
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 50: Sure enough, there is a ghost!

The reason why Yang Haoran wears sunglasses at night is very simple, it is to prevent others from discovering when he opens his ghost eyes, otherwise, he would not do such a thing.

  At this time, the ghost eyes opened, and he first saw a faint yin energy covering Wang Qing's body.

  This yin qi is not strong, just a very light layer. Although this layer of yin qi will not have any impact on the human body in a short period of time, once it goes on for a long time, it will definitely be affected, and people will become weak and sick because of it.

  Yang Haoran just glanced at Wang Qing, and then shifted his gaze to her side. It doesn't matter if you don't look at her, but after looking at it, he was really startled. The hand that turned the water glass couldn't help but gently Trembling, the whole person gasped.

  Next to Wang Qing, there was still a person sitting. To be precise, it was not a person, but a ghost!

  The whole body of this ghost was bleeding, and the whole head was bloody and bloody. You could vaguely see the white bones and pieces of minced meat dripping with blood.

  Seeing this scene suddenly, Yang Haoran was really shocked, but now he is still a night watchman, a person with real skills, and it is said that people with high skills are bold, and his ability grows, which makes him more courageous up.

  After taking a deep breath, the fear in his heart gradually dissipated, and he regained his composure.

  In fact, before opening the ghost eyes, Yang Haoran guessed that Wang Qing was followed by a ghost. There was nothing beside Wang Qing, but there was a strong yin energy emanating from it. In his opinion, it was very likely that there was a ghost following her, otherwise It is difficult to explain the existence of strong Yin Qi.

  Sure enough, after opening the ghost eyes, he found that Wang Qing was indeed followed by a ghost. Although he was mentally prepared, he was still taken aback by the ghost's tragic death.

  The face of this ghost has been turned into a pool of shredded flesh, and his appearance cannot be seen clearly, but judging from his clothes before death, he should be a man.

  Once a person dies, they usually keep the clothes they wore when they died, and they also keep the tragic appearance when they died. Of course, if they want, they can also use the normal appearance before they were alive. The two can be switched at will. Whether the tragic situation is still the normal appearance before death is entirely up to them.

  The ghost in front of him didn't have the normal appearance when he was alive, but the tragic appearance when he died, that's why it looks so terrifying.

  What is the relationship between this ghost and Wang Qing?

  Why did he follow Wang Qing?

  Yang Haoran was very puzzled, but the appearance of this ghost made him know the source of the Yin Qi on Wang Qing, and it should be from this ghost.

  But why is Wang Qing's yin energy much weaker than that of that day?

  What happened to Guan Hai's Yin Qi?

  In order to understand the doubts in Kaixin and understand the ins and outs of the whole thing, Yang Haoran put the breakthrough point on the ghost in front of him.

  Ghost eyes can see things that the naked eye cannot see, and can also see the past of the deceased. If you want to solve this matter thoroughly, you must figure out the ins and outs of this matter, so that there will be no harm in dealing with it. Omission, this is also the reason why Yang Haoran didn't immediately take out the Soul Gathering Orb to get rid of this ghost.

  The ghost eyes moved, and the scene Yang Haoran saw began to change. The past of the deceased began to emerge in front of his eyes, and he had a feeling of being there.

  The name of the ghost in front of him is Gao Liang, and he is one of Wang Qing's many admirers.

  Gao Liang's family was poor, and both his parents were honest farmers with no skills, but they were indeed very fond of Gao Liang's son and spoiled him very much.

  It is said that the children of poor families are in charge of the family early, but this did not happen to Gao Liang. Due to the doting of his parents, Gao Liang has hardly experienced any setbacks since he was a child. His parents blocked all the wind and rain for him. down.

  Gao Liang's grades are very poor. It stands to reason that a child from a poor family like him, let alone poor grades, is likely to drop out of school early even if his grades are good, but he did not drop out of school. university today.

  In fact, Gao Liang and Wang Qing's university is not a key university. There is almost no threshold for this university. As long as you have money, you can get into it. Therefore, even if Gao Liang's grades are poor, he successfully entered the university. Of course, it was all the savings of his parents in their entire life.

  In order for Gao Liang to successfully enter the university, Gao Liang's parents exhausted all the savings in the family, and even borrowed a lot of money from relatives and friends, causing their family to owe a lot of debts, which made Ben very sad. Poor families get poorer.

  However, Gao Liang's parents are sincerely happy and proud of their son, because his son went to university, and in their eyes, university is a great place, and their son will be a great college student in the future Now, the future is bright, Guangzong Yaozu is just around the corner!

  Therefore, even though the family has been dragged down, Gao Liang's parents feel the pressure, but at the same time they are happy from the bottom of their hearts. They tell everyone that their son has been admitted to college, and what will happen in the future.

