

the underprivileged boy who was not favored from a young age was given an opportunity to turn around and eventually became the dominant force in the world

DaoistVSZKU5 · Fantasi
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6 Chs

New Power

Wu Tian didn't stop and went straight to the second floor of the restaurant, where the Rose Room 1 mentioned on the note was located. When he arrived here, he could no longer suppress his anger and quickly approached the target location, then suddenly pushed open the door, which was dark inside.

As soon as he entered the room, Wu Tian felt a wave of knives attacking him. He quickly dodged and only then did he see the situation in the room clearly. The person who just started fighting is now standing at the door. He slowly closes the door and looks at Wu Tian coldly. On the other side, Xia Ming was tied with ropes all over his body and stuffed with cloth strips in his mouth. Now he let out a whimpering cry at Wu Tian, his face full of tension and anger. Beside Xia Ming, two other men stood, all wearing masks, but the murderous aura emanating from their bodies was enough to make anyone tremble with fear. That's right, they are the group of people who wanted to assassinate him before. At this moment, Wu Tian only wanted to understand why he had committed such a heinous crime as to make people resort to violence.

"Where the hell are you from? Why did you assassinate me?"

"We just take people's money and have to help them with disaster relief. This is what we do. You don't need to know too much. Wu Tian, accept the embrace of death!" He grinned grimly, as if he had already seen Wu Tianming's life approaching soon.

"This is really unexpected!" Wu Tian looked at the two people in black and was surprised in his heart. He thought he wouldn't encounter any problems in this restaurant, but who knew these two people would use the Kirin Knife Technique? I heard it was taught by core members of the Wu family.

He looked at the countless twists and turns of the knife technique, his heart boiling with excitement, as if he had gone back to the time when he was a child reading martial arts novels. He witnessed those two knives cutting towards him, knowing that he must give it his all, otherwise his soul would only return to the West.

Seeing them fighting side by side, he knew they were good at birds fighting and fighting together. He had to find their weaknesses and separate them. And the way he knows is to defeat one first and then fight the other.

Two knives rushed towards him like two lightning bolts, and he tightened his muscles like a cheetah, rolling to one side in an instant.

The attack speed of these two black clad men is really dazzling, like lightning piercing through clouds. Their moves are endless, and their speed is like a whirlwind in a strong wind, making it difficult to resist. They were like two wild beasts, forcing Wu Tian step by step into a corner, leaving him nowhere to escape.

Immediately after, a crisp and passionate voice sounded: "Break the demon!" It was like a spring thunder call, and then a brilliant starlight flashed in the dark night. The eyes of both sides collided, causing the black clothed man to feel dizzy for a moment. Then a strong force interrupted his attack and hit him heavily.

With a loud bang, it was like a mountain collapsing and the ground shattering. The black clothed man in front was splattered with blood, and his body immediately collided with the black clothed man behind him.

Wu Tian took the opportunity to snatch the knife from his hand in an instant, leaving a bloodstain on his heart. He roared and thrust the knife into his heart with all his might. Then a heavy punch flew another person away.

Just as Wu Tian was about to end the battle and disappear with the life of another man in black, the door of the restaurant was surprisingly pushed open. This sudden change instantly plunged the entire private room into silence. This incident directly disrupted Wu Tian's plan.

It was the second manager of the restaurant who looked serious and directly questioned Wu Tian why he had to take action on his territory. This question directly hits Wu Tian's heart. But Wu Tian was not intimidated by his aura. Surprisingly calm, he remained silent and walked towards Xia Ming, who was trapped. He untied his rope and planned to let him escape. If anyone dares to stop him today, he will kill him.

"I'm taking him away today, I see who dares to stop me!" This statement shocked everyone present, as no one has ever dared to cause trouble here.

Although the second steward seemed strict, he didn't actually stop Xia Ming from leaving. He asked Xia Ming to lean over and suddenly said, "You go, I won't cause trouble for you today." Then he stood there, his gaze fixed on Wu Tian, as if asking him to explain all the various mysteries. He is very curious about what role the man in front of him is.

The second steward's pace slowly approached, not a person who was just talking on paper. He walked in armor like a soldier, each step demonstrating his determination and strength. He took solid steps forward, his powerful momentum charging straight towards Yang Tian, as if it were a huge storm that made it impossible to breathe.

Everyone looked at him, their fear clearly written on their faces, as if they had seen a fierce tiger descending the mountain. Everyone secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and began to pray.

"This guy is too strong!" Wu Tian felt the pressure deeply. His strength has reached the eighth level of the pulse, which is not something that can be thrown out casually.

