
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
75 Chs

Chapter 37

Yin Division, an institution in charge of all undead.

  Death, the main god of the Yin Division, is also the only god of the Yin Division.

  As a believer of Death God, Yang Haoran doesn't know much about Yin Division, but he still knows the above two points.

  Deng Feng told him that he would be a member of the Yin Division in the future, which was really shocking to Yang Haoran. Hearing what Deng Feng meant, he would be a member of the Yin Division from now on?

  Thinking of this, Yang Haoran was extremely excited. This kind of intense excitement had already made him unable to hide it, and it all surfaced on his face!

  Deng Feng naturally saw the excitement on his face, he smiled coldly, then got up, and pointed at Yang Haoran's forehead.

  When this happened suddenly, Yang Haoran reflexively wanted to escape, but was stopped by Deng Feng's scolding.

  "do not move!"

  The sound exploded in Yang Haoran's mind like thunder, his eyes darkened, and he felt like he was about to faint, but he still stopped his body according to Deng Feng's intention, not daring to move a bit.

  Did Deng Feng intend to harm him? Yang Haoran didn't even think about it. If the other party wanted to harm him, would he be able to escape?

  The answer, of course, is no, so he simply didn't move his body, as if he was picking at his will.

  Deng Feng's hand rested on Yang Haoran's forehead, he only felt a cold chill burst out from Deng Feng's fingers, penetrated into his forehead, and then spread all over his body, which made his body hit hard. shiver.

  This cold air appeared quickly and disappeared very quickly. When Yang Haoran wanted to feel it carefully, it had already disappeared.

  At the same time, Deng Feng withdrew his finger on his forehead.

  "Okay, take him away and teach him the rules."

  Deng Feng put his hands behind his back, and said lightly, his voice seemed to reveal some fatigue, obviously the finger he gave Yang Haoran just now was not as relaxed as it seemed.

  Of course, Master Jiang knew that Deng Feng was speaking to him, he quickly nodded in agreement, and then pulled Yang Haoran who was still in a daze to leave.

  However, at this moment, Deng Feng suddenly spoke again, with a cold tone in his voice.

  "In front of me in the future, don't play tricks, I don't like it very much."

  Speaking of this, Deng Feng pointed at Master Jiang and said, "I don't want to have a next time, rules are rules."

  Before Master Jiang could speak, Deng Feng pointed at Yang Haoran again, and continued: "This is for you too, you can take it as my warning to you."

  Master Jiang's body trembled slightly, Yang Haoran also heard some other smells, his face changed slightly, neither of them dared to say anything, they responded respectfully, then bowed and retreated.

  Far away from the villa, Yang Haoran let out a heavy breath, sweat had completely wet his close-fitting autumn clothes.

  At that moment just now, he felt a very dangerous feeling on Deng Feng's body, that feeling seemed to be killing intent.

  In the past, Yang Haoran could not feel this kind of feeling from other people, even if the other party really stabbed him with a knife, he would never feel the so-called killing intent, but now, he can clearly feel it.

  He knew that Deng Feng's finger had caused many changes in his body, and the change in perception was only one of them. As for the other changes, he had to consult Master Jiang, who had experienced it.

  At this time, Master Jiang's face was a little pale. Although he had already left the villa, he still didn't seem to have recovered. Deng Feng's warning to him obviously put him under considerable psychological pressure.

  After thinking about it, Yang Haoran didn't say his words of thanks. He didn't know if Deng Feng would hear him if he said it at this time.

  Yang Haoran followed closely behind Master Jiang, the two left the gate of the community, and then got into the two old black cars one after the other.

  Sitting in the car, Master Jiang breathed out a sigh of relief, and his pale face regained some blood.

  "Master Jiang, thank you." Yang Haoran looked at Master Jiang at the side and thanked him sincerely.

  Yang Haoran's thank you is not only thanking Master Jiang for stepping on the accelerator this morning, but also Master Jiang's recommendation. Without Master Jiang's help, it would be impossible for Yang Haoran to achieve his goal.

  Facing Yang Haoran's thanks, Master Jiang waved his hand, and said with a wry smile: "I thought I could hide it from the world by doing a little trick, but I was discovered by the envoy. I hope this matter will not affect your future development."

  "Even if it will affect my future development, I will definitely not blame you, Master, because I can only thank you, but you should not be affected by anything, it will make me very guilty." Yang Haoran said with a smile on his face. With a smile, he opened his mouth and said.

  Master Jiang made a haha, and didn't care too much about this issue. He changed the subject and said, "Let's go back to the temple first. I will teach you how to use the abilities in your body correctly and teach you many rules. , if this matter is not done well, I will really be punished by the envoy of God."

