
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 66 Here Comes the Work

This time when he collided with Xu Meijing, Yang Haoran knew that he lost, and he lost completely, and was slapped in the face by the other party.

  It is definitely impossible to say that you are not angry, but what can you do if you are angry, you can only endure it.

  Leaving the hall, before noon, Master Jiang left Yang Haoran for dinner, but Yang Haoran refused.

  The boss has already issued a warning to this new employee, and he still has a sense of urgency in his heart. He doesn't want to be fired so soon.

  On the way home, Yang Haoran had a frowning face, obviously not in a beautiful mood, but this state did not last long, he walked out of it and returned to his usual appearance.

  In life, there are many unsatisfactory things. If every unsatisfactory thing has to be entangled for a long time, then this life will be spent in entanglement. Yang Haoran naturally understands this truth, so he adjusted quickly own state of mind.

  After returning to the grocery store, he first called his parents in his hometown, concerned about their recent situation, chatted for more than half an hour, and only hung up the phone when he learned that his parents were doing well recently.

  Afterwards, he unexpectedly closed the grocery store abnormally. Instead of going out to do anything, he went back to bed and fell asleep. Looking at him like this, it seemed that he didn't even plan to eat lunch.

  It is indeed very abnormal that this kind of thing will happen to Yang Haoran.

  He was only warned by his boss in the morning. At this time, it stands to reason that he should hurry up to find the undead to make a profit, but what he never expected was that he ran home and fell asleep.

  Leaving aside the search for the undead, Yang Haoran would never have done it before he became a night watchman, because in his opinion it is a waste of time, and if he makes good use of the time, he can do more things.

  If it was just an if after all, the fact is that he not only closed the door to sleep, but also slept very soundly. This time, he slept until dark before waking up.

  After dark, Yang Haoran still didn't open the door. After making some casual food, he paid homage to the statue of God of Death in advance, then picked up his yellow satchel and hurried out.

  This walk lasted a whole night, and he didn't return to the grocery store until dawn the next day.

  Inside the grocery store, Yang Haoran looked a little tired, but when his eyes fell on the Soul Gathering Orb in his hand, a smile appeared on his tired face.

  In the soul-gathering bead, apart from the souls of Gao Liang and Wang Qing, there were two more soul threads. These two soul threads were the harvest of his hard work last night.

  The reason why he went to bed early yesterday was to fight all night, otherwise, how could he dare to waste time like this.

  Since he didn't have a car, he could only look for traces of the undead on foot. It was precisely because of this that he walked all night last night. Even though he was not a very ordinary person now, he was still exhausted after a whole night of tossing around.

  Fortunately, he has the ability to sense yin. Although he has no means of transportation, the existence of this ability to sense yin still gives him a little gain.

  These two souls were formed not long ago, and they didn't have much attack power. After learning that Yang Haoran was a sinister, one chose to take the initiative to leave with Yang Haoran, and the other chose to resist.

  Although the choices of the two undead were different, the final result was the same. There was no accident, and both of them entered the Soul Gathering Orb.

  Yang Haoran is quite satisfied with the results of receiving two undead in one night. If he can guarantee two per day, then at the end of this month, his performance will not be as good as Xu Meijing's, but at least he won't be fired by his boss Deng Feng.

  Yang Haoran originally thought that ghosts are everywhere in this world, but there are definitely a lot of them, but what he didn't expect was that he guessed wrong. He didn't know about other cities, but the number of ghosts in Lecheng is far more than much less than he imagined.

  In fact, it's not that there are few ghosts in Lecheng, but that the night watchmen in Lecheng are too diligent, especially Xu Meijing, who is the most diligent among the sixteen night watchmen in Lecheng. The undead are pitifully few.

  The first time Xu Meijing met Yang Haoran was outside the mortality of the hospital. At that time, Xu Meijing told Yang Haoran that she was guarding the mortality, but that was not the case. Like Yang Haoran, she was fighting the undead idea.

  The second time the two met was in the Jiulongpo Cemetery. At that time, Yang Haoran found nothing in the cemetery except Wang Qing. At that time, he thought that all the undead in the cemetery had been taken away by priests like Master Jiang and the others, but he didn't know. The person who took away all the dead in the cemetery was Xu Meijing.

  Not only in these two places, but also in many hospitals and cemeteries in Lecheng, Xu Meijing can be seen from time to time. She almost covers all the two places in Lecheng that are rich in undead, so the whole undead in Lecheng becomes Got pretty little.

  It was for this reason that Yang Haoran searched for the whole night last night, only to find two undead, and they were found outside the city.1

  But no matter what, last night's hard work was rewarded, which made Yang Haoran see some hope.