  The day before leaving, Gao Liang's parents gritted their teeth and set up a table full of delicious dishes. They invited relatives and friends, one to celebrate their precious son becoming a college student, and the other to send their precious son off with great fanfare.

  At the wine table, Gao Liang's parents were in high spirits, their old faces were full of joy, amidst the congratulations from relatives and friends, they were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear.

  Early the next morning, Gao Liang got into the car, and his parents saw him off with tears in his eyes. Under the expectant eyes of his parents, Gao Liang left his hometown and came to Lecheng to start his college life.

  Gao Liang knew that his family was poor, but he had no intention of relieving some of the pressure on his parents. The monthly living expenses were as much as he wanted, and he never thought about whether he could try to be more frugal.

  As for whether his parents are doing well in his hometown, and where to find him a monthly living allowance, he has never thought about it at all.

  All he wanted was how to find the money. In his opinion, that was his parents' business and had nothing to do with him.

  On weekdays, he would not take the initiative to contact his parents. He would only think of his parents when he didn't have enough money to spend. Even if it was a holiday, he would rarely call his parents.

  University life is colorful and colorful. In the university where Gao Liang is, few people really come to learn skills, and most of them spend their parents' hard-earned money recklessly.

  Gradually, he learned how to play games, how to play mahjong, how to compare, how to fall in love, and how to have sex with friends. He didn't learn anything that should be learned in college, and he learned everything that he shouldn't learn.

  It's not just him Gao Liang who is like this, most of the students in their university are like this. In their eyes, learning to eat, drink and have fun is what college life should be like. Students who work hard to learn knowledge, in their eyes Instead, it became strange in his eyes.

  Eating, drinking, and having fun requires capital. Gao Liang doesn't have much capital himself, but he still has parents, and he loves his parents very much. Therefore, parents have become the only way for him to obtain capital.

  At a party, Gao Liang met Wang Qing from the same school. Gao Liang was deeply attracted by Wang Qing's beauty. Qing launched a fierce pursuit.

  But what Gao Liang didn't expect was that Wang Qing didn't like him as a poor boy, which made Gao Liang very annoyed, but he didn't give up because of this, but vowed to get Wang Qing.

  Since Wang Qing couldn't be attracted by looks, Gao Liang thought of a money offensive, and he began to buy various gifts for Wang Qing, such as clothes, purses, jewelry and so on.

  Although these gifts were not famous brands, each one ranged from hundreds to thousands. In just one month, Gao Liang poured tens of thousands of new coins into Wang Qing.

  For wealthy families, tens of thousands of new coins is nothing, but for Gao Liang's family, which is already heavily in debt, tens of thousands of new coins is an astronomical figure.

  However, in order to support their precious son's studies, Gao Liang's parents scraped together and tried various methods, even kneeling down to their relatives and friends, and finally found this sum of money for Gao Liang.

  The price for doing this is that as soon as relatives and friends see Gao Liang's parents, they hide away like they have met the plague god, and they dare not have any contact with them at all, because these relatives and friends know in their hearts that Gao Liang's parents will definitely appear. It is to borrow money.

  It's no wonder that these relatives and friends will do this. They also have their own families and need money for expenses. Gao Liang's parents always ask them to borrow money. It is normal to hide from the two of them.

  Gao Liang's money offensive against Wang Qing still had some effect. Wang Qing never refused these gifts, and all of them became capital for her to show off in front of her classmates and satisfy her vanity.

  However, she still doesn't have a good impression of Gao Liang, she just wants to squeeze more gifts from Gao Liang.

  After a month, after spending tens of thousands of new coins, Gao Liang didn't even hold Wang Qing's hand, let alone open a house, and Gao Liang was still not ready to give up. catch up.

  In the second month, Gao Liang was going to spend more money on Wang Qing. He didn't believe that he couldn't win Wang Qing, but he didn't think about his family situation at all.

  In the second month, Gao Liang didn't get any money from his parents. Not only did he not get the money he was going to spend on Wang Qing, he didn't even get a cent for his own living expenses.

  He didn't know that since he entered university, his parents hadn't even tasted meat, they ate porridge and kimchi all day long, and all the money was spent on him. He didn't even borrow a penny, all he knew was that his parents didn't give him any money this month!

  Gao Liang was very angry. He ignored the crying of his parents on the other end of the phone, and lost his temper severely, scolding his parents for being useless and incompetent, which made him unable to hold his head up in front of his classmates.

  In the eyes of Gao Liang's parents, university is a place where talents gather. There, his son will definitely learn skills and become their pride. It's just that they never dreamed that since entering university, their precious son He can't even do the basics of being a human being.

  How did it become like this?

  How could my precious son become like this?

  Disappointed with Gao Liang, coupled with the huge debts owed by the family, Gao Liang's parents were devastated, unable to figure it out for a while, and finally drank the pesticide together and left this world with tears in their eyes.1