
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 6 Inexplicable Coolness

The bar run by Guan Hai is very small, with only a few tables, and he is a hands-off shopkeeper, doing nothing all day long, leaving everything to the store manager to handle. He only comes to the bar every once in a while to settle the bill and count things up. drinks.

  Although the bar is not big, the environment is very good. When the three of Yang Haoran stepped into the bar, the few tables were already full, and the business was very good. Apart from women, this small bar is the only source Guan Hai needs to survive in this world.

  As soon as he stepped into the bar, Guan Hai was surrounded by several beauties, chattering non-stop to Guan Hai, laughing and dancing very excitedly.

  There is music in the bar, the sound is not deafening, it will not affect the guests' chatting and farting, but after entering the bar, there is some distance between Yang Haoran and Guan Hai, so he can't hear the chatting of several girls. Hai said something.

  Without a seat, Yang Haoran sat down at the bar, ordered a bottle of beer, and drank it casually.

  As for the man surnamed Liu, it seemed that the spirit of alcohol had completely come up at this time, his face was flushed, he was staggering, and his eyes were straightened when he saw the women who were pestering Guan Hai.

  "Brother Yang, sit down first, I'll come over after I deal with it." Guan Hai came to Yang Haoran, smiled and said.

  When no one is around, Guan Hai calls Yang Haoran casually, but when there are outsiders, Guan Hai usually calls Yang Haoran Brother Yang.

  Yang Haoran looked at Guan Hai with contempt, and only said two words: "Get out!"

  Guan Hai seemed to be very excited about something at this time, he had no intention of bickering with Yang Haoran at all, after showing Yang Haoran a smile that men could understand, he was abruptly dragged away by a few girls.

  When the man surnamed Liu saw this, he immediately became very excited, and quickly shouted to Guan Hai: "Hey, we came together, do you have the heart to leave me here alone? Don't worry, I will treat you in the past, please treat me well." A European and American woman has a drink!"

  Guan Hai originally wanted to say that Brother Yang is still with you? Unexpectedly, the man surnamed Liu immediately became close to a woman beside him.

  The woman didn't like the man surnamed Liu very much, but she didn't say much when she thought that he was Guan Hai's friend, and Guan Hai naturally didn't want to say much. After all, he still wanted to kill the man surnamed Liu, so let him go first. Have a taste.

  In this way, the man surnamed Liu successfully squeezed into a group of women, making this guy laugh from ear to ear.

  Yang Haoran saw all this in his eyes, and couldn't help being speechless, this man surnamed Liu was already drinking too much, and he had trouble walking, but when he saw a beautiful woman, he felt like he had been beaten with blood, and called his mother It's alive and well.

  This man, man, Yang Haoran sighed in his heart, smiled lightly, shook his head, then stopped caring about Guan Hai and the man surnamed Liu, and drank beer on his own, with a serious look on his face.

  Unknowingly, Yang Haoran drank a lot alone, his face became a little drunk, sometimes someone entered the bar, sometimes someone left the bar, both of them passed by him, but he turned a blind eye, thinking about his own business , drinking his wine.

  "A man stands at thirty, and I seem to be far away. I don't know whether the path I chose is right or wrong. Do I really want to go all the way to the dark?" Yang Haoran asked himself in his heart. He couldn't help feeling a little confused, wondering if his persistence was right, and whether he should continue to persevere.

  In the current line of work, pretending to be a ghost all day long is not a long-term solution. Sooner or later, he will be found out. If he is unlucky enough to meet a real guy, then he will really win the lottery. He understands the truth that he often walks by the river without getting his shoes wet.

  "Is it true that as long as people work hard, they will definitely get what they want?" Yang Haoran asked himself in his heart, but then he smiled wryly and shook his head, with a helpless expression, his answer was naturally no.

  "If you work hard, you may not be rewarded, but if you don't work hard, will your life be easier?" Yang Haoran suddenly had a thought in his heart that made him feel funny.

  However, this idea hadn't taken root yet, and he was strangled to death in the bud. He was indeed disappointed with the current self, but he hadn't reached the point of despair. Deep in his heart, he still kept a seeds of hope.

  In fact, it's no wonder that Yang Haoran feels melancholy after drinking. He is thirty years old and has achieved nothing, let alone a family. He is somewhat anxious. After all, his starting point is very low, and he cannot compare with other peers with a high starting point. If he If he can't make any achievements, I'm afraid that his whole life can only be spent in such a muddle-headed way, and he may even be single forever, with the unicorn arm as his companion all day long.

  He drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, Yang Haoran put down the glass, his head was a little dizzy, he rubbed his temples, then took out his mobile phone to check the time, it was past ten o'clock, and it was only around nine o'clock when he entered the bar, he didn't expect to know Before I knew it, more than an hour had passed.

  "Damn it, that kid Guan Hai must have completely forgotten about me now." Yang Haoran cursed with a low laugh, and was about to leave the bar, but at this moment, a beautiful figure passed by him. His body trembled involuntarily.

