
Chapter 8

Kieran's POV

She is leaving us, she is. Who was I to think that I can take care or even pursue her to stay. The word came out of my mouth before I could think clearly, the moment they left my mouth I regretted it but what was the use if she is not happy with me. It's been five days and I couldn't even hold on to that.


"What do you wanna do now?" her soft, smooth voice and her dark brown eyes revert me from Rieka 's howling.

"What did you have in mind?" I look at her, her waist still in my hands and her eyes focused on me for the first time since she came here.

"I want dinner, can you cook?" I learnt when I was 80 yrs old, I was a teenager.

"Of course I can cook, come on I will make you something delicious" I took her soft, small hand and let her followed my lead. She sat on top of the kitchen counter, a small smile appeared and everything melted away. Just a smile and this time I was the course of that smile, whether it was genuine or not it looks good on her and I want to her smile and laugh like that everyday until the day I depart this world.


 Rieka stopped howling. "What's your other name Kieran?" she asked looking at me from the counter close to the sink, looking like a goddess with her dark brown skin and her curly hair that looks soft, and her plum lips that I am strangely attracted to.

"Rai" copping some onions and switching on the stove her eyes move with me after a few moment "What does it mean?"

"It means "trust" and "lightning" or "thunder. I was given that name because of my powers". she made a question face

"Powers?" she said in an almost whisper "Yes, powers that I have been given when I was born"

"What kind of powers?" she askes "Power to control the weather mostly thunder and lightning, but the weather as a whole"

She gets down from the counter and makes her way next to me, her body is behind me while I move from the cutting board to the stove

"So are you telling me that you can make it rain right now?" she asks, her eyes glued on me.

"Yes, most of the time I don't change weather in command , it is mostly done by how I feel, you know, emotions." I said, she is still standing next to me, close enough for me to feel her skin against mine even if it's a small touch.

I wanna touch her again make her mine, protect that beautiful baby face that make me feel weak even when I am the the future alpha. "That's kind of cool, you know I am....." she quiets for a long time.

"You are what?" she walked to the refrigerator and took out an apple, rinsed it "Nothing, Where did you learn how to cook?" she climbed back to were she was sitting in the beginning. She holding back from saying something.

"From my mother" I said she started eating the apple "Well I guess I gotta give props to your mother then" I smile

"Why would you give props to her, I am the one those cooking for you, right"

"In your dreams Wolfie, I would rather die than give you any props" she said, her smile showing a bit more of teeth than the last. Her, she is everything and more, she holds my heart in her hands and I am mesmerized by everything that is her.

I want to know her and if she leaves, she will be gone forever. "What's your name, your full real name?" I ask, when she kept quiet for a second I thought I went to far.

"Aylin Selene Forest" she said biting into her apple

"What do they mean?" I asked

"Aylin means 'Moon halo; One who belongs to the moon' and Selene means 'the moon' " she says after looking away then back at me

"Both your names have 'moon' in them, you shine as bright as the moon" she looks at me as I look at her

"I know that, I will take the compliment because I feel sorry for you" she smiles



 After hours of talking and silences in between, the food was ready. We sat at a dinning table, she sat next to me.

"It looks and smells delicious" she said reaching her body and plating for herself.

"Wow I'm impressed" she started eating after a few moments of me just staring at her eating and moaning over my food she looked at me "Aren't you hungry, you should eat" she said with food still in her mouth.

"I am full by just watching you eat caramel" I said, I probably look like an idiot.

"Do you want some water or some ...."

"Kie..." my mind is rushing with ideas of what we can do for the day before it ends "cake after this"

"Or do you want to go for a run in the woods, you know there...." my mouth is moving so fast I can't grasp what I am saying. I am excited and so is Rieka he's jumping around and howling. Attitudinal wolf.

"Kieran" she touch's my hand that was placed on my thigh "Yes" I said sucking in a breath.

"You can relax, calm down okay" she looked at me with eyes of pity and I hated it, she know that she is leaving the second the sunsets and the night ends.

"How can I relax when all I have is one day left with my mate, the one I am, well was meant to spend forever with" I said, I hated that my voice sounded sad and hurt

"Keiran, I was never meant to be your mate, never have. I was a mistake okay and I am sure you will find your real mate out there but that mate, is not me" she said removing her hand from mine before I cught it in my hands.

"Stay with me okay we can have a life together have babies build a pack and our home, we can make it work caramel please"

"I can't...we have been over this"

"WHY, HUH WHY" my words came out as a growl, anger burning in me "YOU ARE MY MATE, THERE IS NO ONE ELSE THAT CAN BE MY MATE EXEPT FOR YOU"

"I CAN'T ....okay"


"I can't tell you that Kieran, it's not important" she looks away from me fidgest with her fingers.


"Aylin I tried giving you space, it's you all over this house, my mind, my bedroom." she looks up at me with the eyes of pity, not the eyes of love or patience or any other emotion but pity is the one I despise the most that fill her eyes in this moment.

"Your scent fills this house with you there is no where to escape, do you know how that feel like, how it is like to not be able to touch your own mate. It takes every ounce of my control control to be able to not touch you. Every day, minute and second that I spend without you in my arms feels like I'm being punished, like I am being stabbed all over my body and my mind it's is getting burnt. I am getting weaker" I look at her dark brown eyes that still hold nothing for me

"I still can't. I'm sorry" she gets up and walks away before going far I get up.

"AYLIN, PLEASE" she was about to climb the stairs that lead up to the second floor of the house. "WHAT MUST I SAY TO MAKE YOU STAY HERE, WITH ME, WITH US?"

She looks down to where I was standing "Nothing Kiera, you can do nothing" she walks away

It's official I am a rejected future Alpha. I am not even sure I am a future anything without her.

What do yall think?, Are you digging the photos that I added?, should I add more or no? (Might come back to edit)

What do you guys think about Kieran and Rieka?

Aylin is not having it.

Please let me know and thank you for reading this chapter please leave a comment and like. I would love to hear feed back on this book. Thank you for reading byee lovies

Forestsunshinecreators' thoughts