The cultivation realm of the second steward has reached the late stage of the eighth level of the pulse gate, like reaching an insurmountable mountain peak, which is both admirable and feared. That kind of momentum is unique, giving people a feeling of being so strong that they cannot resist, like an invisible wall. The cultivation of the eight fold pulse requires a large amount of rare and exotic treasures, even resources that only the royal family and nobles can possess. Every breakthrough in the realm requires these rare treasures and powerful internal forces, which is a severe test of the warrior's body and heart. For the sake of strong strength, many cultivators are willing to spend a lot of money, but even a wealthy person with ten thousand taels of gold may not reach the current level of being a second steward. The road is difficult, and the possibility of success is very slim. In fact, many people have tried, but have encountered failures halfway through. Only a few people, such as the second steward, can truly reach the realm of the eight fold pulse system and belong to the top class of cultivators.

Despite the high cultivation level of the second butler, whose strength has reached the eighth level of the pulse, his released momentum seems to be able to instantly crush everything. However, to his surprise, he did not rush towards Wu Tian. Instead, he stood still like a sturdy rock, as if he had already let go of his inner passion and restlessness.

His gaze lingered on Wu Tian, deeply locking onto him. He felt the hidden power in Wu Tian's body. Although it was weak, it was unique and profound, as if the stars were holding the moon, clearly different from others. He has an absolute reason to respect, appreciate, and cherish this power.

The second butler waved his hand casually, seemingly indifferent to the man in black. His subordinates immediately acted flexibly, while the man in black seemed to disappear into the darkness and disappeared without a trace. At this moment, his attention was entirely focused on Wu Tian, as if examining a unique treasure.

In his eyes, Wu Tian's future is incredibly bright. "This person will have great achievements," he felt extremely clear in his heart. He decided to make friends with Wu Tian as soon as possible, after all, on the path of cultivation, sometimes a powerful friend may be the true treasure.

The second butler smiled and said, "Come over, sit down, have a drink. I'll treat you to this meal." His words were like a sunny morning, making people feel warm and fresh. "Tell me your secrets, such as this pendant." His eyes showed anticipation and curiosity, as if a child had discovered an interesting toy.

He reached out and gently touched the pendant of the square, which seemed to test people's hearts. It seemed that the secret of the pendant had aroused his curiosity, and he wanted to know what was hidden in Wu Tian.

His expression was sincere and devoid of any aggression. A hint of doubt rose in Wu Tian's heart. The actions of the second butler made his judgment somewhat unclear, and he felt like he was caught in a vortex, possibly unable to extricate himself at any time. He started at the second butler's shop, and anyone would get angry in such a situation. However, the second butler didn't take it seriously and instead invited him to drink. His actions were too easy-going, which made Wu Tian feel a bit uneasy.

The inner panic echoed in his heart like Gu Yin in the darkness. He couldn't help but doubt the motives of the second butler, whether it was because of the power of the stars in his body that he did this to him? Is that kind and amiable appearance genuine or disguised, and what conspiracy is hidden behind it?

However, Wu Tian was also thinking that if the second butler really knew his secret, if he truly understood the long lost and mysterious power of the stars, perhaps he would be willing to sit down and talk about each other's inner journey together. After all, there are not so many people in the world who can understand this power. If the second butler were his confidant, perhaps the two could go further. "

Suddenly, the phoenix pendant around Wu Tian's neck lit up. It didn't matter if it flickered, but it scared the second butler.

The second butler's heart was like a huge stone thrown into the lake, with surging waves. His breathing paused, his eyes flickering with flames of shock and excitement. He felt his heart beating rapidly in his chest, as if a wild horse was roaring. He took a deep breath, his eyes shining with excitement. In an instant, he seemed to see his own life, like a frog falling into a well, bound in a fixed position. And now, it is the unattainable power of the stars that awakens him.

"The power of the stars, the power of the stars!" he repeated excitedly. What lingers in his heart is the legend told to him by the Stargazer who once lived on the mountaintop. The magical power that has been talked about is so mysterious and heart shaking, just like those stars that illuminate the darkness alone in deep nights. "This treasure analyzes the starry sky, connects all things, and it seems that the person we are waiting for is you." He said as he looked at Wu Tian, waves surging from his chest, igniting a crazy passion in his heart.

Wu Tian looked at the excited expression of the second butler with a hopeful heart. He could feel the passionate heat, like the first ray of dawn. He felt as if he had discovered a glimmer of light in a dark tunnel, and his heart was beating faster.

"It seems I made the right bet," he thought to himself. The second butler must have some information about the power of the stars. He began to think of his third uncle, who had always been elusive and mysterious.

The second butler's eyes were as bright as stars, and he spoke softly, "The power of stars is like a fleeting force, the most mysterious force in the world, beyond the understanding of ordinary people. This is like how we often see in reading scriptures that the essence of power is actually the mysterious feeling deeply embedded in nature and projected onto the human heart. Perhaps this is the ultimate answer to the legend that is unparalleled in the world.".