  It was agreed that I would repair the car, but after Deng Feng broke the news, Master Jiang would naturally not repair the car again. If he really did this, it would be no different from stealing the car. If Deng Feng finds out about it, he might get angry again.

  Back at the Temple of Death, the two first worshiped the God of Death. Although the best time to worship the God of Death had passed, it was better to have worship than to not have worship. Other believers came to the Temple of Death to worship the God of Death. The same is true at any time.

  After making some simple explanations to the other priests, Master Jiang took Yang Haoran back to his simple cabin.

  After brewing the inferior tea, Master Jiang sat down opposite Yang Haoran as usual.

  At this time, Yang Haoran was nervous and looking forward to it, but he held his breath and didn't say anything. He just looked at Master Jiang opposite him with a signature smile.

  Master Jiang didn't talk nonsense, he directly took out a mirror and put it in front of Yang Haoran, looking at the mirror on the table in front of him, Yang Haoran showed a curious look in his eyes.

  Although Yang Haoran's grocery store doesn't have a TV, he does have a mobile phone. When he has time, he would watch TV or read novels through his mobile phone. At this moment, Master Jiang took out a mirror and put it on the In front of him, he reflexively thought whether this mirror was some kind of treasure, whether it was going to be given to him as a gift, it was written like this in movies and novels.

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help being a little excited, and he couldn't help but imagine the scene of him killing all directions with a mirror in his mind. It felt like a quack.

  But what puzzled him was that this mirror looked ordinary, not shining brightly, and not as rusty as the novel said, it was very ordinary, so ordinary that the price tag had not been torn off No matter how you look at it, it doesn't 't look like a baby.

  I couldn't help the curiosity in my heart, Yang Haoran was about to ask, but Master Jiang rushed to speak before him.

  "You look at your forehead in the mirror first."

  "My forehead? What happened to my forehead?" Yang Haoran looked puzzled, then picked up the mirror on the table and pointed it at his own face.

  A familiar but extremely ordinary face appeared in the mirror. It was the same as usual, and there was nothing different about it. He also took a special look at his forehead, and there was nothing unusual about it.

  Before Yang Haoran could open his mouth to ask, Master Jiang pointed at the center of his forehead and eyebrows. That position was exactly where Deng Feng pointed with his finger before.

  "Look carefully." Master Jiang said.

  According to Master Jiang's intention, Yang Haoran looked at himself in the mirror again, and upon seeing this, his brows frowned, and his face suddenly changed.

  There is a black mass between his eyebrows, the size of a little finger, which looks like a mole, but it doesn't look like it.

  Yang Haoran swears that he has never had this kind of thing between his eyebrows, even when he was dreaming, but now that there are more of them, he immediately thought of Deng Feng's finger between his eyebrows.

  Surprised and apprehensive in his heart, Yang Haoran brought the mirror closer in his hand, and after a closer look, he found that the black lump between his eyebrows was indeed not a mole, but a pattern composed of black lines He knew this pattern, With three eyes, three hands and three legs, it was the statue of Grim Reaper.

  "This is..." Yang Haoran widened his eyes and looked at Master Jiang.

  "This is a curse seal, a curse seal that allows you to have special powers. It is a curse seal bestowed on you by the envoy of God. Only with this curse seal can you be regarded as a person of the underworld. We usually distinguishing ourselves by seeing whether there is my God's curse seal between his brows, then I will teach you how to activate the power of the Death God's curse seal."

  After the words fell, Master Jiang taught Yang Haoran how to use the Death Curse Seal method.

  Although Yang Haoran still had many doubts in his heart, but now is not the time to ask these questions, he put aside all distracting thoughts in his mind, and did exactly what Master Jiang said.

  In fact, Yang Haoran's learning ability is quite good, but even so, it took him an entire hour to activate the death curse seal between his eyebrows.

  This is still under the condition that someone taught him by hand. If it were not like this, even if Yang Haoran had a way to activate the Death God Seal, it would not be easy to successfully activate the Death God Seal, and it would be hard to say how much time it would take.

  "If you want to have power, you must know how to activate the Death God Seal on the premise of having the Death God Seal. If you don't know the corresponding activation method, you will not be able to successfully activate the Death God Seal. Even if you have the Death God Seal, it is only a Decoration. If you don't know how to activate it forcibly, then the curse of death will burst, and the power will be stronger than a grenade. At that time , not only will you not be able to obtain special power, but you will also lose your life." Master Jiang saw that Yang Haoran succeeded After activating the Death God Seal, he explained to him.

  Yang Haoran nodded gratefully, but Master Jiang paused and contin