  The woman who suddenly passed by Yang Haoran was very beautiful and tall, even though the lights in the bar were a little dim, it still couldn't cover her beautiful face and graceful figure.

  However, Yang Haoran's body suddenly trembled slightly, not because he was shocked by the woman's figure and appearance, but because when the woman passed by him, he suddenly felt a coolness, it was this sudden coolness , His body couldn't help shivering.

  The woman didn't notice Yang Haoran, she just passed by him, the latter hadn't reacted yet, the former had already sat down at a position, and the position she was sitting at was exactly the table Guan Hai was at.

  Yang Haoran reacted, and the coolness on his body disappeared with the woman's departure. Looking at the woman who had already sat down, he shifted his gaze to the door of the bar, and frowned slightly.

  It's winter now, and it's past ten o'clock, so the temperature outside the bar is naturally very low. Could the inexplicable chill just now be because the woman opened the door of the bar when she came in, causing the cold wind from outside to blow into the bar?

  Thinking of this, Yang Haoran couldn't help laughing at himself. It seemed that he was too much into the drama by pretending to be a ghost. It was a natural and normal phenomenon. He was surprised by him. If he keeps pretending to be a ghost, will he become a psychopath?

  "It seems that I drank too much, let's go back and get a good night's sleep!" Yang Haoran rubbed his temples again, and was about to say hello to the waiter at the bar and leave, but at this moment, a woman was standing next to him stopped in front of him.

  Looking at the woman in front of him, Yang Haoran smiled kindly, as a way of saying hello, he knows this woman, she is a waiter in this bar, and because he has a good relationship with Guan Hai, he often comes to this bar Taking care of the business, so the waiter and store manager of this bar, and even the regular customers who often come to this bar for consumption know him.

  "Brother Yang, Brother Guan, please go over and sit down. He can't get away now, so let me come over to invite you." The waiter said to Yang Haoran with a smile.

  The kind smile on Yang Haoran's face remained undiminished, but he was cursing Guan Hai in his heart. The bar is so small that he can hear it just by shouting. It must be so complicated. Those who don't know think it's some big boss I'm summoning him.

  But Yang Haoran knew that the reason why Guan Hai didn't do this was because he didn't want to yell and ruin his image in the eyes of beautiful women.

  Guan Hai once told him that if you want to pick up girls, you have to be bold and cautious. The so-called boldness means not being shy, not timid, and not shameless.

  The so-called carefulness is to pay more attention to the details. It is not okay to be careless. If a detail is not done well, it is likely to arouse the resentment of the beautiful woman and reduce your image in the other party's mind. If it is done well, the same It will also leave a good impression on the other party's heart. If the details you deal with happen to be what the other party cares about, then the impression you will leave on the other party's heart will be even deeper.1

  Right now, Guan Hai is so entangled by several girls that he can't get out, and he can't help yelling regardless of his image, so he asks the waiter to come and invite Yang Haoran.

  Although Yang Haoran scolded Guan Hai in his heart, he was not really angry because he understood.

  Thanking the waiter with a smile, Yang Haoran walked towards the table where Guan Hai was. He had no intention of continuing to drink. Just say hello to Guan Hai before leaving.

  As soon as Yang Haoran approached, Guan Hai grabbed him, and then gave a brief introduction to the beauties present with a happy face.

  Regarding this, Yang Haoran smiled politely at several beauties, including the one who just passed by him.

  However, these beauties didn't like Yang Haoran, they just smiled back politely and didn't care about Yang Haoran's life or death anymore.

  Yang Haoran has long been used to this. After all, he has an average appearance, an average figure, and is extremely poor. Even he himself can't find anything attractive to girls, let alone others.

  Yang Haoran didn't care about the attitudes of the beauties towards him, he looked at the man surnamed Liu who was already drunk, then looked at Guan Hai, and finally said to the beauties at the table: "He's drunk, I Send him back and have fun."

  Several beauties didn't like Yang Haoran at first, but when they heard Yang Haoran's words, they immediately felt that Yang Haoran was particularly pleasing to the eye.

  For this man surnamed Liu who was already drunk, the women were full of disgust in their hearts, and they used the strength of alcohol to take advantage of all kinds of advantages as soon as they came to the table. Guan Hai, they would have driven the man surnamed Liu away long ago.

  In order to make the man surnamed Liu calm down, several beauties took turns to toast each other with a full cup, and they put the man surnamed Liu directly in just one round.

  Although the man surnamed Liu has been overwhelmed, he is still an eyesore to the girls lying here. At this time, Yang Haoran wants to send him away, which is in their favor.

  However, Guan Hai stopped Yang Haoran at this time, saying: "No need, I have already arranged his affairs, you sit down first, I have something important to tell you."

  Saying that, Guan Hai didn't wait for Yang Haoran to agree, and dragged him down on the seat. Where Yang Haoran was sitting was facing Guan Hai, the aisle on the left was empty, and the woman on the right was the woman who had just entered.

  As soon as Yang Haoran's butt sat down, no, to be precise, as soon as he approached the woman on the right, the coolness he felt before reappeared!