
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 9 Old Building

Seeing that the caller ID was Wang Qing, Guan Hai looked at Yang Haoran, asking for his opinion.

  Yang Haoran took a puff of his cigarette and said, "Go, let's just say that we are still on our way back to the countryside, and we will definitely not be able to come back tonight."

  Although Guan Hai was very reluctant, he still answered the phone, and Wang Qing's seductive voice rang out from the other end of the phone.

  "Brother Guan, are you here yet?"

  "No, not yet. Brother Yang's hometown is a bit out of the way, and it will take some time to arrive. Have you already left the bar?" Guan Hai said with a smile, speaking in a very natural tone.

  "How do you know, Brother Guan is really powerful, did your waiter tell you?"

  "There is the sound of cars passing by on your side. My small bar is not suitable for riding a horse." Guan Hai laughed.

  "Oh! Brother Guan, you are so annoying, I like it so much! How about I go to have some supper and bring you some, and you send that one home and rush back. I'll wait for you to come back and eat slowly?" There was something in Wang Qing's words, how could Guan Hai, a prodigal son in love, not be able to hear the subtext, he suddenly seemed a little excited.

  However, seeing Yang Haoran shaking his head lightly, he felt anxious, hesitated for a while, and finally chose to trust Yang Haoran.

  "No, another day, I'm sure I won't be able to make it back tonight, you save the dishes for me, I'll taste it another day." Guan Hai's tone was full of pity and resignation, this was not pretended by him, Instead, he acted in his true colors.2

  There was a seductive laugh from the other end of the phone, and Wang Qing responded, "Well, I'll be waiting for your call from Brother Guan at any time, so don't let me go."

  After hanging up the phone, Guan Hai looked disappointed, as if a piece of flesh had fallen off his body, just looking at his expression, Yang Haoran could feel a burst of heartache.

  "Haizi, although I don't know how to explain it to you, I always feel that something is wrong with that woman, and I can really feel the cold air on her body, and I can be sure that it emanates from her, so... "

  Before Yang Haoran finished speaking, he was interrupted by Guan Hai stretching out his hand, and he said: "Brother Yang, I believe in you, we are brothers, I can feel your sincerity, I know you are really afraid that something will happen to me, So you don't need to explain, it doesn't matter even if you are really wrong, at least I don't think you are wrong."

  What Guan Hai said made Yang Haoran feel embarrassed. In fact, he felt that there was something wrong with Wang Qing. It was just his intuition, and there was no evidence. Because of this, he wanted to explain clearly to Guan Hai, but he didn't know how to explain it. .

  "Brother Yang, you just said that she has a chilly air about her body. According to what you said, is she a ghost? Can you really see ghosts?" Guan Hai asked curiously.

  Yang Haoran didn't know how to explain Guan Hai's question. He waved his hand and said helplessly, "Go back and rest, and I'll explain it to you when you have time. Anyway, it's best if you remember what I said." It's better not to have any contact with her."

  After finishing speaking, Yang Haoran lit another cigarette and walked towards the distance alone. Seeing this, Guan Hai quickly asked, "Where are you going?"

  "Of course I went home to sleep, so why not go to the crematorium?" Yang Haoran replied angrily without turning his head.

  "You have to call a taxi to go home. Are you going to walk back?" Guan Hai's voice sounded from behind.

  "It's not too far away. Walking back can still relax and sober up."

  Under the cold moonlight, Yang Haoran tightened his clothes, and his figure gradually disappeared from Guan Hai's sight.

  When Yang Haoran's figure completely disappeared, Guan Hai took out his mobile phone, looked through the address book, and his eyes stayed on Wang Qing's string of numbers.

  That's right, this prodigal son in love hasn't given up yet, and his heart is extremely restless. However, after hesitating for a long time, he looked at the place where Yang Haoran disappeared, and finally he didn't dial the number. He put his phone in his trouser pocket and walked into the district.

  Walking alone on the way home, Yang Haoran's mind was buzzing, one was because he drank too much wine, and the other was naturally because of Wang Qing.

  There must be something wrong with Wang Qing's body, he is sure of this, the reason why he is so sure is because the cold air in Wang Qing's body is very special.

  It's winter now, and it's midnight at this time, the weather outside is definitely cold enough, but Yang Haoran is dressed thickly, so he doesn't feel much chill outside.

  However, the coldness emanating from Wang Qing's body is different. It seems that it is not blocked by clothes, and the coldness goes directly to the bones of the person. This is fundamentally different from the coldness brought by the weather.

  According to what Yang Haoran has learned, what he has learned, the cold air emanating from Wang Qing's body should be Yin Qi, or it can be said to be ghost air. The so-called Yin Sensation in his mouth is to perceive this thing , but whether this so-called yin and ghost qi is really related to ghosts, he is not sure, after all, he is just a magic stick, and no one can tell whether the things on the Internet are true or not.

