
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 39

"In addition to these abilities, after activating the Death God Seal, there is another ability."

  Just when Yang Haoran was still surprised that his ghost eyes were too terrifying, Master Jiang's voice brought him back to his senses.

  He dissipated the yin energy from his eyes, and his eyes immediately returned to normal. They were no longer scary, and there was no black smoke coming from his eyes. He put down the mirror and looked at Master Jiang.

  "People in the Yin Division have dealt with the undead all year round, and they will naturally be contaminated with a lot of Yin Qi. If ordinary people are contaminated with this Yin Qi, it will cause considerable harm to the body, and we have the death curse mark on our bodies. These Yin energy will not cause any harm to us. This ability is the same as perception ability, in the words of you young people, it is a passive skill."

  Master Jiang's words made Yang Haoran amused. He really didn't expect Master Jiang to describe it like this, but he has to say that his description is very appropriate.

  "I didn't see it, Master Jiang, you are quite humorous." Yang Haoran said with a smile. When he said this, he suddenly thought of a question. Before Master Jiang could speak, he said first: "By the way , Master Jiang, you Didn't I say before that the yin power in our body is formed by condensing yin qi, isn't it good for us to be surrounded by yin qi? Just like in the novel, directly refining these yin qi to enhance our own yin spirit power is not good. OK?"

  "You missed two words. Yin Lingli is condensed through pure Yin Qi, not ordinary Yin Qi. It seems that there are only two words between the two, but the meaning is very different."

  "This ordinary yin energy, especially the yin energy on ghosts, is too mixed. If we forcibly absorb and refine it, not only will we not be able to strengthen the yin energy in our body, but it will hurt our body and even lose our life. Pure yin qi is just the opposite, it is very suitable for our body to absorb, and it is the only way for us to enhance the yin energy in our body." Master Jiang explained.

  Yang Haoran showed the original expression, and then he asked again: "Then what's the matter with the infusion of soul energy you mentioned earlier?"

  "Soul Qi is compressed from a large amount of pure Yin Qi, which is similar to Yin Qi in terms of form. Once it is integrated into our body, it will immediately burst out a large amount of pure Yin Qi, which will be converted into the Yin Spiritual Power we need. , This is what I call infusing the body with soul energy." Master Jiang explained.

  "How can we get the chance to fill our bodies with soul energy?" Yang Haoran asked again.

  This time, Master Jiang didn't answer Yang Haoran immediately, but dragged out a box from under the bed, picked it up and put it on the table.

  The box is not big, about the size of a computer case, ordinary, nothing special.

  "How to get soul energy infusion, even if you don't ask this question, I will tell you next." Master Jiang sat down while speaking, and then opened the wooden box.

  Yang Haoran's gaze was attracted by Master Jiang's movements, and as the wooden box was opened, all his attention was shifted to the inside of the wooden box.

  There are several boxes and a few thick books in the wooden box.

  The box was brand new, and Yang Haoran had a feeling of deja vu. After thinking about it carefully, he remembered where he had seen this kind of box.

  A few days ago, when he approached Master Jiang for the first time, Master Jiang took out a brand new wooden box. Inside the wooden box were the magical transparent beads used by Deng Feng. The box, exactly the same as the box containing the magic beads.

  As for the other thick books, they are a bit yellow and old, with a sense of age. You can tell that they are old at a glance. They are very similar to the martial arts cheats in the movie, but there is no such thing as Jianglong Ten on the cover. Names like Eight Palms are clean, without a single word.

  This time Yang Haoran didn't ask. Under his gaze, Master Jiang took out a few thick torn books and handed them to Yang Haoran.

  Yang Haoran didn't know why, but he quickly took the book without any hesitation.

  "I lent you these few books. Remember to return them to me after you finish reading them. It is best to memorize all the contents of the books. It will be of great help to you in the future." Master Jiang said solemnly.

  Seeing Master Jiang's solemn face, Yang Haoran nodded quickly. He wanted to open a book casually to see what was recorded in it, which would make Master Jiang so solemn, but he hadn't had time to do so. Master Jiang took out a wooden box from the wooden box and handed it to him.

  "Here, open it and have a look."

  Yang Haoran had no choice but to put down the book first, then took the wooden box, opened it with a snap, and looked into the box.

  Looking at it, Yang Haoran's expression changed suddenly, the thing in this box was as expected, it was a transparent bead.

  "This bead is called the soul-gathering bead. Its only function is to collect souls. As for what will happen after the soul is collected into the soul-gathering bead, you have already seen it when the envoy made it that day, so I won't explain much. It's yours. As for how to use it, as long as you pour Yinling power into it, it can collect souls. Of course, it must be within the range that can be collected. If it exceeds the collection range of the Soul Gathering Orb, it cannot collect souls. " Master Jiang said.

  "Soul Gathering Bead!" Yang Haoran looked at the transparent beads in the box, and couldn't help showing surprise on his face. He never thought that he could have such a magical bead.

  Seeing the surprise on Yang Haoran's face, Master Jiang smiled and shook his head, and said: "This Soul Gathering Orb is just a very common thing, it has no other ability except to collect souls."

  Although Master Jiang emphasized again, Yang Haoran's liking for the Soul Gathering Orb did not decrease because of these words, on the contrary, the more he watched it, the more he liked it.

  This kind of magical thing is a treasure in his eyes. Before meeting Deng Feng, he had only seen it in movies, but he had never seen it in reality. , It is impossible for him to say that he is not envious. A few days ago, when Master Jiang took out the Soul Gathering Orb in front of him, he was envious again, but what he did not expect was that now he also has one. It's gone.

  For Yang Haoran who has never owned such a magical thing, the Soul Gathering Orb is the first treasure he got, which has extraordinary significance.

  "Alright, let's put away the Soul Gathering Orb first. There will be as many of these things as you want in the future. Anyway, there will be no shortage. Please calm down and listen to me." Master Jiang reminded.

  Hearing this, Yang Haoran carefully covered the box of the Soul Gathering Orb, anyway, this Soul Gathering Orb already belonged to him, and he would have a chance to see it when he went back.

  "The divine envoy bestows on you the abilities that ordinary people don't have, not to satisfy your wishes. From the moment you are imprinted with the curse of death, you have responsibilities and tasks on your shoulders."

  For Master Jiang's words, Yang Haoran was not surprised at all. There is no such thing as a pie in the world. If you want to get something, you must pay something. That's for sure. He and Deng Feng never knew each other. , how could the other party easily give him abilities that ordinary people don't have.

  "What do I need to do?" Yang Haoran asked.

  "Collect souls, the more the better. Didn't you just ask me where I get the soul energy? Now I'll tell you, if you collect souls for the envoy, you can exchange them for soul energy from the envoy. The more souls you collect, the more The more soul qi you have, the more soul qi you have, the soul will be handed in at the end of each month, and the envoys will distribute the soul qi according to the amount of soul they have in the month. Your grades for the month." Master Jiang said.

  "So that's what happened." Yang Haoran nodded, showing a so-so expression.

  "To attract the undead and subdue the evil spirits, this is the responsibility of the Yin Division, and it is also our responsibility." Master Jiang continued.

  "Are we just the ghosts in the mouths of ordinary people?" Yang Haoran asked.

  "What's wrong?" Master Jiang's face became a little complicated, he seemed to be upset, but he also looked forward to it, but he still nodded to Yang Haoran and said, "It's okay, but our group has another name."

  "What name?" Yang Haoran asked.

  "Night Watchers, our group is called Night Watchers. You and I are both members of the Night Watchers." Master Jiang replied.