  In the next period of time, Yang Haoran slept during the day and went out to look for the dead at night, desperately improving his performance.

  In order to expand his business scope, he also used his old bank and asked Guan Hai to help him solicit business.

  Although Guan Hai is young, he still has some contacts in Le City, otherwise, he, the prodigal son of love, would have been hacked to death many times.

  Yang Haoran asked Guan Hai for help, of course Guan Hai would not refuse, he readily agreed. In fact, even if Yang Haoran didn't mention this matter, Guan Hai would still solicit business for him. After all, the relationship between the two is there, and Guan Hai has always been soliciting business for him.

  And the main reason why Yang Haoran called Guan Hai was because his business had changed now, he no longer showed people houses and the like, and there was only one type of business he wanted to answer, and that was related to the real undead. Business, to put it bluntly, he only deals with haunted supernatural events.

  One of the reasons why he made such a decision is because he is no longer a magic stick, but a shady one, so there is no need for him to continue pretending to be a ghost.

  Furthermore, not only is he in urgent need of souls now, but he will also need them in large quantities in the future. That's why he decided to only deal with haunted supernatural events and didn't want to waste time on other things.

  It's not that he doesn't want to take more business and make more money, the key is that he doesn't have the energy, and he doesn't understand things like Feng Shui and houses.

  After a period of time, Guan Hai did not attract a client for Yang Haoran. Yang Haoran didn't think it was a problem of Guan Hai's ability, because he already knew what Xu Meijing was doing in Lecheng. Not to mention Guan Hai, even if he has the ability to sense Yin, it is extremely difficult to find an undead.

  In fact, there are several famous ghost places in Lecheng, and the ghost building that Yang Haoran has entered is one of them. There are many undead in such ghost places, but Yang Haoran dare not put his mind on these few places. On the evil land, because there are powerful ghosts in these ghost lands, it is not something he can set foot in with his current ability.

  In a blink of an eye, it was almost the end of the month, and Yang Haoran also had thirty soul silks in his Soul Gathering Orb.

  Thirty soul silks are not too small compared to the night watchmen of Temple Wishes, but Night Watchmen of Temple Wishes can only be regarded as semi-professional for subduing the undead, while non-Watchers of Night Watchmen like him are full-time, so there is no difference between the two. Nothing compares.

  If you want to compare, you can only compare with Xu Meijing who is also the night watchman of the temple, but Yang Haoran knows that he is not comparable to Xu Meijing in this respect. Thirty soul silks seem to be a lot, but compared with Xu Meijing , there is still a certain gap.

  Lecheng has a large population, but it is very poor. It is precisely because of this that many people in Lecheng go to the end of their lives due to various reasons every day, which makes Yang Haoran and the night watchmen have jobs.

  But what makes Yang Haoran feel speechless is that Xu Meijing has almost taken care of all these tasks. The thirty soul silks he harvested this month are almost all found in the wilderness outside the city. If this continues, he estimates that he will soon lose his job.

  However, with the achievement of thirty soul silks, Yang Haoran thinks that he should not be fired by the boss. He is not as good as Xu Meijing, and he has no way to change this for the time being. Not being fired is what he cares most about at the moment.

  In the last few days, Yang Haoran decided to try harder, hoping that he could make another breakthrough on the basis of thirty soul silks.

  However, the reality slapped him hard. For three consecutive days, he searched for the undead outside all night, but found nothing, which inevitably made him a little disappointed.

  In the early morning of the fourth day, Yang Haoran returned to the grocery store with a look of exhaustion and disappointment on his face. As soon as he got back to the store, his mobile phone rang.

  He took out his phone and saw that it was Guan Hai.

  Guan Hai likes to drink, and gets drunk every night, so under normal circumstances, there is no morning in his life, and it is usually noon or afternoon when he wakes up from bed.

  Guan Hai would wake up early in the morning and call him, which meant that there must be something important for him!

  Looking at the vibrating mobile phone in his hand, the corners of Yang Haoran's mouth couldn't help but twitched. He felt that Guan Hai called him so early, probably because he was here for business.

  Sure enough, as soon as the phone was connected, Guan Hai yawned again and again, saying: "Brother Yang, come to work, call me early in the morning, it's really..."

  Guan Hai complained at the other end. Judging from what he said, it seemed that he just got the news that there was a job.

  Different from Guan Hai, Yang Haoran was overjoyed, he hadn't gained anything for three days in a row, now that he was alive, he was naturally happy.

  "Don't sleep, get up quickly, let's meet and talk."

  After hanging up the phone, Yang Haoran washed up, worshiped the God of Death, and closed the door to find Guan Hai.