
The Goddess Salvation System

"The Goddess Salvation System" depicts the story of Frank, who unexpectedly traverses to a mysterious and perilous parallel world. There, he discovers himself as the partner of the Goddess, endowed with a series of mysterious abilities and tasks. As the Chosen One, he not only possesses formidable reproductive powers but also can acquire abundant experience and skills through faith connections and sacrifices. While exploring the unknown, Frank must make careful choices to survive and achieve his goals in this enigmatic parallel world.

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50 Chs

Chapter 10- Ivanka will be fine

"Wait, Vicky, do I... still have a chance to see you?"

"Of course. Work hard to improve your tool, Ivanka, and you will have the opportunity to see me. When communicating with consciousness, you can treat it as if I am still present. Good luck, my executor."

It seemed that after choosing this skill, the beginner's guidance had ended. Frank paused for a few minutes to let his overheated brain cool down, then made his choice.

"Soul anchoring activated. From now on, you and Ivanka enter a linked binding state. No matter how far apart you are, you can initiate soul communication with her actively through consciousness. After this skill is activated, Ivanka's mental baseline will be locked, only weakening or changing, not collapsing. If you die, Ivanka will also disappear from this world. Ivanka's exclusive blessing has been activated. Please make your choice at the next Holy Semen absorption."

Frank exhaled and slowly withdrew his softened penis from Ivanka's body.

An indescribable connection appeared in his mind, reminding him of his almost obsessive obsession with this girl in the past.

Tiffany approached again, offering to clean his sticky lower body with her tongue.

This time, he didn't refuse.

At the same time, he wanted to try the so-called soul dialogue.

According to Vicky, Ivanka was just unable to control her body due to discomfort; her soul was already inside. So, soul dialogue should work.

He decided to give it a try. Calling out in his mind, he shouted, "Ivanka, Ivanka!" Almost immediately, he received a familiar voice in his consciousness, which should have been pleasant but sounded slightly hoarse due to anger.

"Frank! You bastard! Son of a bitch! I was blind before! How did I not see that you are such a shameless villain!"

"Hey, why are you so upset? Calm down a bit, okay?"

"I don't want to calm down! I celebrated your birthday, I wanted to marry you, I gave you everything, and what did you do? You pretended to be dead to scare me, then brought me to this damn place! What about my original body? Who is this skinny monkey? Why can't I move? Why did you rape me! I can't control my body, but I still have feelings... sob sob sob..."

Ivanka burst into tears, and her voice changed tone again.

Frank couldn't help but feel nervous. Instinctively wanting to apologize out of habit, he didn't know where to start. He could only try to comfort her first: "Ivanka, don't be angry. Listen to my explanation."

"I'm not listening! That jerk who threw me over here told me herself, she said she wanted me to be your anchor, your tool... Why should I! Do I owe you anything? I just wanted to marry you, not give you everything! Let me go back, I want to go back, I want to go back—!" Annoying. Let's interrupt for now.

Frank ceased communication, patting Tiffany's head to signal that it was over. As he straightened his clothes, he couldn't help but complain inwardly. Wasn't it supposed to prevent her from breaking down? But she's clearly lost all rationality and won't listen to anything.

However, thinking about it from her perspective, it's probably hard to stay rational.

He glanced at the sky. With two girls in tow, he couldn't spend the night in the wilderness. Taking a moment to rest, he then squatted down to lift Ivanka onto his back, and with Tiffany by his side, he headed towards the city of Lorsa.

Luckily, they left early. After passing a patch of mud, Tiffany offered to take a turn carrying Ivanka for a while. When he looked back, he saw several pairs of glowing eyes on the other side of the pit.

Considering that Ivanka hadn't been eaten overnight, they were indeed lucky.

When they entered the city, the guards questioned them briefly. With Tiffany's testimony that she and Ivanka were both Frank's slaves, they were allowed to pass as merchants.

With money in his pocket, Frank wasn't too worried, even though prices in Lorsa were slightly higher than in the small town. He still considered himself well-off.

Unable to eat outside with an unconscious Ivanka, he first went to the inn and booked a high-class room. Then he gave all his copper coins to Tiffany and asked her to buy something to eat.

After Tiffany left, Frank tried to operate the magic crystal lamp on the table, but he had no magic power at all. He couldn't even handle the simplest magic crystal products.

Oh well, you win some, you lose some. He'd leave these kinds of tasks to Tiffany in the future.

Glancing at Ivanka on the bed, he walked over and spoke, "Ivanka, since you can hear me, I hope you'll stay calm the next time I try to communicate with you. Otherwise, I'll interrupt again. This isn't our world anymore. Here, you have to rely on me. If I die, you die too. Our lives are connected now. You should accept reality. I know you're smart enough to understand our current situation. I'll wait a few minutes, then I'll try to communicate with you again."

After waiting for a while, he sat beside Ivanka and initiated communication on the soul level.

Ivanka, are you calmer now?

Frank felt a pang in his heart.


