
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 64 Infusion of Soul Qi

The woman gritted her teeth, wishing she could eat Yang Haoran. The smell of gunpowder on her body seemed to explode at any moment.

  Yang Haoran didn't talk back to this woman this time, it's not that he was afraid of this woman, but because there are so many people here, if he really wanted to confront this woman tit for tat on this occasion, then everything he had just done would be in vain.

  With a wry smile on his face, he shook his head and sighed.1

  The world is so big that once some people miss it, they will never meet again in their lifetime.

  But sometimes the world is so small that no matter where you are, you can bump into people you don't want to see.

  Fate is something that cannot be seen or touched, but it really exists, and it is incomparably wonderful.

  But facing the black-haired woman, Yang Haoran didn't think this kind of fate was a good thing, on the contrary, he felt that it was a kind of trick of fate on him.

  Yang Haoran ignored the black-haired woman, he looked away, lit a cigarette, and looked melancholy, but the black-haired woman didn't seem to want to let him go like this, she put her hands in her trouser pockets, and turned to Yang Haoran with a dark face. Haoran walked over to where he was.

  The sound of footsteps was very rhythmic, but this sound fell into Yang Haoran's ears, but it made him feel like a prelude to death.

  The footsteps were getting closer, Yang Haoran tried his best to keep a smile on his face, but the smile seemed a little unnatural.

  A gust of fragrant wind came, and the black-haired woman stopped in front of Yang Haoran, looking at the pair of straight long legs in front of him, he felt like there was a big mountain in front of him.

  "I'll go, is this woman going to tear herself apart with me on this occasion?"

  Yang Haoran couldn't help thinking that if the black-haired woman really did this, then he would be the one to be embarrassed.

  Although he was a little worried, Yang Haoran still tried his best to make the smile on his face natural, then he stood up and extended his hand to the black-haired woman in a friendly manner.

  If it weren't for this occasion, it would be absolutely impossible for Yang Haoran to take the initiative to show affection to the black-haired woman. His reaction would definitely be the same as last night, and he would inevitably ridicule her. But Now, it is absolutely impossible for him to do this made.

  "Hello, I just joined the organization not long ago, my name is..."

  Yang Haoran tried his best to show kindness to the black-haired woman, but the black-haired woman didn't like him at all, before he finished speaking, the black-haired woman interrupted his words angrily.

  "I'm not interested in what your name is. The only thing I'm interested in now is tearing up your stinking mouth and digging out your smiling eyes!"

  Not only Yang Haoran was taken aback by the vicious voice, but even the other night watchmen felt strong anger from the woman's words.

  They all showed curiosity on their faces, what kind of enmity does this newcomer Yang Haoran have with the black-haired woman? Judging by the angry look of the black-haired woman, this enmity seems to be very serious.

  Yang Haoran was very embarrassed. What he was most worried about happened. The black-haired woman didn't care about the occasion at all. When these words came out of her mouth, he was really embarrassed.

  His outstretched hand froze in the air, smiled awkwardly, held back the unhappiness in his heart, and withdrew his hand.

  He really didn't want to quarrel with the black-haired woman on this occasion, but the black-haired woman still didn't want to let him go. She snorted coldly and was about to speak again, but at this moment, everyone seemed to sense something, and their eyes were all sharp looking towards a location.

  Under the gaze of everyone, a space in front of the main seat in the hall suddenly distorted and deformed, and then a crack appeared, and a short figure walked out of the crack.

  This person is none other than Deng Feng, the god envoy with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

  Deng Feng's appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention, even the black-haired woman shut her mouth and did not continue to sneer at Yang Haoran.

  Although Deng Feng has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, his aura is very strong. If you stand there with your hands behind your back, you can feel the sense of oppression emanating from him.

  Looking over the crowd, Deng Feng took his exclusive seat when he saw that everyone was present.

  "I'm very busy. According to the old rules, let's start quickly."

  After sitting down, Deng Feng didn't beat around the bush, didn't say a word of nonsense, and went directly to the topic.

  The black-haired woman gave Yang Haoran a hard look, then let out a cold snort, and sat down as far away as possible from Yang Haoran.

  Yang Haoran breathed a sigh of relief, the last thing he wanted to face at this time was the entanglement of the black-haired woman, Deng Feng's appearance was really timely.

  After everyone sat down, Deng Feng waved his hand, as if by magic, a box suddenly appeared in front of him.

  The box is only the size of a palm and is very delicate. It floats in the air in front of Deng Feng, and black yin energy keeps rising from the box.

  The appearance of the box immediately attracted the attention of other night watchmen. Their eyes were hot. It seemed that the box was very attractive to them, especially the night watchman next to Yang Haoran's left. He looked at the box, and even his breathing became short of breath. up.

  Sitting next to Yang Haoran's right hand was Master Jiang. Although Master Jiang looked at the box with fiery eyes, he was relatively calm in comparison.

