
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 35 Passing the Test

Master Jiang wanted to help Yang Haoran, but he couldn't do it too much, and he couldn't make it too obvious, because in his opinion, this would not only cause him a lot of trouble, but also harm Yang Haoran.

  If he wanted to help, he had to think of a way. He couldn't involve himself, and he couldn't harm Yang Haoran. After thinking about it, he had an idea in his mind.

  He started the black car, then hung it in neutral and slammed on the gas pedal, there was a constant bang, and the buzzing sound could be heard from far away.

  Master Jiang's black car was originally an old car, not only poorly equipped, but also a bit dilapidated, especially the chimney, which has not been replaced for many years, and has long been rusted and full of holes. It's as big as a sports car.

  This method is the only feasible method that Master Jiang can think of, and there may be a better method, but the current situation does not allow him to continue to think of other methods.

  eight minutes!

  five minutes!

  One minute!

  Master Jiang looked at his cheap watch every once in a while, and the time passed bit by bit as he slammed on the gas pedal. The closer it was to eight o'clock, the more he sighed in his heart, because Yang Haoran didn't show up.

  With the last tens of seconds left in the time, Master Jiang gave up stepping on the gas pedal, he had tried his best, Yang Haoran did not get out of the ghost building, and he had no choice.

  "I hope you really fell asleep instead of dying inside. Even though you failed the test, you at least saved your life."

  Thinking of this in his heart, Master Jiang looked at the time, and there were still ten seconds left. He shook his head and prepared to leave, but at this moment, he suddenly noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

  He froze for a moment, then looked towards the old building. Under a ray of sunlight, he saw a figure running out of the old building quickly. The man's hair was messed up, and his expression was terrified, as if he was trying his best , It only took a few seconds to rush out of the iron gate, that speed is simply a 100-meter sprint!

  Master Jiang looked at the time. It was exactly eight o'clock. When he looked up again, there was a figure beside the car window. He couldn't help frowning, and couldn't help but backed away.

  The guy who suddenly appeared by the car window, if not Yang Haoran, who else could it be.

  "Grandma... grandma's... scared me to death, scared me to death..." Yang Haoran panted violently, and said with a look of fear on his face.

  Master Jiang fanned the pungent smell of alcohol with his hands, and a smile appeared on his face. He said to Yang Haoran, "Good guy, this smell on your body is really..."

  How could Yang Haoran care about these things? At this moment, what he cares most about is not these things, let alone the bad smell of alcohol on his body, even if he crawled out of the latrine at this time, he would not care at all, because he The most important thing is whether he has passed the test or not.

  He took a few deep breaths, looked at Master Jiang eagerly, and asked, "Master Jiang, have I passed the test?"

  This question is what Yang Haoran is most concerned about!

  Master Jiang nodded and said, "Congratulations, you passed."1

  Originally, Master Jiang wanted to say that in a few seconds at night, even if you walked out of the ghost building, the test would still fail, but he didn't say that, but directly told Yang Haoran that he passed the test.

  As soon as he passed the test, Yang Haoran's body softened, and he leaned directly on the car, his face full of fatigue and fear.

  "Let's go, take you to a place and meet someone."

  Yang Haoran's face changed, and he looked at Master Jiang with a little more vigilance. He asked with some difficulty: "Master Jiang, please don't tell me that there is another test that will kill people."

  Master Jiang shook his head and said: "Don't worry, there is no more, your efforts will be rewarded immediately."

  Yang Haoran heaved a sigh of relief, what he is most worried about now is another hellish test for him, now his heart is like a candle flickering in the wind, a fart can be blown out.

  "Since there are no other tests, let's get out of here quickly. I don't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment."

  As he said that, Yang Haoran wanted to open the car door to get in the car and leave here, but just as he opened the car door, Master Jiang stopped him.

  "The car broke down, you push it behind." Master Jiang said.

  "I'm going! The car is broken! It doesn't break sooner or later, why is it broken at this time, why don't I see what the problem is?"

  As soon as Yang Haoran closed the car door, he was about to go to the driver to have a look, but was stopped by Master Jiang again.

  "If you want to push, you can just push, listen to me." Master Jiang lowered his voice, and even gave Yang Haoran a wink.

