
5.09.2 Don't come back.

After that day, the fear in his heart had grown stronger. 

The ignorant boy was no more, the moment he understood the gravity of his situation and knew that what was on the line, he slipped into depression.

He worried for his life, but more than his own life, he worried for his parents and their future. 

He wondered that he had ruined their life by going on a nonsensical adventure, all in an attempt to help his friend. 

A foolish endeavor when looked at in hindsight, there were so many warnings, even Rashid himself has warned him of all of this. But his ignorant self had ignored all of them. He had fallen deep into trenches with figures he couldn't fully understand. And he was also unaware of how long until police arrived at his door.

A simple sign that Henry was not the old him, neither was he like Crow, a foolish boy who just pursued wonder and entertainment.