
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 65: A Warning from the Boss

Xu Meijing walked towards Deng Feng, which naturally caught Yang Haoran's attention.

  Under his gaze, Xu Meijing took out her Soul Gathering Orb.

  Seeing Xu Meijing's Soul Gathering Orb clearly, except for Deng Feng, everyone else gasped!


  In Xu Meijing's soul-gathering bead, there are as many soul silks as a cow's hair, and the number is astonishingly dense. It is impossible to know how many soul silks are in this soul-gathering bead with the naked eye!

  It was the first time for Yang Haoran to see Xu Meijing's Soul Gathering Orb, and he never dreamed that Xu Meijing's Soul Gathering Orb would have so many soul strands, so he was naturally quite surprised.

  Every time Xu Meijing handed in her soul, she would take out an astonishing number of souls. Other night watchmen have long been accustomed to this. After all, she is not a temple wisher. She can do nothing all day long. She only needs to find and collect souls. It is not surprising that the number will be above other temple wishes.

  But this time is different, this time there are too many souls in her Soul-Gathering Orb, even the priests who have long been used to it, are still shocked by so many soul strands in the Soul-Gathering Orb!

  This time, Xu Meijing's Soul Gathering Orb contained half as many souls as compared to before. When everyone was shocked, they also wondered where Xu Meijing found so many souls.

  Yang Haoran stared blankly, he was also a night watchman who was not a temple wisher, thinking about the poor two soul threads in his Soul Gathering Orb, and then looking at the densely packed soul threads in Xu Meijing's Soul Gathering Orb, he felt a tangle in his heart .

  I met Xu Meijing twice, and the two of them were tit-for-tat in their words, stabbing each other's chest with knives, but Yang Haoran felt that he didn't suffer a loss both times, and he was even a little proud of himself, but now, He felt like he was completely lost.

  Just at this moment, Xu Meijing cast her eyes on him, the expression on her face was still as proud as ever, but her gaze towards Yang Haoran was full of provocation.

  Looking at each other, Yang Haoran felt his face being slapped by invisible palms, his face turned red, and he felt hot.

  "Good! Very good! You didn't disappoint me!"

  Deng Feng didn't notice Yang Haoran at all, and he didn't care about Xu Meijing's provocative gaze towards Yang Haoran. He laughed loudly, and all his attention was attracted by Xu Meijing's Soul Gathering Orb.

  Amidst the joyful laughter, Deng Feng put away Xu Meijing's Soul Gathering Orb, and Xu Meijing gave a symbolic salute to Deng Feng, the envoy, before retreating back to her seat.

  Xu Meijing also handed in the Soul Gathering Orb, and only Yang Haoran was left among the sixteen night watchmen. For a moment, all eyes were on Yang Haoran.

  Especially Xu Meijing, not only looked at Yang Haoran with a mocking gaze, but also had a mocking sneer on her face.

  Yang Haoran, whose face was flushed at first, faced everyone's eyes with an embarrassed smile on his face. He was on pins and needles, feeling uncomfortable all over his body.

  He hadn't felt this feeling for a long time. Waiting for others to see his own jokes was the most embarrassing thing for him.

  However, he has no other choice, he has already reached this level, no matter how embarrassing and embarrassing he is, he still deserves it.

  With an extremely unnatural smile on his face, Yang Haoran walked towards Deng Feng.

  Ever since Deng Feng entered the hall, he hadn't looked at Yang Haoran directly. Seeing Yang Haoran walking at this moment, he really set his sights on him.

  Glancing at Yang Haoran, Deng Feng's eyes stayed on the yellow satchel on Yang Haoran's waist, he could not help laughing and said, "Your yellow satchel is very funny."

  When Yang Haoran heard this, the smile on his face became even more embarrassing for a while.

  He was dressed in ordinary clothes, looked ordinary, and had an ordinary figure. He looked ordinary and couldn't think of other words to describe him. Such a person, carrying a yellow satchel, suddenly looked a little rustic.

  "Of course a comedian has to be funny, otherwise what will he use to attract the audience."

  It was none other than Xu Meijing who answered the conversation.

  Deng Feng smiled and said nothing, as if he wasn't dissatisfied with Xu Meijing's answer, while the other night watchmen had different expressions and didn't know what they were thinking.

  As for Yang Haoran, hehe, he really felt ashamed at this moment, he ignored Xu Meijing's ridicule, it was impossible for her to have a verbal argument with this woman under such circumstances.

  The point is that he is extremely passive now. If he is ignorant to engage in a verbal argument with this woman, he will be the one who will suffer at the time, and he can guarantee this.

  Seeing that Yang Haoran just smiled unnaturally, and did not make any other movements, Deng Feng became a little impatient, and said, "Take out the Soul Gathering Orb, and let me see your performance."

