
Ce monde est si merdique

Badum, badum

In a dark alley in the city of miroa, a young boy witnesses the rape of his older sister by a group of young heirs. Crying, he struggles as he can and gets knocked out.

He wakes up for a while later in a hospital in the square with a start.

Him: 🤕 what am I doing here? Where is doriane? I just had a nightmare.

A nurse enters the room and, noting her awakening, calls the doctor.

Doctor: hello my boy, are you okay already?

Shad: ....

Doctor in his head: he always looks sounded, where is this country where we find 10-year-old children stunned in the alleys?

Boy, we found you unconscious in an alley and took care of you. You have nothing serious

This doctor's statement is like a shot at shad's heart who realizes that the nightmare is very real.

He exclaims in tears, where is my sister?

30 minutes later, police vehicles with shad and the doctor go to the place where shad was recovered. In front of them stands a scene that will remain forever engraved in their memories: a group of young girls in blood and naked.

Shad gets out of the crying police car in search of his sister and is breathless, he feels like a part of him broken in front of the state in which his sister is low.