
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 38 Special Abilities

When Yang Haoran picked up the mirror and looked at himself again, he was stunned. From this moment on, he believed that he had become different from normal people.

  On the center of his brow, the Death God Seal still exists, but compared to before, the Death God Seal at this time has changed!

  The previous God of Death curse mark was like a tattoo imprinted on the center of his eyebrows. Apart from looking lifelike, there was no other peculiarity, but now, the curse mark of God of death on the center of the eyebrows was emitting a trace of black smoke, which was very clear. Even if you don't need to look carefully, you can find the existence of these black smoke.

  "This black smoke is..."

  "That's not black smoke, but the yin power condensed from pure yin qi." Master Jiang explained.

  "Yin Lingli..." Yang Haoran licked his dry lips, the surprise on his face not only did not decrease, but became more intense.

  Before today, he was just an ordinary person. How could he have seen such miraculous things? These miraculous existences that could only be seen in movies or novels have happened to him now. It is inevitable that he will be surprised. .

  Master Jiang didn't seem to be surprised by Yang Haoran's surprise, he continued to speak: "The Seal of the Death God has been activated, next I will teach you how to freely reveal and hide the Seal of the Death God."

  Before Yang Haoran had time to thank him, Master Jiang had already started to teach him the method. He put away the surprise in his heart and concentrated on it, for fear of missing every detail.

  This method is very simple. Under Master Jiang's teaching, Yang Haoran only took a few minutes to learn this method. Under his control, the curse seal of the god of death on his eyebrows can be retracted freely.

  Hiding the curse mark of death, when Yang Haoran looked at himself in the mirror again, the curse mark of death emitting black smoke between his eyebrows had disappeared.

  "Hiding the seal of the god of death can reduce some unnecessary troubles, but this method can only be hidden from the naked eye. If you meet a person who is practicing the pupil technique or is born with the pupil technique, then this method of concealing the curse of the god of death It's like a fake."

  Hearing this, Yang Haoran put down the mirror and asked, "Pupilism? Is it someone with special eyes like in the movie?"

  Master Jiang nodded and said, "That's right."

  "There is such a person?" Yang Haoran was surprised and unbelievable.

  Seeing Yang Haoran's reaction like this, Master Jiang couldn't help laughing. He said, "You have even seen ghosts, and now you are a person with some special abilities. There is pupil art in this world. What's so strange about that?"

  Yang Haoran thinks about it too, there is really nothing strange about it, the reason why he feels strange, in the final analysis, is because he has not changed his role yet, and still considers issues from the perspective of ordinary people.

  "Pupillary skills should be very powerful. In the movies, all the guys with pupil skills are more ruthless, especially in cartoons. It feels like they are about to fly out of the screen and eat people. It's very fierce!" Yang In Haoran's tone, there was not only a hint of envy.

  "There are many kinds of pupil skills, and different pupil skills have different abilities. You don't have to envy those people, because you also have pupil skills now." Master Jiang said.

  "Ah?" Yang Haoran was startled, and hurriedly said, "I have it too?"

  "Of course you have, but don't worry, I will introduce you one by one and teach you how to use them."

  Yang Haoran's heart was beating uncontrollably, but he still didn't ask any more questions, suppressed the excitement in his heart to the maximum extent, and then nodded emphatically at Master Jiang.

  "First of all, after activating the Death God Seal, there will be Yin Lingli in your body, try to feel it, there seems to be a cold thing in your body, it is like a small fish, swimming around in your body? " Master Jiang asked.

  Before Yang Haoran was too excited, and he didn't pay attention to it at all, so he didn't feel the abnormality in his body, but now he heard what Master Jiang said, he was surprised to find that there was indeed something wrong in his body. There is a cool thing swimming around.

  Yang Haoran looked at Master Jiang in surprise, and nodded under the gaze of the other party with a smile on his face.

  "This cool thing in your body is Yin Lingli, and you try to control it."

  "Can I control it?" Yang Haoran was a little uncertain.

  "Of course." Master Jiang gave an affirmative answer.

  Yang Haoran didn't talk too much, nodded, and tried to control the cold Yin spirit power in his body according to Master Jiang's words. What surprised him happened. He just had an idea in his mind to control this Yin spirit power. The thought of strength, this ghostly force of strolling in the garden immediately stopped in his body, and then moved with his thoughts, let it go to the left, it will not go backwards, and it will not raise the bar at all.

  From the surprised expression on Yang Haoran's face, Master Jiang knew that Yang Haoran was able to control Yin Lingli, so he continued to say: "Concentrate it in your right hand, like me."

  As soon as the words fell, Master Jiang raised his right hand, only to hear a muffled bang, thick black smoke rose from his entire right hand, like an unburned fire stick that suddenly extinguished all the flames, the black smoke billowed .

  The temperature in the room suddenly dropped following the appearance of the thick black smoke, and the whole room was filled with a gloomy chill.

