
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 8 I Can Raise Him

Although Guan Hai is a prodigal son in love, he really has nothing to say to Yang Haoran. When he learned that something happened to Yang Haoran's family and a big white cabbage was on his lips, he gave up decisively and left immediately with Yang Haoran . up the bar.

  Guan Hai was about to drive, but Yang Haoran stopped him. Yang Haoran just took out his satchel from Guan Hai's car, and the two called a taxi.

  However, after getting into the taxi, Guan Hai was stunned. The address that Yang Haoran reported to the taxi driver was not Yang Haoran's hometown, but his neighborhood.

  The taxi started, Guan Hai looked puzzled, looked at Yang Haoran and asked, "Brother Yang, what else did you leave at my house?"

  Yang Haoran shook his head and said, "No."

  Guan Hai asked again: "Is there something in my house that you have taken a fancy to, and you need to take it back to your hometown?"

  Yang Haoran shook his head again and said, "No."

  Guan Hai was puzzled by Yang Haoran's answer, he said puzzledly: "In this case, what are you going to do in our community, don't we want to go back to our hometown?"

  "Don't ask, you'll know in a while." Yang Haoran didn't explain.

  Guan Hai is very smart. Seeing Yang Haoran like this, he knew that the matter might not be as simple as he thought. Since Yang Haoran didn't say much, he didn't continue to ask.

  In Guan Hai's bar, after Yang Haoran and Guan Hai left, Wang Qing and several beautiful college students suddenly seemed very boring. They were chatting with each other one sentence at a time, without the lively atmosphere when Guan Hai was there.

  "Do you think Brother Guan will come back?" A beautiful woman asked, as if she still didn't give up.

  "Didn't his friend say that he's going back to his hometown tonight and won't be back? By the way, what's his friend's name?" A beautiful woman asked.

  "It seems that the surname is Li, and it seems that the surname is Cao. I can't remember it." Another beautiful woman recalled and said uncertainly.

  While sipping the wine in his glass, Wang Qing played with his mobile phone, sneered, and said disdainfully, "It's just an uncle, he looks ordinary, has an ordinary body, and can't talk to ask girls to care about him. The key is that he doesn't have money. Even if you remember what his name is, you dicks, it's okay, don't you want to fall in love with him?"

  Hearing Wang Qing's words, several female college students all laughed, laughing and scolding Wang Qing, you are so annoying, you are good or bad, and so on.

  The originally somewhat dull atmosphere was relieved a little because of Wang Qing's words.

  "Wang Qing, how do you know that uncle has no money? Do you know him?" A beautiful woman asked with a smile.

  Wang Qing gave this girl a white look, took out a cigarette and lit it on his own, took a puff, and said sarcastically: "I want to know him too, but he must be qualified, his street stalls are completely exposed If his economic conditions were not quite clean, I wouldn't sit with him even if I was killed."

  After a pause, Wang Qing flicked the cigarette ash, and said with some emotion: "Street stalls are always just street stalls, and will not become famous brands just because they are washed clean. On the contrary, no matter how dirty a famous brand is, it will always be a famous brand. There are still people clamoring for it."

  Wang Qing's words obviously meant something. Some of the other beauties understood, but some didn't understand at all.

  "Actually, that uncle looks pretty good. Even if he has no money, at least he looks very honest. In addition, he looks ordinary. With this kind of person, he will feel very safe. There is no need to worry about it." Who will harass him." A beautiful woman said, she said this, but there was a smile like a chrysanthemum blooming on her face, which was obviously duplicity.

  Hearing this, another beautiful woman's eyes lit up, and immediately echoed: "Yes, yes! It is definitely safe to fall in love with that uncle, but Brother Guan Hai is different, he is so handsome, the girl he chased There are so many, falling in love with him must be extremely tiring. My family is poor, and I have suffered from hardships since I was a child. I can bear a little bit of fatigue. Are you going after that uncle?"

  As soon as she said this, several other female college students looked at her with unkind eyes. Seeing that the situation was wrong, the woman laughed dryly a few times, and quickly changed her words, saying: "Why don't Wang Qing go after that uncle, and a few of us come Whoever can eat this hard bone of Brother Guan Hai depends on their own abilities."

  Except for Wang Qing, the others loved to hear these words, and they immediately followed suit, asking Wang Qing to harm Yang Haoran and leave Guan Hai to them.

  In terms of looks and stature, they were all far behind Wang Qing. Before Wang Qing flirted with Guan Hai, they all saw it, and felt a little jealous.

  The few of them were classmates to begin with, and they knew a lot about each other. Few of the men Wang Qing liked could escape her clutches, unless she was willing to give up. Asking Wang Qing to give up Guan Hai, even though they knew it was impossible, they still wanted to give it a try.

  Wang Qingbai glanced at the others and smiled sweetly. This smile and her face looked pure enough, but the words that came out of her mouth were as sharp as knives.

  "Not every man is qualified for me to harm. Either he is rich, and he supports me. Or he is handsome, and I support him. Brother Guan is very good. Although he is not up to my financial requirements, he is handsome. , this is enough, I can raise him, so you should give up as soon as possible."

