

Amaline is a normal teenage girl until moves to an enchanted territory were things seem to be normal. but things start an ravel after her eighteenth birthday and her past comes rushing back ,she faces blood thirst demon dark lord who is on bulrnt on ruinning her and destroying her and everything she holds dear the Question is Will Amaline be able to save the world ?,oh will darkness and blood take over.

Khole_Willinton · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Cynthia's POV

Immediately getting off of phone with Blake I ren to  Amaline house my heart was racing scared of what must have happened to my best friend she was love able person, nice to every one, why did this have to happen to her pushing my thoughts a side I run faster   so as increase my montemum and mileage   until finally arrived   Amaline's house all sweaty and out of breath bearly able to stand upright

Once there I banged the door as hard as I could and rang the for bell as loud as could but with no immediate response after few rings  Amaline's mum  auntie Kristen opened the door

Through my  heavy panting  I was speak

"Amaline has been involed in a life threatening accident and she is knocking on deaths door."    at River wood hospital I say   as I try catch my breath

"  Slow down honey ,what happened you're all wet filled with sweat and can bearly breath  ." auntie Kristen said an able to make sense of what I said

"Its Amaline has been in accident."    she is in critical condition at River wood hospital I reply

What?  John come here our baby is in hospital oh my God we have to  hurry we need to go  ." she said

After a  quick  shower and change of clothes  we immediately left for the hospital

We sat in car and Amaline's dad Mr.Johns put car in ingiton and we backed out of the garage on to open road and drove as fasts as we could to River wood hospital.

With in a space of twenty five minutes  we  were at the gate of River wood hospital   sensing the presence of the car the gates opened automatically  giving us passage   once in  Amaline's dad Uncle john hurriedly parked the car  we come out of car in swift motion, locking it , we dash into double entrance  doors to the reception.

There  we find a woman behind a large   desk dressed in a white nurse's uniform who looked to be in her mid twenties  she had  black hair cut into pixie cut and black eyes that framed her face beautifully   

" you a welcome to River wood hospital , my name is Rose, Iam receptionist here Riverwood hospital   , how can I be of assistance ." she said

  " Hi Rose we here looking for a patient her name  is Amaline johns, she just came in here  she was in accident."Mr.  johns Amaline's dad said

"Give me a minute as I search our record books."   she says and start flipping through the pages of the record books page after page  until  she finally  finds the page with Amaline's name 

"Oh yes she was brought in by unidentified man  an hour ago   at 11:00 am  in critical condition barely alive , it says here was attacked by animal and on arrival she was taken to  theatre for an operation and blood transfusion  and is now in intensive care unit  ." Rose said

"Amaline's mum on hearing what Amaline has been through Amaline's  mum   breaks down into tears and falls too her knees  over whelmed with sadness Amaline's dad helps up to her feet and places her into a empty seat and fetched  her glass of water


When can we see her." Mr. Johns asks the nurse  ,while trying to comfort his wife 

" I need to ask doctor Williams, wait here ." Rose says before leaving the room

We all wait anxiously  in waiting room pacing around, an able to keep our composure  minutes on minutes went by with no sign of rose in sight  

Until steel frame wooden doors opened  revealing rose with a clip board in hand , writing away on it  walking steadily towards  her  desk .

We all bombard her with questions about Amaline and how she is doing    she calming herself she spoke,

"Allow me to take a seat first, then you can ask me  all the questions you  want ."she said trying find her way to her desk

Opon hearing that we realise we were blocking her seat and she was still standing, giving her way she finally seats down in her chair then says

Doctor William said" you may see Amaline ,one condition yu enter one at time and if she is awake don't tell her anything that will aspet  her and you can only be there for very short time."