  But now Yang Haoran didn't feel the slightest coldness, in the past, he would definitely be shivering from the cold.

  Although he didn't feel the chill, he was taken aback by this sudden scene. Fortunately, he was gradually changing roles, so he quickly recovered.

  According to Master Jiang's intention, he also raised his right hand, and mobilized the yin energy in his body to move towards his right hand.

  A subtle sound came from his right hand, and thick black smoke rose from his right hand, but it was not as exaggerated as Master Jiang. The black smoke released from his right hand only covered the area below his wrist.

  Seeing that Yang Haoran's learning ability is so strong, Master Jiang nodded in satisfaction, and said: "This black smoke is the form after the Yin spiritual power is released. You have only planted the curse seal now, and the Yin spiritual power is still very weak, so It can only temporarily cover the entire palm, and after you have experienced the infusion of soul energy, the Yin Lingli in your body will be strengthened, the stronger the Yin Lingli, the larger the area covered when it is released."

  Yang Haoran also followed Master Jiang's example to disperse the yin energy from his hands. He wanted to ask what soul energy is, but before he could ask, Master Jiang spoke again.

  "No matter how strong or weak the Yin spirit power in the body is, it will be exhausted. Once it is exhausted, it needs rest to recover, so you don't have to worry about whether the Yin spirit power will cease to exist after it is exhausted."

  Yang Haoran nodded, expressing his understanding, but Master Jiang didn't seem to intend to ask Yang Haoran to speak, he said again: "After activating the Death Curse Seal, possessing Yin Lingli is only one of the abilities, other than that, your perception The ability will also be enhanced. Since we belong to the Yin Division, we are more accurate in perceiving Yin Qi. With the enhancement of your Yin Lingli, the perception range will become larger and larger. However, in your current state, you can only perceive the surrounding area. The range of one mile, if it exceeds this range, unless the Yin Qi is extremely strong, you will not be able to perceive it."

  The ability that Master Jiang mentioned actually refers to Yang Haoran's ability to sense yin. It's just that Yang Haoran's ability to feel yin was used to fool people, but now, he really has this ability.

  There is nothing to teach the ability to sense yin. This ability is as simple as seeing things with the eyes and eating with the hands. As long as there is yin energy within the range of his perception, he will naturally be able to perceive it .

  "Okay, let's talk about the third ability, which is the pupil technique you envy the most."

  Hearing Master Jiang's words, Yang Haoran's eyes lit up.

  "As long as people in our Yin Division know how to use this kind of pupil technique, this pupil technique is ghost eyes!" Master Jiang said.

  "Ghost eyes?" Yang Haoran looked puzzled.

  Master Jiang nodded, and then explained: "Under normal circumstances, the undead cannot be seen with the naked eye. I told you this, but as long as the ghost eyes are turned on, even the lowest-level undead cannot escape. your eyes "1

  Yang Haoran, who was originally full of expectations, heard Master Jiang's words, although he didn't show anything on his face, he still couldn't help being a little disappointed in his heart.

  The name Ghost Eye sounds quite bluffing, could it be possible to achieve this ability?

  Facts have proved that Yang Haoran was disappointed earlier, only to hear Master Jiang continue to say: "Ghost eyes can not only see the undead, but also see the past of the dead, whether it is undead or evil spirits or even evil spirits, As long as he is dead, It is the existence of a spirit body, so ghost eyes can see his past from him, this is the right given to us by the Yin Division."

  "Besides, ghost eyes, as a pupil technique, can also see things that normal people cannot see. Undead is just one of them. As for what you can see, I can only tell you a lot. As for how much is that much ? , that needs to be discovered by yourself, and I won't be able to tell for a while, anyway, as long as it is invisible to the naked eye, you can open the ghost eye to try."

  Hearing what Master Jiang said, Yang Haoran became interested. Although this ghost eye is not as overbearing as in the movie, it sounds good.

  "How to open this ghost eye?" Yang Haoran asked.

  "Hehe, it's very simple. You control the Yin Lingli in your body to your eyes, and then look in the mirror." Master Jiang laughed.

  Yang Haoran nodded, then picked up the mirror and pointed it at himself, and then he mobilized the yin energy in his body to converge towards his eyes.

  Under Yang Haoran's gaze, his eyes began to turn black quickly, but in an instant, a pair of normal eyes became as black as ink, without a trace of white, as if two black gemstones were embedded in the eye sockets. Smoke rose from the pair of black jewel-like eyes.

  These are a pair of weird eyes, which give people a terrifying feeling at first glance. Even though Yang Haoran is the owner of these eyes, when he saw these eyes for the first time, he still couldn't help being shocked.

  These are indeed a pair of ghost eyes, without insulting the name, just like the eyes of some ghosts in horror movies, with a ghostly aura, which makes people feel a sense of horror when they look at them.