because he knows they will never be able to kill him. after 1000 years the strongest person is only level 10 trillion he says that was good for a human he takes on the whole world wich in 3022 was 25 billion humans wich makes up 50 quadrillion levels he quickly kills them all and with that kills the solar system with a giant plasma ball and as the coward humans who didnt fight look up see what looks like a new star and the sky red and as a ball of light comes near and wipes the whole place out and as gus looks he says to himself that he respects the humans determination to survive. and makes a planet with all there graves on it to honor them.... The End