  When Wang Qing said that he wanted to raise Guan Hai, the smiles on the faces of the other beauties became weird, and one of the beauties laughed and said, "You are the same as us, you haven't graduated yet, and we also know your family background. What do you use to support Brother Guan Hai?"

  Wang Qing's complexion suddenly became unattractive, and his tone became a bit cold, he said: "I know how to raise, I know, and you know too, so why bother to ask knowingly. Besides, aren't you also doing it? Really want to say Get up, you and I are considered colleagues, what are you pretending in front of me?"1

  The atmosphere suddenly became wrong. Wang Qing was upset, and the girl who was bullied was even more angry. Seeing this, the others tried to smooth things over. Everyone drank a lot of wine. If there was a disturbance here, it would hurt everyone. Feelings are small, shame is big.

  Someone persuaded, neither Wang Qing nor the beauty said anything more, but they both looked at each other with hostility.

  Seeing this, a girl quickly changed the topic, and said, "Do you think Brother Guan Hai's bar is so cold?"

  When the topic was changed by her, everyone else was taken aback, and then they all felt the coldness in their bodies, especially Wang Qing, who couldn't help shivering.

  The previous few people had a hot atmosphere, drank a lot of wine, and because Guan Hai was here, they put all their attention on Guan Hai, and they didn't feel the coldness at all. There were some contradictions again, and this chilling chill instantly hit my heart.

  "It's very cold, I didn't even feel it before." A beautiful woman shrank her neck, then picked up her coat and put it on.

  "Could it be that the air conditioner is broken?" Wang Qing frowned and said.

  "Who knows, forget it, let's go back first, Brother Guan Hai won't be back tonight anyway." A beautiful woman suggested.

  Her suggestion was immediately supported by other people. They packed up their things, picked up their bags and left the bar in a hurry, but none of them noticed that this inexplicable coldness came from Wang Qing. exudes.


  The taxi stopped, Yang Haoran and Guan Hai arrived at the gate of the community, Yang Haoran paid the money, and then got out of the car.

  Although Guan Hai didn't understand what Yang Haoran was doing, he also got out of the car.

  "What's the matter, what the hell are you doing? Didn't something happen at home? What are you doing at the gate of my community?" Guan Hai was puzzled, and only asked Yang Haoran when he saw the taxi leaving.

  Yang Haoran didn't answer immediately, but took out a cigarette, handed one to Guan Hai, and lit one himself.

  After taking a deep breath, Yang Haoran said to Guan Hai: "Nothing happened at my house. The reason why I told you to leave is because I don't want you to stay in the bar."

  "Ah?" Guan Hai lit a cigarette, and after a huff, he asked puzzledly, "Don't you stay in the bar? Why?"

  "To be precise, I don't want you to get entangled with that female college student named Wang Qing." Yang Haoran explained.

  Hearing Yang Haoran's words, Guan Hai became interested, and asked with a lewd smile: "Hehe, don't you guys like him? If you like him, just tell me, I'll never say anything Not to mention giving it to you, anyway, I'm not short of this bite, why bother to make it so troublesome, still acting, and something happened at home, I'll fuck it, don't say it, your acting is so good, even I was beaten You were lied to."

  After taking a puff of cigarette, Guan Hai continued to smile and said, "However, I don't think that female college student named Wang Qing is an easy-going lamp. I can confirm this from her speech and behavior. If you like her, Brother, I am worried that you will get hurt."

  "It's not the reason." Yang Haoran shook his head and said.

  Guan Hai glanced at Yang Haoran in surprise, seeing his serious face, he couldn't help wondering: "It's strange, why didn't you argue with me, this is not like your style, does this woman really have anything to do with you , or she has a lot of background, you won't let me touch her?"

  "She has nothing to do with me. I don't know if she has a lot of background. But, you sat there flirting with her before, didn't you feel a cold chill on him?" Yang Haoran asked seriously.

  Guan Hai smiled, and said: "I didn't feel the chill, but I felt a fire in my heart, which needs cold water to extinguish it, but it's a pity that an oasis finally appeared in my passionate desert, but it was blocked You have suddenly turned into a mirage! What a pity, what a pity!"

  After the words fell, Guan Hai seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up, and he said pleasantly: "By the way, they may not have left yet, I'll call and ask, there should be time to go back now, luckily I left my contact information before. "

  Without even thinking about it, Yang Haoran immediately stopped Guan Hai.

  "What's the matter, your family is fine, I haven't blamed you for lying to me, but you still want to ruin my good business." Guan Hai was a little unhappy.

  "That female college student named Wang Qing has a problem, you'd better not get close to her, you have to trust me." Yang Haoran said seriously.

  Guan Hai was in a bit of a dilemma. Ever since he met Yang Hao, he had never seen Yang Haoran be so serious except when he was pretending to fool others.

  However, at this moment, Guan Hai's cell phone rang suddenly.

  "How many good sisters do you have, and why is every sister so haggard..."

  Hearing the flirty ringtone, Yang Haoran couldn't laugh at all, because after Guan Hai took out the phone, he clearly saw the caller ID, Wang Qing.

  This call is from Wang Qing!