
The God of Death System

In a world filled with dungeons and monsters, Yan Luo's life takes an unexpected turn. After becoming a low-level supernatural being for a year, he discovers that his past life had created a consciousness to guide him should he ever need it in the future. The consciousness knows him better than anyone else, and it has created a unique system for him. Yan Luo now wields the God of Death System, but little does he know that the system is actually his own past life consciousness. Due to certain circumstances, he has become the system itself, merging with the God of Death and God of System within him. However, this newfound power comes at a price, and Yan Luo soon realizes that his abilities are not only dark and dangerous but also restricted and limited by the system. As he tries to understand the true purpose of the system, Yan Luo must awaken it by delving deep into his memories and confronting the darkest aspects of his past. But with the line between reality and illusion blurring, Yan Luo must also grapple with the question of whether he can truly trust the consciousness within the system or if it has a hidden agenda that could lead him down a dangerous path. In this world of monsters and mysteries, Yan Luo must navigate his way through various supernatural powerhouses, uncover the secrets of the system, and ultimately decide whether he will succumb to his dark powers or use them for good.

Gabriantheus · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
71 Chs

Death vs Dragon (2)

The Dragon God Xiagaynialth watched in awe as the dragons poured into the pocket dimension, their scales glistening in the dim light. He knew that this was a battle that he could not win alone, and he summoned all of his strength to call upon the dragons that were once under his command.

With a powerful burst of magic, the dragons transformed, growing in size and strength until they towered over the battlefield like giants. Their wings spanned the entire pocket dimension, casting a shadow over everything in their wake.

The two gods stood their ground as the dragons charged forward, their jaws snapping and claws slashing at anything in their path. Yanluo Wang summoned his dark powers, conjuring up a host of spells and skills from his vast repertoire of RPG games and fictions based System. He unleashed powerful blasts of dark energy that cut through the dragons like a hot knife through butter, causing them to fall to the ground in a shower of sparks.