  However, he still thinks it's right not to let Guan Hai get close to this woman. No matter whether Wang Qing exudes a ghostly or coquettish air, nothing good will happen if he gets close to her. He doesn't want to do it anytime. Guan Hai's business would be wonderful if it really wanted to be like that.

  While walking, Yang Haoran was thinking wildly, suddenly, he only felt a coldness behind his back, a cold feeling spread from the soles of his feet to the top of his head in an instant, his whole body trembled, his body stiffened in place, and his hair was fast Stand up!

  familiar! Very familiar feeling!

  When he was close to Wang Qing, Yang Haoran had this cold feeling, and it has not been long since, so naturally he will not forget this feeling!

  However, the coldness he felt at this time was much stronger than the feeling Wang Qing gave him, and the two were not on the same level at all!

  The fear in his heart made him dare not look back at all, as if there was something standing behind him at this moment, staring at him with a cold face, treating him as a prey.

  The stiff body trembled slightly, and only then did Yang Haoran suddenly realize that he had come to a dilapidated old building before he knew it.

  Under the moonlight, the dilapidated old building is like a fierce ghost with teeth and claws. It struggles to crawl out of hell, and it seems to devour him with its bloody mouth!

  Yang Haoran's heart turned cold, and he scolded himself for how he came here, but he still didn't dare to turn his head back. The strength from his stiff body came from nowhere, and he sprinted for 100 meters as if he was fleeing for his life. the trail.

  This path is not long, Yang Haoran ran with all his strength, and after spending two minutes, he finally escaped from this path.

  When he rushed out of this path, the cold breath disappeared, he stopped, panting heavily, his feet trembled a little, his heart was pounding, he was tired and frightened up.

  He looked back, and he could still vaguely see the old building under the moonlight. Under the cold moonlight, the old building looked very strange. a chill.

  Yang Haoran naturally knew about this old building, as long as he walked through the path in front of this old building, he would not be far from the street he was on. In the daytime, there are not many people and vehicles passing by this small road. There are only two types of people who ignore the old buildings on the side of this small road and resolutely choose to take a shortcut to the street where he is.

  There are two kinds of people, one is outsiders who don't know some horror stories about the old building, those who don't know are fearless. There is another kind of people, the bold ones. Naturally, they have heard some supernatural events about this old building, but they are bold, and they don't believe in ghosts and gods, so they dare to pass by the path in front of the old building of.

  However, this is only limited to the daytime. Once at night, not only the old building will become more eerie, but even the path outside the old building will become spooky. Even the two types of people mentioned just now, once they walked by at night, would never dare to walk a second time, because anyone who passes by this path will feel a sense of fear and fear from the depths of their souls. It's cold, no matter how brave you are, even if you don't believe in ghosts and gods, you will be shocked by the environment and the coldness here!

  Over time, once it was night, no one would pass by the path in front of the old building except for a very few passing outsiders.

  Yang Haoran usually would not pass by this path, even in the daytime, he would rather choose to take a detour than pass by here, as for the night, let alone, he would not want to get close to this path even if he died .

  Tonight, due to drinking too much wine, coupled with a lot of preoccupations, he came here by accident. If it wasn't for the sudden chill that came from the bottom of his heart that woke him up, he wouldn't even notice that he had come to such a place. ghost place.

  The reason why this place is so eerie is that it has its own horror stories, but how dare Yang Haoran recall all kinds of rumors about this old building, and also dare not recall all kinds of horror stories about this small road , I was taken aback by the coldness of Wang Qing at first, and then I was taken aback here again, he is not an exorcist, nor a master of ghost hunting, he is just a magic stick with no real skills having encountered such unexplainable incidents twice in a row, he must have been frightened.

  Taking a few breaths, Yang Haoran didn't dare to stay here any longer. While trembling, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and walked quickly towards the location of his store. The sound of footsteps, panting and The sound of pressing the lighter resounded in the street, which seemed very hollow.

  The trembling hands pressed more than a dozen times in succession, but the lighter failed to light the cigarette. Yang Haoran was a little nervous and a little irritable, but at this moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from in front of him, scaring him. A scream!


  Yang Haoran's body trembled violently, and he leaped behind conditioned reflex, ignoring the cigarette in his mouth when it fell to the ground, and looked at the black shadow fearfully.

  Under the street lamp, the black shadow that suddenly shot past him turned out to be a big fat black cat!

  As if sensing Yang Haoran's gaze, the big black cat stopped, looked at Yang Haoran, and meowed.

  Yang Haoran was so angry that he was almost scared to death by this beast. In a panic, he threw the lighter in his hand and threw it at the black cat.

  "You are an ass! You scared the uncle to death!"

  The lighter hit the ground and exploded. The black cat was startled, meowed, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

  At this time, a window of the residential building above the black cat opened suddenly, and a middle-aged woman with heavy make-up yelled at Yang Haoran's position: "What a ghost who doesn't sleep at night! Why don't you let people go?" Do business! The drunkard is drunk, be careful that the car hits you and kills you!"1