
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 7 This Woman Has a Problem

The sudden coolness in his body startled Yang Haoran, he was half awake from the alcohol, Guan Hai seemed to be still talking to him with an expressive expression, but he turned a blind eye and turned his gaze to where the air conditioner was.

  The air conditioner is on, so what's the matter with the coolness?

  Yang Haoran turned his head to look at the gate of the bar again, only to see that the gate had been opened at some point, and a man was walking towards their position.

  Yang Haoran didn't care about this man, his eyes fell on the opened door, and he couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

  "What a coincidence? Is it because the door opened again?" Yang Haoran was not sure. After all, he drank a lot of wine, and he was also a little dizzy.

  The man who walked into the bar looked around the bar, saw Guan Hai beckoning, and immediately walked to where Guan Hai was. Guan Hai whispered a few words in his ear, and the man picked up the man surnamed Liu and left the bar.

  "Beauties, Brother Liu, I will arrange for him to stay in the hotel next door for one night. He has left now, you can relax and play. As for the consumption of this table, hehe, he has already paid in advance, so you guys Don't worry about consumption." Guan Hai chuckled and said to the beauties present.

  Guan Hai's words are naturally out of good intentions, the meaning in the words is obvious, someone has paid the bill, and you should not save money on your open consumption. No one here is a fool, so naturally you can hear the meaning in Guan Hai's words.

  "How embarrassing is this? We asked Brother Guan to come over for a drink, not Brother Guan to pay the bill."

  "Yes, yes, we all have money on us, how dare you let Brother Guan and your friend spend money?"

  Among the few girls, the two girls smiled coquettishly. Although they said they were embarrassed, the expressions on their faces were full of joy, which made the man surnamed Liu whom they hated go away and settled the bill. According to Guan Hai, the man surnamed Liu seems to have left a lot of money, how could they be unhappy.

  "You are welcome. When you come to my place, you feel like you are coming home. Naturally, I want you to feel the warmth of home. Besides, didn't I bring two friends over here? How can I drink your wine for nothing? You still Students, I don't have a lot of spare money on hand, so I can save a little bit. If you are really embarrassed, just come and take care of my business next time. Anyway, tonight, you can have fun, drink well, and don't worry about anything."

  After Guan Hai said these words, several girls burst into joyful voices at the same time, and they all raised their glasses to thank Guan Hai. Rubbing against his body, he kept hinting to Guan Hai with his body.

  Yang Haoran saw all this in his eyes, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. If the man surnamed Liu was still here, seeing the scene in front of him, he might spit out a mouthful of old blood. These guys are all excited. But no one said a good word to him, instead they kept thanking Guan Hai, as if he had completely forgotten about him, it was no wonder he was angry.

  The attention of all the beauties is on Guan Hai. At this time, Yang Haoran is probably not much different from the man surnamed Liu who was sitting here before. They are all superfluous existences, which makes him not standing, but sitting. No, that's an embarrassment.

  Standing in the flowers, Guan Hai was already distracted, but he found Yang Haoran's embarrassing expression, which made him sigh inwardly, feeling like he hated iron for being weak.

  "Such a good opportunity, why are you sitting there stupidly, don't take the initiative to attack, can't wait for the beauty to find you, it is not unreasonable for you to be single, take out your usual time of bickering with me, I guarantee you There will definitely be meat to eat tonight!" Guan Hai pulled Yang Haoran past him, put his mouth next to the latter's ear and said.1

  Yang Haoran is usually eloquent, and his tricks to fool people are one set after another, but every time he encounters this kind of occasion, he is at a loss for words and doesn't know what to say.

  In his opinion, it may be because he lacks courage and confidence.

  In the following time, Guan Hai accompanied Yang Haoran and carefully introduced Yang Haoran one by one. He kept praising Yang Haoran and repeatedly emphasized that he was still single.

  With Guan Hai's careful introduction, after a round of toasting, Yang Haoran finally got to know these beauties. As for whether these beauties remember him, it's hard to say.

  These beauties are all students of a certain university in Lecheng. Yang Haoran didn't ask what major they study, but their drinking capacity is really not small, and they can't practice such a drinking capacity if they don't often soak in the wine jar.

  After drinking for three rounds, except for Yang Haoran, everyone at this table was having fun, including the woman who gave Yang Haoran a cold aura.

  This woman's name is Wang Qing. She looks beautiful and has a very good figure. She also looks a bit gentle and gentle.

  However, this was only on the surface. After the alcohol was on her head, the true nature of Wang Qing, a beautiful woman, was exposed. With a cigarette in her mouth, she said all kinds of explicit words, alluding to Guan Hai on the opposite side again and again, completely ignoring The two beauties on both sides of Guan Hai looked uncomfortably.

  Guan Hai claims to be a lover, how can he not feel the fire in Wang Qing's eyes, the two exchanged glances from time to time, it seems that there will be a bloody storm between the two tonight.

