

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · perkotaan
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79 Chs

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: : Haochen Entertainment wins film and television adaptation rights

   At noon, Lu Yun started to make a meal and sent it to Qi Xuanxuan.

   This time it was the same as usual, except that two more beauty tomatoes were added to the lunch.

   Haochen Building President's Office.

   Qi Xuanxuan has been sitting in the boss chair looking at the documents, and occasionally a secretary came in to report on some company affairs, and throughout the morning, her **** did not move.

   Bai Cha is sitting on the sofa leisurely and drinking tea. She is the general manager of a company, and now she is not leaving here to eat a meal made by Lu Yunqi.

   Qi Xuanxuan is also very helpless about this.

   "Wow, Xuan Xuan, you hurry up and read that book. I haven't read it for a day. The book circle is so popular."

   White tea sitting on the sofa drinking tea, suddenly said excitedly.

   Qi Xuanxuan, who was looking down at the file, was slightly startled, then put down the file and began to look at it with gusto.


   At this time, Lu Yunqi knocked on the door.

   "Come in!" Qi Xuanxuan said without lifting her head.

   Lu Yun opened the door and saw that Bai Cha was really sitting in Qi Xuanxuan's office. You were waiting, with a wry smile.

   Hey, this cooking is so delicious, and it is also a sin. I just want to keep my wife's stomach, but I don't want to keep my wife and her girlfriend's stomach!

   But I also prepared two lunches this time. After all, the white tea was still tight-lipped yesterday, otherwise the necklace would not serve as a 'fuse for the decisive battle'.

   Seeing that both of them were playing with their mobile phones, Lu Yun got up and walked to the desk, handed Qi Xuanxuan a cucumber, and said softly, "Don't be so hard, eat a cucumber first and add blood!"

   Qi Xuanxuan raised her head when she heard the sound, and saw Lu Yun's handsome face, with a reproachful expression on her face. It was this guy who made herself so embarrassed now, but her mouth calmly said: "Okay!"

   Baicha, who was originally immersed in the world of martial arts, heard the voice of a man suddenly, suddenly looked up, and then saw Lu Yunqi's back.

   Okay, I admit, he is so handsome, even his back is so charming.

   "Hey, handsome guy, this is wrong with you, just give it to your wife. Can't you see that there is a beautiful woman here?" Bai Cha quickly put away her phone, got up and came to Lu Yun's back, patted her shoulder, and laughed.

   Although the novel is good-looking, in front of foodies, it is clear that food is the first.

   "You have them too, but of course the good things have to be eaten by my wife first!" Lu Yun turned around and took out two cucumbers and handed them to the white tea.

   took the cucumber white tea, and was about to thank him happily, but was so sour by these words, and walked onto the sofa with the cucumber.

   Qi Xuanxuan felt her body recovered a lot after eating a cucumber with blood and energy. Although her legs were still aching, she couldn't tell if she didn't observe it carefully.

   "Come to eat!" Lu Yunqi shouted after placing the food on the dinner table.

   The two women heard the sound and walked over.

   For lunch, although the white tea is very fragrant, it is also very sour.

   After the two girls finished eating, Lu Yun packed up and left. After all, he had to go back and update in the afternoon.

   In the office, after the two women finished their lunch, Ning Nannan arrived shortly after.

   The three women discussed together about the start of shooting of "Tian Long Ba Bu".

   Lu Yunqi returned to the villa to prepare for a crazy start code word.


   Time passed, half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

During this half month, Lu Yunqi lived a very regular life every day. He got up at 7 o'clock in the morning and sent his two babies to school. He returned home in the morning and started codewords, made love lunch for Qi Xuanxuan at noon, and went back to the villa to continue codewords in the afternoon. .

   And during this period, "Tian Long Ba Bu" achieved fabulous results under Lu Yunqi's horrible update volume with guaranteed quality and quantity.

From the perspective of writers, Qidian Literature.com has put up banners on the homepage of "Tianlong Ba Bu" for half a month. The website and APP add up to tens of millions of readers every day, and they can see this as soon as they enter the station. Book.

   It is conceivable that this horrible amount of exposure, the number of readings that can be generated every day is very huge.

   Many of the veteran gods of Qidian.com are very uncomfortable looking at them. Normal banner recommendations have a prescribed cycle, so that it will be fairer to everyone.

   But this "The Eight Parts of the Dragon" was completely unreasonably recommended, and it was directly hung on the banner for half a month.

   But when they couldn't help but click into it to read this book, all their dissatisfaction with the website disappeared.

  Because of this book, it is so good to read.

   Even those great gods who write fantasy or cities, when they see the content of "Dragon Babu", they have become fans of it.

  The pen power, plot, characterization, rhythm, rationality of the story, etc., are so impeccable.

   From the reader's point of view, Lu Yunqi's update speed is really refreshing for them.

   The average author basically maintains a stable two to four shifts a day, every two thousand words, as long as it is constantly updated, it can be regarded as very diligent.

   Some great gods, if they can update five to ten updates a day, it is simply a great happiness for readers.

   But how big is Duguyun?

   It has been updated to nearly one million characters in less than twenty days since it was published, and the average daily update volume is more than 50,000.

   Of course, no one would think that Lu Yunqi's hands were too fast, and they all subtly think that this is because they have a lot of manuscripts.

   is mainly because of such a large amount of updates, which makes readers look very happy. However, more importantly, even with such a large update, there is no water at all, it is full of plot dry goods.

   This also greatly enhances readers' love of the author.

   On this day, Lu Yunqi came to deliver food to Qi Xuanxuan as usual.    Entering the office, she discovered that Qi Xuanxuan was not in the office, and Lu Yun simply sat on the sofa and played with her mobile phone.

   Although he has been to the company several times, he is not very familiar with the company. The reason why he did not send a message to ask is because he confirmed before he came that Qi Xuanxuan is indeed in the company.

   took out his phone and started to scan Weibo.

   Just opened Weibo and saw an announcement from Haochen Entertainment:

   [We have won the film and television adaptation rights of "Tian Long Ba Bu", and we look forward to Hao Chen Entertainment bringing you a new style of martial arts drama next. The new drama is in preparation, so stay tuned. ]

   Lu Yunqi curiously clicked on the comments on Weibo, and the whole comment area was exploded.

   Following the hot search on Weibo, several hot searches about Tianlong Babu appeared, and many fans expressed that they are looking forward to the new martial arts movie.

   At the same time, many artists under Haochen Entertainment have also posted Weibo, with high expectations for the new drama, and the male and female protagonists have been determined.

   The one that everyone talks about is actually the actor of the heroine Wang Yuyan, because of this person, Lu Yunqi also knows.

   That is Qi Xuanxuan's best friend, white tea.

   A second-line actor who retired from the entertainment industry three years ago, this time he will appear in Denon Babu.

   This made Lu Yunqi very surprised. I had never heard of Bai Cha before that she was still an actor, and she always thought she was just a stubborn princess.

  The fans of Baicha are very curious. They didn't expect that the first drama of Baicha's comeback was actually an ancient martial arts.

   For a time, many fans began to wonder, what kind of story is this new home telling, and the famous high-cold goddess Baicha in the entertainment industry is willing to make a comeback for it?