
The God of Death System

In a world filled with dungeons and monsters, Yan Luo's life takes an unexpected turn. After becoming a low-level supernatural being for a year, he discovers that his past life had created a consciousness to guide him should he ever need it in the future. The consciousness knows him better than anyone else, and it has created a unique system for him. Yan Luo now wields the God of Death System, but little does he know that the system is actually his own past life consciousness. Due to certain circumstances, he has become the system itself, merging with the God of Death and God of System within him. However, this newfound power comes at a price, and Yan Luo soon realizes that his abilities are not only dark and dangerous but also restricted and limited by the system. As he tries to understand the true purpose of the system, Yan Luo must awaken it by delving deep into his memories and confronting the darkest aspects of his past. But with the line between reality and illusion blurring, Yan Luo must also grapple with the question of whether he can truly trust the consciousness within the system or if it has a hidden agenda that could lead him down a dangerous path. In this world of monsters and mysteries, Yan Luo must navigate his way through various supernatural powerhouses, uncover the secrets of the system, and ultimately decide whether he will succumb to his dark powers or use them for good.

Gabriantheus · Fantasi
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71 Chs

The Animals Prepares

The hybrid creatures of Karyon were not well known to the majority of the world's inhabitants, hidden away as they were in the depths of the multiverse. They had long worshipped the powerful deity, who had guided them through countless trials and tribulations on their original world. But when their world was destroyed by a cosmic cataclysm, it was Karyon who had stepped in to save them, transporting them to this new and unfamiliar world.

Now, after years of wandering the rift between worlds, they had finally found a place to call home. And with Karyon's guidance, they were preparing to make their mark on this world, a place of magic and monsters that was rife with opportunity and danger alike.

But as they prepared to disembark on this new world, they could sense that something was amiss. The energy of the world felt unstable, as though something was brewing beneath the surface. And the whispers from the other side of the rift spoke of powerful beings and ancient prophecies, warning them of a great danger that was coming.

Despite these warnings, the hybrid creatures of Karyon were determined to make their home on this temporary world. They had faced countless dangers and overcome impossible odds in the past, and they would do so again. For Karyon had blessed them with strength and resilience beyond that of any mortal creature, and they would not be deterred by mere whispers of danger.

As they prepared to step through the rift and onto this new world, they steeled themselves for whatever lay ahead. For they knew that they would face many challenges and trials in the days to come, but they also knew that they were not alone. With Karyon's blessings, they would face the future with courage and determination, ready to carve out a new destiny for themselves in this journey to the new world.

Their preparations were meticulous, honing their skills and sharpening their claws to perfection. Their magic was a force to be reckoned with, and their physical training was grueling but necessary. They knew that Earth would not be easily conquered, but they were determined to succeed.

For years, they waited patiently for their chance to enter the world of the humans. And when the first dungeons began to appear on Earth, they knew that their opportunity had finally arrived. They gathered their forces, ready to make their move.

The monsters who were preparing to invade Earth were a formidable force, made up of various hybrid creatures, each with their own unique abilities and powers. Among them were giant serpents, massive griffins, and ferocious manticores.

These monsters had been living in their own dimension, a place where magic and power were abundant, but their world was destroyed by a great cataclysmic event, leaving them with no choice but to seek refuge in another world. They turned to their god, Karyon, for guidance, and he led them to a rift between worlds that would allow them to enter Earth.

The monsters knew that they would face fierce opposition from the humans, who had grown complacent in their safety due to the increasing number of hunters and the existence of dungeons. But the monsters were determined to take over the world, and they had been training tirelessly in preparation for the impending war.

They had sharpened their claws, honed their magical abilities, and strengthened their physical bodies to perfection. They knew that their success depended on their ability to work together, to use their individual skills to complement one another in battle.

As they readied themselves for the invasion, the monsters felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. They were eager to prove themselves, to show the humans that they were not to be underestimated.

The tension was mounting as the monsters honed their skills and prepared for their invasion. Little did they know, they were not alone. Outside their pockets of space, invincible specters were monitoring them, ever-vigilant for any signs of trouble. And within the shadows of every dark corner, there lurked other dark creatures, watching their every move with bated breath.

The monsters were completely unaware of these watchers, as they went about their preparations with single-minded determination. They trained their claws, honed their magic, and strengthened their bodies, all in anticipation of the day when they would finally make their move against the humans.

Meanwhile, the specters continued to observe from afar, their eyes piercing through the veil of the supernatural. They knew that the monsters posed a grave threat to the balance of power in the world, and they would do everything in their power to stop them.

And within the shadows, the other dark creatures watched and waited, their own motives shrouded in mystery. Some sought to aid the monsters, while others sought to destroy them.

The controller of the specters watched with a sense of foreboding as the monsters prepared to invade the human world. There was a deep knowledge that the dark creatures were not to be trusted, for they were beings of great power and otherworldly knowledge. But despite this, there was a sense of intrigue that lingered in the back of their mind. What could these dark creatures want from the monsters? Were they simply waiting for the right moment to strike and take over the world themselves?