  Yang Haoran frowned. At this time, he was not jealous of Guan Hai, but he was sitting beside Wang Qing. The coldness was always there, which made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, which was very uncomfortable.

  Twice in a row before he thought it was the cold air blowing into the bar from outside, which made him feel chilly, but now, he has noticed for a long time, the door of the bar has never been opened again, and no cold The wind has blown into the bar, but the coldness still exists.

  What is going on here, Yang Haoran can't explain clearly, and his heart is full of doubts.

  "Could it be that there is something wrong with the air conditioner?" Yang Haoran thought to himself, and immediately stood up, ready to check the air conditioner.

  "You guys drink first, I'll go to the bathroom." Out of politeness, Yang Haoran greeted several people, but except for Guan Hai, no one cared about him at all.

  Yang Haoran was not angry either, he didn't take the matter seriously, left his seat, and went to check the air conditioner.

  After a while, Yang Haoran returned to his seat, and the coldness struck him again, making him shiver uncontrollably.

  After his inspection, he was sure that there was nothing wrong with the air conditioner in the bar, and once he left this table, the rest of the bar was quite warm under the effect of the air conditioner, which made him feel inexplicable bad feeling .

  In terms of exorcising ghosts and demons, although Yang Haoran has no real skills, in order to distinguish the real from the fake, he has done enough homework and consulted various materials in various ways. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, whether it is true or not, he has absorbed it , it is precisely because of this that he knows more about supernatural beings than ordinary people, and he is also much more in awe.

  Although in the eyes of ordinary people, Yang Haoran's thoughts are a little neurotic at this time, but he is in a line of work, so he is naturally much more sensitive than ordinary people.

  "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. I'm afraid there is something wrong with this woman." Yang Haoran's eyes fell on Wang Qing, his brows were slightly frowned, thinking so in his heart.

  After various inspections and verifications, he is now almost sure that this cold aura comes from this female college student named Wang Qing.

  For this beautiful woman, Yang Haoran became wary in his heart. He was sitting next to her, but now he kept a little distance from her.

  Looking at the way Guan Hai and this woman flirted, Yang Haoran knew that the two of them would definitely have a big fight tonight, he was a little worried about Guan Hai, but he didn't know how to remind Guan Hai.

  After thinking about it, Yang Haoran had an idea in his mind. He organized his words, then took out his mobile phone in front of the girls, his expression suddenly became tense, and he stood up abruptly from his seat.

  Due to the violent movement, when he got up, he touched the table, causing the wine glass on the table to shake for a while, spilling a lot of wine.

  The sudden situation shocked the people at the table, and their eyes fell on Yang Haoran. Seeing Yang Haoran holding the mobile phone with an anxious expression on his face, they knew without asking, that something big must have happened .

  Guan Hai's face changed, and he apologized to the girls on the left and right sides who were hugging him tightly, then gently pushed them away, stood up quickly, and asked with concern: "Brother Yang, what happened?" gone?"

  Yang Haoran put away his mobile phone with a sad face, and said to Guan Hai: "I'm afraid it will spoil your interest tonight, I have some urgent matters, I need you to deal with them with me."

  "What's the rush? Do you need some help?" Guan Hai asked.

  Yang Haoran shook his head and said, "No, just go with me."

  When Guan Hai heard the words, he didn't even think about it, and immediately nodded in agreement, saying: "Okay, I'll go with you!"

  After finishing speaking, Guan Hai looked at the beauties, especially Wang Qing, and said with an apologetic smile, "Drink first, and I'll come back to you after I've dealt with the matter. We must have a drink tonight."

  As soon as they heard that Guan Hai would come back after finishing the matter, the disappointment on the faces of the beauties disappeared, and they burst into smiles again, especially Wang Qing, who deliberately stuck out his tongue at Guan Hai and licked his lips. , made an extremely provocative expression, and said with a smile: "Then we will wait for you here. If you don't come back, I will go to your house to find you."

  Wang Qing's words made the other beauties at the table feel uneasy for a while, but Wang Qing turned a blind eye, propped his chin with one hand, and looked at Guan Hai with fiery eyes.

  For this kind of Chinese cabbage delivered to the door, Guan Hai really couldn't find a reason to refuse, he smiled and was about to agree, but Yang Haoran spoke before him.

  "I think... you don't have to wait, he probably won't be able to come back tonight, because we have to go back to my hometown." Yang Haoran had a wry smile on his face, and said apologetically to several people.

  When the beauties heard the words, their faces showed disappointment again, while Guan Hai's expression changed, and he quickly asked, "What's going on? Something happened to uncle and aunt?"

  The corner of Yang Haoran's mouth twitched, cursing Guan Hai in his heart that his mouth is really poisonous, but the current situation is not the time to argue with Guan Hai, he neither admitted nor denied, and quickly said: "It's too late to explain, we Hurry back and talk later!"