"Because of you, I'm stuck here! I had such a good life before... And now? I'm trapped in this ugly, skinny monkey body, unable to move. And you came here just to bully me! Do you know how much it hurts... I feel like I'm on fire down there right now, you're so heartless."

I did it to save you. If it weren't for ejaculating inside you, I wouldn't be able to communicate with you like this. Since you can feel, you should know how nervous I was to find you.

"You came to me just to rape me, Frank. I misjudged you. You know I'm a virgin again here, right? You're still bothered that I had relationships before and didn't give my first time to you, aren't you? But you didn't even dare to confess. I had so many guys chasing me, why should I pursue you? Even if I'm not a virgin anymore, is it such a big deal for you to marry me? Do you need to take revenge on me like this? What you did just now wasn't making love, you were stabbing me with a blunt knife! I hate you, I hate you so much!"

An unnamed fury surged in Frank's heart, and he clenched his fists, gritting his teeth involuntarily.

Finally, he couldn't contain himself any longer and shouted in his mind:

Am I not supposed to hate you too? I've liked you for so many years, and you've been tossed around by others without even giving me a proper look! I'm just a backup tool for you. I treat you like a goddess, and you treat me like a lapdog!

And that's not even the worst of it. You get pregnant by someone else, then come to me to pick up the pieces? How much have I done for you over the past decade? And you still have the nerve to hate me?

Ivanka was sobbing uncontrollably, her words piercing through Frank's heart like daggers.

"How many things? Weren't those things all voluntary on your part? Would I not have found someone else to help me if it weren't for you? You insisted on coming over! You think I treat you like a backup tool, a lapdog? Did I not introduce you to several girls? What can I do if you're not interested in me? Do you want me to date you just to make you feel touched? You help me with things, and I have to be your girlfriend? Is a girlfriend something you buy at the market? You're almost thirty, Frank, don't you know how to pursue a girl? You like me but won't say it, and when you want to be with me, you won't chase me... Fine, I've been abandoned now, no one wants me, I'm pregnant and can't bear to abort it. The doctor said if I have another abortion, I might not be able to be a mother. I always thought you were a good person... That's why I wanted to find you. After your birthday, I was going to tell you about this... If you don't want it, I'll have the abortion and see if I can still have your child. I hid it from you for a moment, I didn't plan to lie to you forever. I was just worried about you... But you don't want me, do you..."

Frank felt a headache coming on. He realized he couldn't resist Ivanka's tearful tone, and his heart softened.

Ivanka, let's forget about the past for now. We won't talk about it anymore. We can't change the current situation.

You used to think you were good at choosing boyfriends, right? Then you should know that I'm your only reliance now. You can only follow me. I hope we can get along well. After all... I still sincerely like you. Even in your current state, I still like you. Really.

"I don't believe you. I heard you have a slave now, and you let her perform oral sex on you. Frank, you've changed. You're not the kind-hearted fat guy I knew. You're just a pervert, a rogue, a jerk. I want to go back... I want to find my mom and dad... I want to get married... I want to live my normal life. I want to watch dramas and go shopping... I don't want to be your tool in this ghostly place... Your slave... Wahh——"

In all the years Frank had known her, he had never heard Ivanka cry like this. Even when she had her first heartbreak, she had managed to keep her composure while crying. If she had a physical body now, her features would probably have been distorted by her tears.

When a girl cries like this, the best course of action is to wait. Frank realized that this was something Ivanka had taught him.

Ivanka had once half-seriously given him lessons on the art of love, but soon she had become deeply involved in another romance and had no time to spare for him.

So, he hadn't even learned how to properly pursue her.

Perhaps because crying in the soul realm didn't consume much energy, Ivanka had cried until Tiffany returned.

Seeing Tiffany's slightly disheveled appearance and nervous expression, Frank furrowed his brow and stood up, asking, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Tiffany shook her head at first, then put down the food and drink she had bought and said quietly, "Nothing major. It's just... slaves aren't supposed to move freely. Someone misunderstood and thought I ran away, and they wanted to take me to the slave trader."

"What? Did you explain?"

"I did. But no one believed me..." Tiffany sighed, "Luckily, the innkeeper came out to buy food, and he testified that when I stayed at the inn, I didn't wear a collar. It was my master who let me move freely."

Frank glanced at the collar around Ivanka's neck, which didn't have a key, and furrowed his brow. "It looks like I'll have to go out in the future to avoid you being caught."

"I'll be careful in the future," Tiffany quickly assured him. "Next time, I'll pull more hair to cover up the slave tattoo on my neck. Most people won't recognize me as a slave then. Master, it's my duty and my value to work for you."

"You should learn to find your own better value," Frank said softly, surveying her body. "As long as you're okay. Come, let's eat."

"What about Ivanka? She's still unconscious. Will she starve to death?" Frank was startled and quickly asked the consciousness.

"No, Holy Semen can help her replenish her vitality."

Phew, Frank breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't worry, Ivanka will be fine. With the blessing of the goddess, I'll definitely help her wake up smoothly."