That kind of power is like having no sword in hand and a sword in the heart. Anyone who wants to reach it can only be in its realm, perceive its feelings, and cannot truly grasp it. Once, the most powerful people tried to find the source of the legend, but they all went, but none of them could come back. Perhaps this is like a fish leaping over a dragon's gate, only the brave can succeed.

"Didn't they come back? Are they all dead?" Wu Tian asked.

The second butler took a deep breath and then nodded. His eyes were deep, like darkness in the abyss, reflecting an indescribable sadness in his pupils. "There are indeed many people," his voice was deep and silent.

"In this world, there are always some people who are brave enough to move forward and never turn back, even if they are willing to exchange their lives for money, just to explore the power of loss. They are like those characters who are like moths to the fire, determined to realize their dreams, even if they pay the price of their lives."

"Some people, for the power of the stars, can portray the last giant waves of their lives. Sometimes, I really feel like they have witnessed the final sunrise, pursued that endless power, and then disappeared in that radiant moment..." His voice gradually became sorrowful.

The second butler took out an ancient book carved with gold and jade from his spacious robe, adorned with patterns of flying dragons in the sky, mysterious yet profound. He handed it to Wu Tian and said, "This is originally 'Star Wars'. Only those who truly possess the power of the stars can fully understand its techniques, otherwise it will only backfire on themselves."

His voice is very heavy, like an old student in traditional Peking Opera, with every word filled with majesty. He said again, "I didn't give it to you for nothing. You should know that there is a connection, payment, and receipt. You owe me a favor, and no matter where I need help, you have to come."

Wu Tian nodded deeply as he watched the second butler. He knew it was a heavy trust and he needed to take it seriously. The second butler looked at Wu Tian, smiled contentedly, then turned around, his back disappeared, and slowly walked out of the room. "Don't disturb the distinguished guests in this room," the second butler left a message and disappeared.

Since no one disturbed him, Wu Tian began to study the Hundred Wars of the Stars.

Wu Tianjing sat in the gentle temperature created by the power of the stars, with ripples rising deep within him, feeling the washing of the surrounding starlight, but his mind remained calm like water. He quietly felt the energy nurtured in his body, connected to the pulse. His pulse swayed like a sea of stars, like gentle stars cascading one after another, gradually releasing a faint starlight.

This seemingly ordinary moment carries profound implications behind it. It is precisely he who uses the Star Warfare Body as a method to fully integrate divine power into his body, and every inch of his skin, every bone, and even flesh and blood are devouring this power, constantly refining day and night.

This late night, the starlight is like water, independent and converging together, illuminating all things and infiltrating the earth. Wu Tian is like a part of this night sky, with every flicker of starlight, his body is like a faint mist, emitting a warm radiance.

His face, bathed in brilliant starlight, had a mysterious and obscure feeling. Practicing this mysterious body refining technique also requires timing and luck.

Wu Tian quietly closed his eyes, sealing the deep feelings and thoughts in his heart. He calmly focused and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the cultivation of the stars and battles. At this moment, his body was in nothingness, as if it had become a part of the starlight, and his blood, soul, muscles, and bones were beating with the power of the stars.

During the cultivation process, Wu Tiangong's heart was like a ethereal sky, with thoughts flying back and forth in it. His mood, like his body, seems to be closely related to his surroundings, like a flowing star, influenced by various feelings that deeply imprint in his heart and nourish his strength.

Star Wars is not only a method of cultivation, but also a form of physical and mental exercise. It is guided by the stars and strengthens various aspects of the body through prolonged battles, while stimulating and enhancing individual potential.

This cultivation method can strengthen the body's strength and endurance. Through continuous battles, Wu Tian's muscles and bones gradually became stronger and harder in texture. The strength stored in his muscles has broken through the limits of an average person, giving him exceptional performance in strength. He can easily withstand strong opponents and still remain strong without exhaustion.

Practicing the Star Hundred Battles can greatly improve Wu Tian's speed and reaction ability. Due to his body not being accustomed to high-intensity combat in extreme environments, he is not very keen on controlling speed and strength. However, now that his physical foundation has reached a new level, he can make lightning like reactions in an instant and respond quickly and accurately to any unexpected situation.

As time passed, his understanding of the Hundred Battles of the Stars gradually deepened. This is a chaotic era, filled with struggles and challenges, where life and death depend on World War I. For him, this hundred battles were not only a challenge, but also a way to find himself and enhance his strength. On this boundless battlefield, only through continuous fighting can one find their own position and become the fearsome Wu Tian, who contains profound strategies.

The emotions in his heart gave rise to a strong desire, and his pursuit of power became even more determined. He deeply understands that every powerful existence is breaking through numerous difficulties, repeatedly defeating and fighting, honing oneself, and progressing step by step. Starry battles, every defeat is his driving force for progress.