We wont , we all said at once

"Very well then proceeded to straight through steel wooden doors  ,continue sriaght and turn right,  they will find room 512 and is where you will find yure daughter."  Rose says


We continnued in the direction were supposed take    and finally made  to door of Amaline s room  nothing prepared us  for what we saw next  ,

It shattered our hearts into pecies  she layed flat on the hospital bed with an oxygen mask on her face  her body  had huge bite mark on her neck covered in bloody badage her eyes we're closed shut  and rest her body looked sickly skiny to point of seeing the   under lying of her skeleton with in her skin   covered in bloody bed sheets she was a blood drip  hang up  in left side  corner of her  room connected into her  cannular   in her left arm a bloody   she looked like the life force within her had been drained out her and only herbody was left behind covered in bloody sheets her mother auntie Kristen could not take it and fell on her knees  tears began to flow from her eyes  in desperate cry .

She screamed out Amaline's name  in tears  ,with her hands and pushed together making sure her knees  we're facing up ward   , Amaline's dad helped her up began to comfort his wife  the best he could   while stood their also tears wondering why such thing could happen to person as kind and nice as  Amaline, Suddenly Amaline went into heart attack and all the electricity  lights in hospital began to flicker non  stop and before long all the  machines and  monitors in hospital  began to  off and on as if    someone was draining power from them

Amaline's mum said "Go, and look for rose   she should bring doctor William if we want her to survive and hurry."

I get out of room and began search for the doctor and rose I run like mad man trying find one of two until I land on rose and I told her

"Amaline is in her room and she is in heart attack please hurry, on hearing that  she tells me to back to room  she is coming."

   I did as she had instructed  and went to the room,Soon a team of doctors came into room  her heart stopped 

"Please get out ,we going try and save her." soon as they said that they shut door behind us  I kept pipping through glass window of door and when   saw doctors trying jump start Amaline's heart   repeatedly but with no response and charged it six thousand joules  and heart began pump   I saw doctors coming out and quickly sat on  bench

They came out and doctor William said

"We managed to save her but she fell in to coma am so so sorry after all my years in medicine, I have never seen such a complicated case again am so sorry

  We walked in the room only find Amaline on life support machine  with her eyes  closed shut and her  clothes , sheets and bandages freshly changed    we all relived but no  one new how long Amaline  would be in coma all, we had to do was hope I leave the hospital room shutting the door behind me    I turn to my left and notice   a black  hooded Man   in a black colt the was man sited on the waiting bench he started  moving  towards me    and I was terrified ,on   instinct  I felt like running but couldn't no matter  how ever much I tried   I just stood still like a statue paralysed  as if time itself had stopped  as he kept waking closer and closer towards me   until  he was in front of me   suddenly I could feel blood moving in my veins again   as if time had resumed from its initail  pause so  l decide to move my legs in order to begin running  but  the black hooded man in  question was holding a knife to my neck  and couldn't move,

"Where is my bethroned ? " the anger filled stranger demanded

"Sir, I don't who you are talking about ."

I reply in fear of what he may do to me

"You're lying ,I can smell her scent  all over you , do you know how much time I have spent looking for her ,she is in danger you don't want tell where she is am going silt your throat right  now." he spoke in a threatening tone

"I don't know her ."I reply

He holds knife about to split my throat when some one holds his hand in mid air , I look up I notice Taylor holding his hand and manages stop him

"Who are you?"   ,and what do you want with my friends." Taylor demanded

"Where is Sheraya oh all of you Will face my rath." He demanded

"We don't who your talking about ."Taylor said trying to restrain him

"OK then it seems , you want my dark side ."

And began chant in native tongue ,

Kideo  omusonero  ketio   olusomi as if he casting a spell of some sort soon His eyes began to glow using his fists he hits them on to ground the impact causes the ground split open and everything just froze, he leaves everything floating in mid air including me an able to move I just watched helpsly as  he moved past us  into Amaline's room with no way of stopping him however much we tried to move  we were frozen solid time had basically stopped and we all floated in limbo an able to do anything to stop him


He tired to enter Amaline's hospital room with no luck as some invisible force was stopping him  blocking his way in A protection spell the stranger n Noticed it immediately , He then held up his wand  pointed it towards the door and began chant as if he was casting a spell of some sort and the door   drew open and he walked in