
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 70 Talisman, Exorcist

After the man and the woman beside him appeared, what they said proved one point, both of them felt the yin energy in Yang Haoran's body.

  Regarding this point, Yang Haoran is actually not surprised. After all, the yin energy in his body cannot be dispelled, nor can it be absorbed into the body. Let alone a capable person, even an ordinary person can feel it Yin Qi.

  It's just that ordinary people may not know what Yin Qi is, but once they get close to Yang Haoran, they can definitely feel a kind of coolness from the depths of their souls.

  The presence of yin energy in a living person does not prove that they are all yin qi, but as long as they are yin qi, they definitely have yin energy in their bodies.

  Whether the man and the long-legged beauty next to him saw that he was a member of the Yin Division, Yang Haoran was not sure for the time being, but one thing that was certain was that they definitely sensed the Yin energy in him.

  On the body of the long-legged beauty beside him, Yang Haoran sensed a weak power fluctuation, a power fluctuation completely different from the Yin Lingli in his body. As for what this power fluctuation is, he is not sure yet.

  And that man was a little strange, he didn't feel any special power from the man, this man was as ordinary as an ordinary person, there was nothing extraordinary about it.

  But Yang Haoran knew in his heart that if he was an ordinary person, it would be impossible for Mr. Wu to invite him here, and he even warmly treated him as a guest of honor.

  When Yang Haoran was looking at the long-legged beauty and the man, the two were also looking at him. They were still very curious about Yang Haoran.

  Neither of them confirmed Yang Haoran's identity for the time being, but both of them were sure that Yang Haoran was not an ordinary person, because they sensed a strong yin energy from Yang Haoran's body.

  If an ordinary person has such a strong yin qi entangled in his body, he must be extremely sluggish, as if he is dying of a serious illness.

  But Yang Haoran, not only can't see the slightest morbidity, he doesn't have the slightest look that a dying person should have, on the contrary, his face is full of energy and red, and he looks like a person with real abilities.

  The atmosphere was a bit delicate, Mr. Wu laughed, and then said: "Come on, let me introduce to you two first, this little brother is called Wang Yiming, and he comes from Fuji."

  One man and one woman, Mr. Wu introduced the man first, this man who looks to be only 22 or 3 years old is named Wang Yiming, there is nothing unusual about his name, but the sect he belongs to makes Yang Haoran frowned slightly .

  The talisman religion, like the Yin Division, has its own god. The Yin Division believes in the god of death, and the talisman religion believes in the ancestors of the talismans. But the talisman religion uses talismans to exert its power.

  In the few books Master Jiang lent to Yang Haoran, there are some records about Fujiao, so he still knows a little about the sect of Fujiao.

  The long-legged girl next to her didn't have much reaction, she was different from Yang Haoran, she seemed to know Wang Yiming's identity a long time ago.

  After introducing Wang Yiming, Mr. Wu looked at the long-legged girl again. He was about to introduce, but this girl jumped ahead of Mr. Wu, smiled at Yang Haoran, and introduced herself, "Ma Ling, the exorcist."1

  Ma Ling's self-introduction was very straightforward, but she completely ignored other people in this self-introduction, she was just introducing herself to Yang Haoran.

  Wang Yiming seemed to have known Ma Ling a long time ago, so he was not surprised by Ma Ling's identity as an exorcist, but Yang Haoran was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there would be another exorcist after a talisman teacher came out.

  Yang Haoran, the exorcist, also knows that exorcists are just a general term. They are different from Yinsi and Talisman. They have no organization, no sect, no gods they believe in, and no various responsibilities or doctrines. They do everything by themselves preferences.

  Exorcists have various sources of abilities, some are taught by masters, some are inherited from families, and some exorcists are self-taught by collecting various folk classics.

  In addition to the above, there are also members who broke away from or kicked out from major sects or organizations, and some became exorcists, and their abilities came from the former organizations or sects.

  Although the power in the body will be taken away from the original organization or sect, it is inevitable that there will be fish that slip through the net, and such fish that slip through the net are usually classified as exorcists.

  Although he was a little surprised that Ma Ling became an exorcist at the age of seventeen or eighteen, Yang Haoran didn't show his inner surprise on his face, he just smiled and nodded to Ma Ling.

  Ma Ling was obviously disappointed by Yang Haoran's calm reaction. He wanted to see something on Yang Haoran's face, but the guy in front of him was always smiling, and there was no other expression change. I would have the same expression as this one, so I didn't see anything.