  "This... this..." Yang Haoran rubbed his hands in embarrassment, and then said with a face of shame: "My lord envoy, you know, I have only been a night watchman for a few days, and I have been busy these days. I'm still learning and adapting to this new identity, so I haven't had time to go out and collect the souls of the undead."

  As soon as these words came out, Deng Feng frowned suddenly, with displeasure showing on his face.

  Seeing this, Yang Haoran quickly continued to explain: "If I don't understand anything, I will go out to collect my soul. If I meet someone with some ability, I am afraid that I will embarrass you old man. If I lose my face, I will lose it. God envoy I put your face and reputation first, and I can't make any mistakes."

  As soon as the flattery was slapped, Deng Feng's face looked better, and Yang Haoran couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this.

  Yang Haoran actually doesn't know whether Deng Feng will eat it or not, but in this situation, he can only think of using this trick for the time being if he wants to save himself.

  What made him heave a sigh of relief was that a strong man like Deng Feng actually accepted this trick. For him, whether it is now or in the future, as long as he still needs to hang out with Deng Feng, that is definitely a good thing .

  When Xu Meijing heard Yang Haoran's flattery, she immediately felt that she was not well, and she felt sick for a while. She wanted to sarcasm Yang Haoran again, but when she got to her mouth, Deng Feng stopped her with a look. .

  "The state owns the law, and the line has its own rules. Since you have become a night watchman, you must abide by our rules here. We don't support idlers here. If your performance is too poor, then you can only let you go and take back your ability. What should you do? Just do what you want."

  Deng Feng's words were very serious, like a boss scolding employees, Yang Haoran heard it, nodded with an embarrassed smile on his face, and did not refute, nor did he find any reason for himself.

  It is enough to mention this reason. If you overemphasize this issue, it will only be self-defeating.

  Judging from the current situation, although Deng Feng spoke harshly, Yang Haoran breathed a sigh of relief, because he did not feel the meaning of telling him to leave immediately in Deng Feng's words. Deng Feng should There is also the following.

  Sure enough, seeing that Yang Haoran's attitude was not bad, and he felt that what Yang Haoran said was indeed reasonable, so he continued to speak.

  "You just became a member of our Yin Division, and I appreciate it when you do things with consideration for our Yin Division's face. However, this cannot be an excuse for your poor performance. Forget it this time. If your performance next month does not satisfy me , then you can get out. I said this in front of other night watchmen."

  Yang Haoran quickly said yes, with a terrified expression on his face, but he was greatly relieved in his heart. Although Deng Feng's words made him feel a lot of pressure, at least the immediate difficulties were over.

  As for how to improve the performance next month, he has one month to deal with this problem, and he believes that he can definitely think of a way.

  In fact, Yang Haoran's Soul Gathering Orb does not have no souls, but only the poor two souls, the number is too small, he thinks it would be better not to take them out.

  The next time is the time to pay salaries according to their performance, and Yang Haoran can only watch the other night watchmen enjoy the infusion of soul energy.

  The wooden box hanging in front of Deng Feng seemed to have endless soul energy. Except for him, after the other night watchmen had obtained their due soul energy, the pure Yin energy that shrouded the wooden box Still no reduction.

  He was very curious about where the soul energy came from, whether it was released from the wooden box itself, or from something inside the wooden box.

  If it was released by the wooden box itself, what material is the wooden box made of?

  If it was released from the contents of the wooden box, what exactly was in the box?

  If I figured this out, and tried my best to get this kind of treasure, then if I want to obtain soul energy infusion in the future, will I no longer need Deng Feng, the envoy of God?

  Deng Feng left, escorted by the sixteen night watchmen respectfully. He was as chic as he came, directly tearing apart the space, entering the space crack and disappearing.

  Yang Haoran is envious of this method of tearing space, but he is unable to do it now, not to mention tearing space, it would be good if the yin energy in his body can shake space.

  After Deng Feng left, Yang Haoran asked Master Jiang about the wooden box in a low voice, he wanted to find out how this pure yin energy came from.

  Regarding this question, Master Jiang told Yang Haoran that it is not the wooden box itself that releases the pure yin energy, but what is inside the wooden box. As for what is inside the wooden box, he did not say much.

  Yang Haoran wanted to ask again, but at this moment, an extremely discordant voice came into his ears.

  "It's a pity that some people will be fired just after becoming night watchmen. If your ability is as good as your mouth, you won't end up in the current situation. I really think highly of you."1

  You don't need to think about who the disharmonious voice comes from. Naturally, it is Xu Meijing, who is the number one performer this month.

  "Isn't there still a month left? What if I turn around this month?" Yang Haoran responded with a smile.

  "Hehe, isn't it? You're so cute when you lie to yourself."

  Leaving this sentence behind, Xu Meijing ignored Yang Haoran, put her hands in her pockets, and left proudly.

  At this moment, she felt extremely relieved!1