
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 36 God Envoy Deng Feng

The black car was speeding all the way, and when Master Jiang stepped on the brakes, the dilapidated car stopped outside a residential area.

  Marriott Manor is the most luxurious community in Le City, bar none. The residents here are either rich or expensive.

  Master Jiang's dilapidated car parked outside this high-end community looks extremely eye-catching, and the rate of turning heads is 100%. It's just that the eyes of pedestrians entering and leaving the community are not envy or admiration, but contempt.

  The reason is very simple. Of course, it is because this broken car is really out of tune with the surrounding vehicles, and it is completely out of tune with this high-end residential area. The gap is too big.

  Under the scornful or disdainful gazes of passers-by, Yang Haoran and Master Jiang stepped out of the car one after another.

  No one paid attention to such an ordinary young man as Yang Haoran, but the appearance of Master Jiang attracted many eyes.

  Master Jiang was dressed in a black robe, and he had put that big hat on his head at some point. He looked full of mystery. Some passers-by recognized his outfit and knew that he was a priest from the Temple of Death. , the disdainful or contemptuous eyes were slightly restrained, and some even saluted him from a distance, with respect in their eyes. This type of people can be seen as believers of the god of death at a glance.

  However, there are still quite a few people who don't care about his attire, despise him as much as he should, and disdain him as much as he should. Some of these people are not believers in Death God, and some don't believe in any gods at all.

  In the eyes of the former, Master Jiang is a heretic, while in the eyes of the latter, Master Jiang is a liar who pretends to be a ghost.

  For the passers-by who saluted, Master Jiang also politely returned the salute, but he turned a blind eye to the passers-by who still despised him.

  Yang Haoran just followed Master Jiang, and the two soon came to the entrance of the community, but they couldn't enter because there was no access control.

  This kind of high-end residential area attaches great importance to the safety of the residents, and the access control is naturally very strict. Neither of them has the access control of this residential area, so they should not be able to enter, but there are exceptions to everything. The security guard at the gate seems to recognize Jiang. Master, and he was extremely respectful to Master Jiang, so he let the two enter the community smoothly.

  "Master Jiang, you are really powerful. This community is famously tightly controlled, yet you came in easily." Yang Haoran followed behind Master Jiang, with a little smile on his face, and said.

  After experiencing the incident in the haunted building last night, Yang Haoran was quite frightened, but now that he has left the haunted building, his mental state has gradually recovered. If he were still in the haunted building, he would not be able to laugh at all.

  "Although I am not a resident here, I come here often. They all know me, and the security guard just now is also a believer in my god. He still has some respect for me. Otherwise, you and I want to enter this community , it's not that simple." Master Jiang explained while walking.

  "Master Jiang, you are being modest. By the way, Master Jiang, who are you taking me to see?" Yang Haoran moved closer to Master Jiang and asked in a low voice.

  "You will know in a while." Master Jiang responded.

  Seeing that Master Jiang didn't explain, although Yang Haoran was curious, he didn't ask any further questions. He had already made it very clear that if he kept asking, not only would he not get the result he wanted, but it might also make the other party feel impatient , This violates his usual principles of doing things.

  However, at this time, Yang Haoran was really excited and excited in his heart. This kind of intense excitement and excitement even made him forget the horror experience in the ghost building last night.

  Master Jiang had already said outside the ghost building that he would be rewarded immediately for his efforts, and then he rushed to meet a person in a hurry. Let him have the existence of real ability!

  Thinking wildly in his mind, Yang Haoran followed Master Jiang and stopped in front of a villa. The gate of the villa has been opened, as if the owner of this villa knew that someone would come.

  However, Master Jiang knew the rules very well, he did not enter the villa just because the gate was open, but stood respectfully outside the iron gate.

  Master Jiang did not enter the villa, of course Yang Haoran would not go in foolishly, he lowered his head and stood respectfully as well.

  "Come in, don't you see the door is open?"

  A lazy voice came into the ears of Yang Haoran and Master Jiang at the same time.

  This voice gave Yang Haoran a feeling of deja vu, as if he had heard it somewhere before, and then a flash of light flashed in his mind, his expression changed slightly, and he remembered who the owner of this voice was.

  Yang Haoran was secretly startled, but he quickly put away the look of shock on his face and restored his respectful expression.

  Master Jiang responded respectfully, and then led Yang Haoran into the courtyard.

  In the courtyard of the villa, a person was lying on a chair basking in the sun, a maid behind him hammered his shoulders, and a maid in front of him hammered his thighs, while he was enjoying himself, just like filming, If you put some familiar background music on it at this time, it will be more similar.