  "Little brother, let me say sorry to you in advance, I hope you don't take it to heart."

  At this time, Mr. Wu set his sights on Yang Haoran. The first thing he did was to apologize. The reason why he did this was to show as much kindness to Yang Haoran as possible.

  "Mr. Wu doesn't know me, so it's normal to have doubts about me. You didn't do anything wrong. If I were in your position, I might have kicked him out."

  Yang Haoran said this with a smile, and said it very naturally, as if if he was really in the position of Mr. Wu, he would really blow people out.

  However, Mr. Wu is also an old man, he heard something in Yang Haoran's words, but he pretended not to understand, and smiled heartily.

  It is enough to understand some words, and there is no need to pierce the window paper before the necessary time. Without the fig leaf, the two sides face each other naked, and everyone is embarrassed.

  "Little brother is a little friend. I don't know how to call it. Although my old man is old, he likes to make friends with strange people like you. It just so happens that little brother Wang Yiming and little girl Ma Ling are your colleagues. I believe they also I would love to meet you."

  Mr. Wu did not continue the previous topic, but changed the subject and asked about Yang Haoran's identity.

  "My name is Yang Haoran. I just learned some skills casually, so I can't get on the stage." Having said that, Yang Haoran looked at Wang Yiming and Ma Ling, and said with an apologetic smile: "I didn't know that Mr. Wu still invited me when I came here." If you two know, I will not come to grab this business."

  Yang Haoran's words were of course duplicity, even if he knew that someone else was going to intervene, he would still grab the business, not to mention surrendering the dead soul, but the reward given by the Wu family afterwards was enough for him to do so.

  Today, he lacks soul, but he also lacks money. It is impossible for him to give up on killing two birds with one stone with his temperament.

  Of course, he definitely couldn't say what he really thought in his heart. Not only did he not say it, but he lowered his posture and apologized to the two of them.

  At the same time, his words also conveyed a message to the Wu family, that is, he needs to collect money for handling this matter.

  Since the Wu family is rich, he naturally doesn't care about some small money, but he must first express his attitude.

  Mr. Wu understood the meaning of Yang Haoran's words. Not only was he not angry, but he was very happy. His Wu family has a lot of money. As long as Yang Haoran can really deal with the strange things in his family, it would be nothing if he took some money out.

  But Wang Yiming and Ma Ling had different reactions after hearing Yang Haoran's words.

  Wang Yiming frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

  Ma Ling, on the other hand, smiled sweetly, and looked at Yang Haoran even more curiously.

  "Are you also our exorcist? You are so dark, what skills did you learn?"

  Yang Haoran didn't report his family just now, which made Ma Ling think that Yang Haoran was also an exorcist like her, so she was a little more curious and at the same time a little more fond of her.

  Yang Haoran chuckled, and didn't say much, which immediately made Ma Ling a little unhappy, and the little affection she had for Yang Haoran disappeared in a short time.

  "A big living person has such a heavy yin energy, no matter what skills you learn, don't even think about how long you can live. For the sake of everyone being an exorcist, I advise you to deal with the yin energy on your body as soon as possible. Drop it, once it erupts over time, it will be difficult for you to deal with it."

  Ma Ling's words were not intended to scare Yang Haoran, but she was reminding Yang Haoran based on her own knowledge. Although her tone made people feel uncomfortable, she was indeed reminding Yang Haoran.

  Yang Haoran thanked him with a smile, but he still didn't say anything more, but Wang Yiming couldn't listen anymore, and said: "Since they are all here to help Mr. Wu handle the strange things at home, I think what we have to do now is Understand the specific situation first, instead of talking about some unsalty things here."

  Ma Ling looked at Wang Yiming dissatisfied, then wrinkled her nose and snorted a few times, as if she was protesting against Wang Yiming.

  It's just that her demonstration, apart from looking cute, has no deterrent effect, but she didn't continue to mess around, but looked at Mr. Wu.

  "Alright, old man Wu, just tell me about your family's affairs. This girl will prescribe the right medicine for you and get your family's affairs resolved in minutes. The two of them just watch. After the matter is completed, the two of them Whether you want to pay or not is up to you, and I can't lose a penny of my share!"

  Hearing Ma Ling's words, Yang Haoran understood something. Although Ma Ling and Wang Yiming were invited by Mr. Wu, they didn't know what happened to the Wu family.

  In addition, Ma Ling's words also revealed a piece of information. Mr. Wu invited Wang Yiming and Ma Ling not to deal with their Wu family's troubles unconditionally, but just like him, they also need to be paid.