
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 5 tacit understanding

Although he already knew what was going on, Guan Hai still didn't give up. He opened the red envelope and took out a hundred new coins from it.

  That's right, there was only one hundred yuan in the red envelope, and Guan Hai had already opened the entire red envelope, and there was nothing in the red envelope except for one hundred yuan.

  "I'll go, don't be particular about it!" Guan Hai complained, instead of getting angry, he had a dumbfounding expression on his face.

  Yang Haoran smiled helplessly, and said: "I thought this brother Liu was very good, but it seems that I overestimated him. I have been in this business for a while, and there are at least two hundred red envelopes. I wanted to be alone with you." One hundred, it's gone now."

  Since Yang Haoran got into this line of business, Guan Hai has brought him a lot of business, he is well-known in their street, of course Guan Hai's credit is indispensable. As long as it is a business introduced by Guan Hai, he will share the rewards with Guan Hai after the business is completed. Although he is short of money and likes money, he will never let his friends suffer.

  Just now he just pinched the red envelope and confirmed that there was only one hundred yuan in it, so he simply gave it to Guan Hai. It was only one hundred yuan, so it couldn't be fifty for each person, it would appear that he was too petty.

  However, Guan Hai did not accept the hundred, but threw it to Yang Haoran, saying: "You have been busy all afternoon, it would be too dishonest for me to accept this money, even though I introduced you to this business Yes, but I didn't expect Brother Liu to be so stingy, what a mistake!"

  Seeing that Yang Haoran took the money and wanted to hand it to him, Guan Hai continued: "He will treat us to dinner tonight, I will definitely eat back my share, and I will take him to my bar to spend later, so that we The loss will be made up, so you don't have to worry about me losing money."

  Yang Haoran smiled when he heard the words, and put the hundred yuan into his satchel without being pretentious.

  The car started, and the two headed towards their destination. On the way, Guan Hai smiled and said to Yang Haoran while driving the car: "I can see now, do you know nothing at all, and I will follow you You have handled this kind of business many times, although your routine is different every time, but I always feel that something is wrong, tell me honestly, do you know nothing, just acting?"

  Hearing the words, Yang Haoran didn't show the embarrassment after the lie was discovered. Instead, he looked at Guan Hai with contempt, snorted coldly, and said, "Hmph, how can you understand that you are an ordinary person with mortal eyes? Brother, I am amazing. You think you are the only one who is smart and everyone else is a fool. If I had no real skills, I would have been scolded as a liar. Have you been called a liar? Have you ever seen anyone come to my canteen to make trouble?"

  Yang Haoran's question immediately made the smile on Guan Hai's face awkward. Indeed, he had never seen anyone call Yang Haoran a liar, nor had he seen anyone go to Yang Haoran's shop to make trouble. Not only that, anyone who invited Among the people Guan Hai knew who had done things before, Yang Haoran seemed to have a good impression of Yang Haoran, and some even respected Yang Haoran very much. From this point of view, Yang Haoran did not look like a liar, at least It was so among those he knew.

  However, Guan Hai just felt that this guy Yang Haoran was pretending to be a ghost. He didn't have any evidence, it was completely intuition. It is really not easy to pretend to be a ghost.

  Without any evidence, Guan Hai couldn't refute Yang Haoran, so he could only smile to cover up his embarrassment.

  Guan Hai didn't continue this topic anymore, and Yang Haoran didn't hold on to it to embarrass Guan Hai. When getting along with friends, you often need to grasp a certain degree. No matter how good the relationship is, you can't be aggressive and unforgiving, even A joke, if it goes too far, it will leave a pimple in the other party's heart.

  Besides, Yang Haoran knew very well that Guan Hai was not wrong, he had no skills in the first place, and his little fame was all due to his acting skills. If he was really asked to subjugate demons, he would definitely be better than anyone else. They all run fast.

  However, when dealing with the matter of the housing of the man surnamed Liu today, Yang Haoran is not all fooling the other party. Some of the words are lies, and some are the truth. The truth and the false are mixed together, so it is not easy to see the problem .

  The restaurant that the man surnamed Liu ordered was just a very ordinary restaurant with a small place and a poor environment, but the man surnamed Liu found a good excuse for himself. The taste here is good, so he chose this place. important.

  If Yang Haoran had never been to this restaurant to eat, if he didn't know how much money the man surnamed Liu had sealed for him today, he might still believe what the man surnamed Liu said at this time, but Now, he just smiled and didn't speak.

  Guan Hai opened a small bar on this street, not far from this restaurant, so the two of them have also visited this restaurant before. The man surnamed Liu said it was so delicious, the only advantage is that the restaurant charge is very cheap.

  Both Yang Haoran and Guan Hai knew this, but neither of them pierced the window paper, both of them were smiling, and there was no sign of dissatisfaction.

