
7.13.1 My very own Knight.

Plans change.

Or so one might have wondered, but the thing is. The passion of war is hard to deny. I want to experience it, even if it's from the perspective of a fake like me.

The losses don't matter, what matters is the joy of deaths and misery that is intermixed with hope for a better future. 

This was the thing that was different between us and Cynark. They were a kingdom of oppressors with an army of nothing more than slaves, while we were fighting for our own future. A future with no more death anymore.

Meaning, that the people of Yethel were much more driven than the likes of soldiers from Yethel, it was only their population of elites that gave them an edge. 

As for the issue with Kairut's request, the destruction of his place can still be carried out in different ways.