
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 63 It's You!

Walking through the passage paved with red carpet, Yang Haoran's eyes lit up with everything he saw.

  This is a luxuriously decorated hall, and Yang Haoran is dazzled by all kinds of grand furniture. Although he doesn't know the brands of these furniture, judging from the color and luster, it should be very valuable.

  It's hard to imagine that walking from a dilapidated house to the rock wall, there will be such a luxurious hall. Yang Haoran has been a magic stick in these years, and he has also entered several rich families, but the decoration of their homes is compared with the hall in front of him. , that's a world of difference.1

  In the hall, besides Yang Haoran, several people had already come. Some of them sat on the sofa and smoked, and some took out famous wine from the wine cabinet and drank it.

  Among these few people, Yang Haoran knew some, they were wearing black robes, they were the priests of the Temple of the Death God in Nanhu, and there were two other people who were also wearing the black robes of the Temple of the Death God, but he didn't know each other, it seemed that they were Temple wishes in other death temples in Lecheng.

  The appearance of Yang Haoran attracted the attention of these temple priests. Seeing that it was Yang Haoran, the temple priests in the Nanhu Temple of Death immediately showed a smile.

  "Little Yang, come here, hurry up and sit down." One of the Miaozhu smiled and waved to Yang Haoran.

  Yang Haoran nodded with a smile on his face, and then walked towards the person's location.

  When he came in front of this person, he didn't sit down carelessly immediately, but took out a cigarette and distributed it to several people one by one.

  "Hehe, the smoke is a bit short, don't mind, don't mind." Yang Haoran said with an apologetic smile as he scattered the smoke.

  "No matter where, everyone is from their own family, so there is no need to be so polite. Come, come, sit down quickly, sit down quickly."

  Miao Zhu, who greeted Yang Haoran, took the cigarette and spoke, and moved his body to realize that Yang Haoran sat down.

  Although he is also a night watchman, Yang Haoran is extremely polite in front of these priests. Naturally, there is a reason for him to do so.

  Every circle has its own rules. If a newcomer shows off too much, it is definitely not a good thing, and may even cause unnecessary trouble for himself. Be polite, be humble, and try to keep your attitude Only by lowering yourself a little can you integrate into this circle better and faster.

  Yang Haoran has been wandering outside for more than ten years. He has seen many people and beasts of all kinds. He has been arrogant, high-profile, stupid, angry, made many jokes, and even suffered a lot. Gradually wear away the corners of his character, let him learn to be low-key, learn to be modest, learn how to quickly adapt to a circle, how to quickly integrate into a circle.

  "Xiao Yang, let me introduce you, this is..."

  A temple priest began to introduce Yang Haoran. After all, among these temple priests, he did not know two of them. The temple priests in the Nanhu Death God Temple had a good impression of Yang Haoran. So before Yang Haoran opened his mouth to ask, he took the initiative to be introduced to him.

  Every time someone was introduced, Yang Haoran would stand up and salute, appearing very polite. His attitude naturally left some good impressions on the two of them.

  After the introduction, several people chatted, and the most talked about was naturally about undead and evil spirits.

  Yang Haoran didn't interrupt indiscriminately, but he listened very carefully. Although they were chatting, some of what they talked about was helpful to him and could increase his knowledge.

  However, he doesn't keep talking all the time. Occasionally, he also grasps the key points of the topic and makes a few sentences along the chat of several people, which makes them chat more happily and at the same time makes others notice his existence. , not to regard him as air.

  Before you get to know each other well in a circle, try to speak as little as possible, because if you talk too much, you will lose. If you don't understand the character of the other party, the more you talk, the more mistakes you will make. In the end, you will only leave a bad impression on the other party.

  However, you have to say nothing, if you don't say a word, it will be easily ignored by others, which is not good for integrating into this circle.

  When to speak and what to say, I am very particular. I have made many friends and said many enemies wrong.

  Fortunately, Yang Haoran is also an old driver, and he is still able to deal with this kind of thing with ease. He only said a few words, and the two new acquaintances developed a more favorable impression of him.

  While they were chatting, people entered the hall from the passage one after another, but they were all wearing the black robes of the Temple of Death.

  In Le City, including Yang Haoran, there are 16 night watchmen in total. Of these 16 people, 14 are temple priests in the Temple of Death, and only two are not temple priests, but fighting outside.