  The food and drink were served on the table, and the glasses were exchanged. The atmosphere was very harmonious. None of the three commented on the taste of the restaurant. Yang Haoran and Guan Hai also did not mention the red envelopes, and they were tacit understanding between each other.

  Guan Hai is young and mature, although he is not an old fox, but he has his own methods and principles in dealing with people, he dares to call himself a lover, and he can move freely among the flowers, which is impossible if he has no skills.

  And Yang Haoran has been struggling in the society for more than ten years, and has experienced a lot of ups and downs. Although he is not as good as Guan Hai in terms of picking up girls, he still has his own way to survive in this world. .

  The reason why he didn't mention the red envelope at all, and he can still have a hot fight with the man surnamed Liu, is that he doesn't want to embarrass him. It's true that the man surnamed Liu is stingy, but he has his circle of friends after all. This person tearing up his face, leaving a good impression on this person, then Yang Haoran's source of customers will expand a bit, maybe this stingy guy will be able to make him famous and bring in more business.

  Once you have a showdown with the other party and accuse the other party of being stingy, the final result will definitely not be beautiful, it will make everyone feel embarrassed, and it will even break up, and maybe you will offend someone because of it, which is completely unnecessary.

  The way a smart person handles things is to try to make himself one more friend and one less enemy. As long as the other party does not touch his principled problems, it is nothing if he suffers a little loss. Maybe he will suffer from this small loss in the future. It is also possible to bring greater benefits.

  In Yang Haoran's view, anyone is useful, even a fool, the key is how to use it.

  Moreover, fate is a very magical thing. If the other party needs to ask you for something today, maybe you will ask the other party for something tomorrow. People who have not experienced it may scoff at this, but Yang Haoran has really experienced it, and he gave it to him. It left a deep impression, so under normal circumstances, he would not do anything unless the other party didn't know what to do.

  The man surnamed Liu drank too much, but Yang Haoran and Guan Hai didn't change their faces. It wasn't that they drank less than the man surnamed Liu, and it wasn't that the man surnamed Liu drank less, but that Yang Haoran and Guan Hai The two of them drink too much.

  In front of the general drinking capacity, this man surnamed Liu may not be too bad, but in front of Yang Haoran and Guan Hai, his drinking capacity is not that good.

  After checking out, the three people spent a total of more than 600 new coins. If the man surnamed Liu was sober, and the three of them spent so much money, he would have to ask the boss about it, and ask if it was an account. There is no nonsense such as being right, but after drinking too much, he has completely changed a person, generous and forthright!

  "Little money! Hehe! Little money! I'm happy today, this little money is nothing!" The man surnamed Liu smiled foolishly while paying the bill, without even blinking his eyes from the beginning to the end.

  In fact, this restaurant did not cheat the three of them. Although the food in their restaurant was cheap, they drank a lot of drinks, so the price was naturally not cheap. Yang Haoran and Guan Hai knew this well. As for whether the man surnamed Liu knew it well, then Not necessarily.

  "Let's go, I just heard from brother Guan Hai that he has a bar near here, and he is so happy today. Let's go to brother Guan Hai's bar to have a good drink. This guest is still my invitation, who are you Don't even rob me!"

  The man surnamed Liu held Guan Hai with one hand, and Yang Haoran with the other, so affectionate, people who didn't know thought the relationship between the three of them was so good.

  Looking at the crazy appearance of the man surnamed Liu at this time, Yang Haoran was moved by the scene, and couldn't help but think of himself in the past. Looking back on the past, he was so frugal, he was reluctant to buy a decent dress, but when he got together with his friends, he would be extravagant , rushing to pay the bills on various occasions, spending money like splashing water, often frugal for a long time, and once paying the bills will be consumed.

  Perhaps in the eyes of some people, what Yang Haoran did at the beginning is a manifestation of honesty, but some people think that this is a kind of morbid psychology, which is pretending to be coercive, looking for a sense of presence, and not wanting to let Others ignore themselves and look down on themselves, so they slap their faces and pretend to be fat.

  When these behind-the-scenes discussions reached Yang Haoran's ears, he was very sad, because at that time he was really upright and didn't think about pretending to be aggressive in front of his friends, but not everyone would think so.

  Because of this incident, he also learned some truths. He understood that people's hearts are separated from their belly. If you do what a friend should do, even if you suffer a little, it's okay, but the other party may not appreciate it, and it will make people think that you are pretending to be a wolf with a big tail.

  Real friends, true friendship, need time to settle, not casual contact a few times can be compared.

  However, the man surnamed Liu at this time is not the same Yang Haoran as before, and Yang Haoran is not the same him as before. He didn't say anything sarcastic to the man surnamed Liu, but smiled and accepted the man surnamed Liu's invitation.

  "Okay! Let's go to Guan Hai's for a sit-down. It just so happens that I haven't finished my drink yet!" Yang Haoran looked cheerful. Guan Hai followed him to work all afternoon and didn't get any money. He must go to the bar to give Guan Hai Rush consumption.