

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · perkotaan
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79 Chs

Chapter 68: : Husband, can you play ball

Chapter 68: : Husband, can you play ball

After everyone was seated, Lu Yunqi and Qi Xuanxuan began toasting to the elders.

Of course, even at home, Lu Yunqi did not let Qi Xuanxuan drink, but just let her drink juice. This move attracted the appreciation of all the relatives present.

Loving my wife, loving my wife, can be felt from any small detail, the love between these two little husbands and wives.

A family dinner ended in harmony and full of laughter.

Under Lu Yunqi's suggestion, everyone went to the garden to start free activities, playing mahjong, chess, and hot springs. Some people who like fitness went to the gym.

Some people who like to play badminton go to the lawn in front of the garden to play badminton.

Lu Yunqi and Qi Xuanxuan are naturally also two of the tennis team.

After Qi Xuanxuan changed her sports clothes, she was stared at by Lu Yun thiefly: "My wife, you look so beautiful in this dress, and you feel so good."

Qi Xuanxuan is wearing a white pleated short skirt, her hips are raised up high, and her white tight top shows her graceful figure to the fullest.

Qi Xuanxuan smiled and turned around in a circle. When she moved, the skirt fluttered, and the white inner inner was exposed, but she didn't feel it at all.

"How about it, isn't it more beautiful and more feeling?"

"It's true, but my wife shouldn't say anything. Your skirt is too short. Let's go to public places!" Lu Yun said with a black face.

I just want to appreciate everything about my wife. There are so many people who play basketball in a while, especially there are a few old watches who are already unbalanced in their hearts.

It feels so bad, how about telling my wife to change her trousers?

"Hey, husband, you are so cute like this, you can take a look!" Qi Xuanxuan lifted up her skirt and giggled.

"I'm wearing a double layer, with sports underwear on the inside, and safety pants on the outside. It's safe, dumb pig."

Although Lu Yunqi heard Qi Xuanxuan say this, he wouldn't go away, and he felt a little more comfortable.

When the two of them were about to set off, Lu Yunqi suddenly looked at Qi Xuanxuan's chest and said in wonder: "Hey, my wife, your breasts..."

Lu Yunqi can guarantee that his wife's is definitely not silica gel, otherwise he will definitely not live until now, but he really doesn't understand, how come he suddenly became smaller?


Qi Xuanxuan directly picked up the tennis racket and knocked it on Lu Yun's head, pretending to be angrily: "You haven't seen enough of every formal thing all day long? Besides, I wear all sports underwear. Of course I tighten it. It looks small."

"Ah, is that so? I feel it!" A salty pig's knuckle went online, took the opportunity to squeeze, and then affirmed seriously: "Well, my wife is so smart, so strong, so tight, she will definitely not sway. "

"Lu Yunqi!"

Qi Xuanxuan roared with a blushing face, and then raised her foot.

"Hiss!" Lu Yun squeezed his legs, the green veins on his face were exposed, and his whole body was almost unsteady.

This is too cruel, from his black face, you can see the pain at the moment.

"My wife, you will lose your happiness like this!"

After a while, Lu Yunqi got better, and said very aggrieved.

Qi Xuanxuan saw that there were tiny beads of sweat coming out of Lu Yun's forehead, she walked over and held her nervously, "Old, husband, no, it's okay!"

"There's something, and it's a very big thing!" Lu Yunqi's pain hadn't passed yet.


After half an hour, the two came to the court slowly.

When Lu Yunqi and Qi Xuanxuan arrived on the court, a group of people on the court had already begun to fight fiercely.

There are only two courts in the entire villa. One is for those who can play, and the other is for a special nanny to teach those who can't play.

Especially for Lu Yunqi's relatives over there, the village really doesn't have that condition, so basically they don't know how to fight, so they can only teach as a nanny.

And these relatives of Qi Xuanxuan's family are very good at playing, so her aunt and sister-in-law are fighting fiercely on the court.

Qi Xuanxuan suddenly asked, "Husband, can you play tennis?"

"Isn't this just about passing the racket? It looks very simple!" Lu Yun raised the tennis racket in his hand, and threw it in the air, trying to pretend to be a beep.



The tennis racket fell to the ground.

Lu Yun looked embarrassed, really wanting to find a hole to get in.

"Puff, I'm sorry, husband, I really can't help it." Qi Xuanxuan covered her mouth and smiled.

The posture of holding the tennis racket was wrong just now, and she had to pretend to be in front of his wife. Qi Xuanxuan didn't want to expose it, but she couldn't help but laugh when she saw that the pretense had failed.

"Well, my wife, why don't you tell me the essentials first? My learning ability is very strong!" Lu Yunqi said embarrassingly.

Fortunately, this is in front of my wife, so I can't learn it!

"Okay, let me teach you the essentials first!"

Qi Xuanxuan nodded, walked up to Lu Yun and started to demonstrate.

The mouth explained: "First, the tennis racket is held. The index finger and **** are slightly separated to form a comfortable angle. Hold it at the upper position of the handle, so that the index finger, thumb, and other fingers form a stable triangle support, which gives the racket more space. More support and control."

"Then, the first step is to turn the racket, hold it at the throat of the racket with the hand that does not hold the racket, and then drive the racket by turning and turning the shoulders to make full preparations for hitting the ball in advance."

"That's it," Qi Xuanxuan said while demonstrating.

Lu Yunqi watched Qi Xuanxuan's movements seriously and listened to her explanation.

"When catching the ball, after turning to start the racket, the hand that has not captured the racket should release the throat in time, then the racket will continue to pull back, and finally the racket will sink.

It should be noted here that the palm of the hand is facing down and the racket surface is closed at this time, instead of the palm of the hand pointing to the side and the racket surface is perpendicular to the ground. "


Qi Xuanxuan completely regarded Lu Yunqi as an entry-level novice, patiently explaining, starting from the most basic gripping, catching, and hitting points.

I have to say that it is really good to have a high IQ head. Under Qi Xuanxuan's explanation and demonstration, Lu Yunqi soon learned the theory.

Practice it!

It should be considered a pass.

Of course, this is just Lu Yunqi's personal feeling.

"Wife, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, I feel I can fight you!" Lu Yun said enthusiastically after the'learning'.

Qi Xuanxuan smiled and squinted her eyes slightly: "Husband, you have just entered the teacher's door, do you have to challenge the master?"

"That's a must!"

As soon as Lu Yun started speaking, the match between the two relatives was over.

There was no suspense in the end that the young sister-in-law won.

After the aunt came off the court, she picked up a towel to wipe her sweat, and sighed: "Hey, people are getting old, so you can't accept the old, you can't keep up with your physical strength!"

"Sister-in-law, have you beaten me before?" The sister-in-law smiled.

When the aunt heard this, she glared at her sister-in-law, "Qi Feifei, you can't save me some face, where are the younger generations?"

Lu Yun picked up two bottles of water and walked to the aunt and sister-in-law. After handing one bottle to him, he looked at the aunt and said, "Auntie, you played well!"

As far as Lu Yunqi is not an entry-level player, Auntie really played well.

"Hahaha, this son-in-law is listening, and the aunt is very happy. Auntie will give you a 10 million red envelope later, haha!" The aunt smiled happily.