  Yang Haoran didn't know who the other night watchman who was not a temple blessing like himself was, but he was very curious and wanted to know who this person was as soon as possible.

  They are both outside guerrilla fighters, if they get along well with each other, maybe they can help me in the future, after all, he is still a rookie now, if he is accompanied by a veteran, then he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort .

  But what puzzled Yang Haoran was that as time went by, all the night watchmen with temple blessing status had arrived, but this guy hadn't appeared yet, which made him more interested in this guy.

  From other people's mouths, Yang Haoran knew that this night watchman was a woman, and she was young and beautiful. beauty.

  Of course, Yang Haoran desperately wanted to meet this beauty, and he still had a little luck in his heart. He happened to be short of a girlfriend right now, so wouldn't it be a good thing if he could have a date with her.

  However, he is just thinking about this kind of thinking in his heart. He knows his own weight. , he should not have many chances.

  Although he knew this in his heart, he still had some luck. Everyone was a night watchman, and he was not completely without chance.

  Just as Yang Haoran was thinking this way, a Miaozhu next to him bumped him lightly with his hand, and he recovered from his fantasy, before he could ask, this Miaozhu spoke first.

  "Here she comes, here she comes."

  She is coming?

  Yang Haoran naturally understood what these words meant, and with curiosity in his heart, he looked towards the exit of the passage.

  It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, the smile on his face froze immediately.

  The night watchman at the side saw Yang Haoran showing this expression, showing a smile that a man can understand, and teased: "Isn't she beautiful? I didn't lie to you, did I? Don't say it's you, the first time I saw this beauty , I was also taken aback by her appearance, this appearance and figure, nothing to say, is just a little bad temper."

  Listening to what the night watchman said, the reason why Yang Haoran's expression froze was entirely because he was shocked by the beauty's appearance.

  However, this is not the case!

  This beauty is indeed very beautiful. Her delicate facial features, pretty face, snow-white skin, and impeccable figure are indeed the best in the world, but what surprised Yang Haoran was not her appearance, but his familiarity with her. this woman!

  To be precise, it can't be said to be acquaintance, it can only be said to have met, and I have met twice, the most recent one was last night, only two meetings, and there was an unpleasant quarrel between the two parties.

  "I'll go, how could it be her!"

  Yang Haoran murmured, he couldn't believe his eyes, he rubbed his eyes, and when he looked at the woman again, the beauty was still herself, she hadn't changed, but Yang Haoran was a little messy.

  This woman is none other than the woman I met at the Jiulongpo Cemetery last night. Although the two of them only spoke a few words together, every word was extremely heart-wrenching.

  Before last night, the two met once, outside the mortuary of the hospital. Although the two of them only spoke a few words at that time, they were also extremely heart-wrenching, and every word was like a knife.

  Yang Haoran never dreamed that the other night watchman who fought guerrillas like him would be this woman!

  He was most afraid of the sudden quietness of the air. At this moment, Yang Haoran was in a bad mood. This face that he hated so much made him speechless for a while.

  No, what he hates is not the woman's face, what he hates is the haughty, condescending expression on the woman's face, and the woman's character.

  The night watchman next to him also said just now that although this woman is beautiful, she has a very bad temper. In fact, he doesn't need to say this, because Yang Haoran has already learned it.

  The night watchman's sensing ability is much better than that of ordinary people. Yang Haoran kept staring at the woman like this. The woman seemed to have sensed something. She frowned displeasedly, and then looked at Yang Haoran's position.

  Undoubtedly, when the woman's eyes fell on Yang Haoran, her reaction was completely no different from Yang Haoran's reaction when he saw her!

  The same expression froze on his face, and the same look of astonishment!

  After a moment of astonishment, the woman came back to her senses, her brows frowned even tighter, and her face suddenly became rather ugly.

  "Ugly! It's you!"

  As soon as these words came out, the other night watchmen were all taken aback, they looked at Yang Haoran, and then at the woman.

  Judging from the facial expressions of Yang Haoran and the woman, the two should know each other, but they are both night watchmen and non-miaozhu night watchmen. Look, the two seem to be more than just acquainted.

  There seems to be some story between the two of them.

  At this moment, Yang Haoran and the woman both understood a question in their hearts, why they sensed a strong yin energy in each other's body, because both of them are night watchmen, they belong to his mother's organization, and they belong to the same unit !