  Yang Haoran was taken aback for a moment, but then realized that he was not stupid, he knew that Master Jiang must have his intentions in doing this, recalling the sound of the black car slamming on the accelerator, he seemed to understand something.

  Yang Haoran nodded, gave Master Jiang a thankful glance, then went to the back of the car, pushing the dilapidated black car with both hands.

  There was a cracking sound, and Master Jiang started to slam on the gas pedal again. At this time, the sky was bright and the sun was rising, but there were no pedestrians on the road, only the sound of the black car slamming on the gas pedal.

  After tossing for a while, as if it took a lot of effort from the two of them, the dilapidated black car managed to start moving again.

  "Okay, get in the car quickly, after finishing your work, it's time for my car to be repaired." Master Jiang stuck his head out of the car window and shouted to Yang Haoran behind him.

  Yang Haoran responded, and wiped the sweat from his forehead, he was really pushy, he would look around from time to time to see what went wrong with the car, acting as if it was real.

  Opening the car door, Yang Haoran panted heavily and was about to get in the car. The moment before he got in the car, he turned his head and glanced at the dilapidated ghost building. There are some other things here.

  Withdrawing his gaze, he got into the car resolutely, without the slightest bit of reluctance.

  Master Jiang didn't talk nonsense, he kicked the accelerator, and the black car rushed out, quickly driving away from this small road, away from the haunted building.

  What Yang Haoran experienced in the ghost building, apart from himself, I am afraid that only the ghosts in the ghost building know, Master Jiang naturally does not know what Yang Haoran experienced in the ghost building, he can only rely on I have some knowledge about the ghost building, and then make some guesses, that's all. As for whether his guesses are consistent with the facts, who knows.

  Not long after the black car left, a strange distortion appeared in a space in front of the iron gate of the ghost building, and then a crack suddenly appeared in the twisted space, and the crack expanded, and a person walked out of the space crack with his hands behind his back.

  This person is short in stature, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, but he looks very young, he looks only seventeen or eighteen years old.

  If Yang Haoran were here, he would not only be taken aback by the way this young man appeared on stage, but also by his appearance, not because the young man's sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks were ugly, but because he had seen this young man before. It was the young man who put the carrion old woman into beads.

  "Hehe, this car broke down just in time, but it doesn't matter, one more cannon fodder, one less cannon fodder, what does it matter to me." The young man looked at the direction the black car was away from, and said with a smile.

  After the words fell, the young man looked at the ghost building, the smile on his face became more serious, and he said lightly: "That kid is very timid, it's the first time he saw such a big scene, he didn't get scared to death, Did you release the water on purpose?"

  The young man seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be asking someone, but besides him, there was only a dilapidated old building left here, and there was no shadow of a second person.

  Under the sun, the eerie feeling of the old building still exists, but compared to the night, it is more than a star and a half better, but the young man looked at the old building, but there was no fear in his eyes.

  No one answered him, he sneered and didn't care, and continued to say: "If you want to be me, courage is the most basic. Although one more cannon fodder or one less cannon fodder doesn't affect me much, but I can do it." I don't want everyone to receive subordinates. At that time, the value has not been created for me. Instead, I will go out and embarrass me. It will be a joke, so... I hope you can keep it tighter, so that no one can live Walking out of you, if you really want to do that, you will disappoint me too much."

  The old building is still the old building, and it is still so eerie. Except for a gust of wind, no one answered the young man.

  The young man's face was a bit ugly, the sudden wind seemed to provoke him, he snorted coldly, and said, "Hmph, don't think I dare not touch you, I just don't want to touch you, Do it yourself!"

  After leaving this sentence, the young man waved his hand, and the space in front of him twisted again, and then a crack appeared, and the crack expanded, and the young man walked in with his hands behind his back.

  As the young man walked into the crack in space, his figure disappeared immediately, and the crack in space that he tore open at will also healed and returned to its original state, as if the crack had never appeared before.

  After the young man left, the iron gate outside the courtyard of the old building suddenly slammed shut with such force that it was as if someone was in a bad mood and forcefully closed the iron gate, causing some iron filings to fall off the iron gate.

  There was no one, no wind, only a spooky old building, but the iron door was closed just like that.

  The sun warms the earth, but it doesn't seem to be able to warm this old building. The place is still spooky and cold, as if this old building is like a piece of ice that will never melt for thousands of years. The freezing cold made the soul tremble.