  The two maids had hot bodies and exposed clothes, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin. Under the sunlight, the tender skin glowed with a charming luster. Whether it's figure or appearance, the two women are rare and superb beauties in this world.

  However, these two women gave Yang Haoran a strange feeling, one is because the two of them dressed so coolly in the winter, but they didn't look panicked at all, and the other is that the two women gave him a very strange feeling , As for why it was so strange, I couldn't say it for a while, anyway, this feeling is very weird.

  Yang Haoran's eyes just swept across the two women, and he didn't stop for a long time, because this kind of behavior was a bit impolite, and besides, his main purpose of coming here this time was for these two weird women, even if they She looks very beautiful.

  His eyes fell on the person on the chair, and after seeing the other person's appearance clearly, he thought to himself: "It really is him!"

  The existence lying on the chair enjoying the beauty massage service is none other than the young man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

  Yang Haoran had already thought about who the important person who came to visit this time was on the way here, combined with some information that Master Jiang revealed to him, Yang Haoran guessed that this important person might be the young man he had met .

  Of course, this was just his own guess at the time. As for whether it was a young man, Yang Haoran was not sure, and Master Jiang did not give him a definite answer. Right now the young man appeared in front of his eyes, proving that his previous guess was not wrong.

  "I've seen the envoy!" Master Jiang saluted respectfully, lowering his body so low that it was almost ninety degrees.

  Seeing this, Yang Haoran followed Master Jiang's example, lowered his body, and saluted the young man.

  "Meet the angel!"

  The young man replied feebly, but he didn't say anything else. Seeing this, Master Jiang continued to maintain his saluting posture and remained motionless. Seeing Master Jiang like this, Yang Haoran naturally couldn't be so stupid as to straighten up first.

  It's just that Yang Haoran didn't know that he and Master Jiang bent over for a full hour.

  During this hour, the young man was basking in the sun, enjoying the beauty's massage and fruit, turning a blind eye to the two people bowing in front of him, and never said a word to them.

  The young man didn't speak, neither Yang Haoran nor Master Jiang dared to stand up straight.

  Yang Haoran cursed in his heart, he didn't expect this young man to be so aggressive, he thought that an expert should be quite graceful, just like Master Jiang, but the young man subverted his cognition.

  Yang Haoran is naturally very angry about the young man's behavior, but he has been planning for so long, just to obtain a special ability, and seeing that he is only one step away, he will certainly not do anything stupid to let himself The effort of time was in vain.

  At this time, he had already made up his mind, let alone an hour, even if it was ten hours, he would continue to maintain this posture until he fainted.

  It is precisely because of this young man's attitude that he left a very bad impression in Yang Haoran's heart. If he didn't ask for something from him, or if he couldn't beat him, Yang Haoran really wanted to stand up and slap him. His ugly face greeted the past!

  "Okay, you two, get back. If it's not that you don't want to continue basking in the sun, I really want you two to keep standing in this position for a few more hours."

  The young man's lazy voice came into Yang Haoran's ears. Yang Haoran was burning with anger, but he didn't show it, nor did he lose his mind, and he didn't withdraw immediately, but looked at him from the corner of his eye. Master Jiang.

  Seeing Master Jiang retracting his body, Yang Haoran straightened up, beads of sweat rolled off his face one by one, his body trembled slightly, maintaining that posture for a long time would consume a lot of his physical strength, if it wasn't for If he usually pays attention to exercising, it is impossible for him to persist for a full hour.

  However, even though he persisted for an hour, he still couldn't bear it, as could be seen from his slightly trembling body.

  "You, come here." The young man pointed at the sweaty Yang Haoran and hooked his fingers.

  Yang Haoran didn't know why, but he didn't hesitate at all, suppressed the tension in his heart, and walked quickly to the side of the young man, standing upright with a respectful attitude.

  "Although you don't have the guts, I like your attitude very much." The young man said lightly, belittling at first, then admiring.

  "From this moment on, you are mine. As long as you are here in Lecheng, if someone has trouble with you, you can tell him that you are messing with me. My name is Deng Feng. If someone asks you Which unit you belong to, you tell him that we are from the Yin Division."

  The corners of the young man's mouth turned up slightly, with an arrogance on his face, as if he was the one who had the final say in Lecheng. This kind of arrogance was very similar to Yang Haoran, who went berserk in the haunted building last night, but this young man really had Yang Haoran is just the opposite.

  Yang Haoran's body trembled, he was shocked by the young man's words, he was not shocked that the young man would cover him in the future, he was shocked by the last sentence of the young man, we are people from the underworld!1