  Yang Haoran's eyes naturally fell on the floating box, but unlike other night watchmen, his eyes were not hot, but rather puzzled, because he didn't know what was in the box.

  Everyone's reaction seemed to satisfy Deng Feng, he smiled, and under the hot eyes of other night watchmen, he stretched out his finger and tapped the box lightly.

  Following his point, the box shook slightly, and then an astonishing cloud of Yin Qi erupted, enveloping the entire wooden box inside.

  This yin qi is different from ordinary yin qi. Compared with ordinary yin qi, the yin qi wrapped around the wooden box in front of my eyes is richer and more pure!

  "This is..." Yang Haoran's eyes lit up, he seemed to have thought of something, showing a look of surprise on his face.

  "Could it be that this is the soul energy Master Jiang talked about!"

  Combined with a series of words that Master Jiang said to himself, Yang Haoran immediately guessed what the yin energy shrouded in the wooden box was.

  Just when he was thinking this way in his heart, he saw Deng Feng wave his hand, and a large amount of pure Yin Qi burst out from the wooden box, divided into fourteen strands, and went towards Master Jiang and the fourteen night watchmen of the temple respectively.

  None of the fourteen temple guards dodged. Instead, they all showed excitement on their faces, allowing the cloudy energy to pour into their bodies.

  Fill the body with soul energy!

  Yang Haoran knew that this should be what Master Jiang said about infusing the body with soul energy, and it was the only way for their night watchmen to enhance their Yin spiritual power!

  The only thing he was puzzled about was why they had the chance to get the soul energy infusion before handing over their souls, and the amount of soul energy obtained by the fourteen of them was different, some had more, some had less .

  The most important thing is that he and the black-haired woman did not enjoy the infusion of soul energy.

  Master Jiang at the side seemed to see Yang Haoran's doubts, and said in a low voice: "Our Miaozhu can get a certain amount of soul energy every month, and the longer you become a Miaozhu, the more fixed soul energy you will get. The two of you and Mei Jing are not blessed by the temple, so there is no such benefit."

  Master Jiang's explanation made Yang Haoran realize suddenly, he never thought that a temple like Master Jiang could still receive a basic salary every month, and the longer he became a temple priest, the more basic salary he would get!

  It is impossible for Yang Haoran to say that he is not envious, but thinking about it carefully, he can also accept this model. After all, Miaozhu needs to take care of the Temple of Death, they are busy all day, and there are not many opportunities to go out to collect souls. Without a fixed salary, they probably wouldn't get much Soul Qi every month.

  "Okay, let me see your performance this month."

  Deng Feng's voice sounded again, and a night watchman heard the words and hurriedly walked towards Deng Feng, then took out the Soul Gathering Orb, and handed it to Deng Feng respectfully.

  In the soul-gathering bead, there are densely packed soul strands, but there are quite a few of them. Yang Haoran estimated that there are at least twenty soul qi in the soul-gathering bead.

  Deng Feng nodded indifferently. He was not satisfied with this person's performance, but he didn't show any dissatisfaction. He just waved his hand, and the Soul Gathering Orb disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

  Immediately afterwards, another burst of soul energy erupted from the wooden box in front of him, directly entering the person's body.

  This person enjoyed it, and then saluted Deng Feng again, before leaving with an excited expression.

  After this person left, another Miao Zhu went up, took out the Soul Gathering Orb like the previous one, and handed it to Deng Feng respectfully.

  The performance of this night watchman is better than the former one, and there are more than 30 soul silks in the Soul Gathering Orb.

  The speed of handing in their souls was very fast. In just a short time, half of the sixteen of them successfully handed in their souls and obtained the corresponding soul energy.

  Xu Meijing has been sitting still, she will look at Yang Haoran from time to time, with provocation in her eyes.

  This Xu Meijing is the black-haired woman who is very different from Yang Haoran.

  Like Yang Haoran, Xu Meijing is not a concubine, so she has an idea to compete with Yang Haoran, and wants to let herself vent her anger in this way.

  In the past, Xu Meijing was the first to go up and hand in her soul, but this time she didn't do so. The reason, of course, was Yang Haoran.

  How could Yang Haoran not be able to sense the provocative gaze that Xu Meijing cast from time to time, but at this moment, he had no intention of caring about Xu Meijing, so he did not respond to Xu Meijing's provocative gaze.

  He looked at the Soul Gathering Orbs taken out by other night watchmen, there were at least twenty soul qi, while his Soul Gathering Orb had only two soul strands. In such a comparison, his performance can be described as horrible.

  After a while, except for Xu Meijing and Yang Haoran, the other night watchmen successfully surrendered their souls.

  Xu Meijing originally wanted to wait for Yang Haoran to go first, but seeing that Yang Haoran had no intention of handing over her soul before her, she let out a cold snort, stood up and walked towards Deng Feng.