
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 34 No one is afraid of drunk!

Under Master Jiang's gaze, Yang Haoran walked through the courtyard, stepped into the old building, and disappeared under the cold moonlight.

  Although it was night, Master Jiang's vision was not affected at all. He clearly saw that Yang Haoran's body trembled the moment he stepped into the old building.

  Withdrawing his gaze, Master Jiang returned to the car. Instead of leaving, he opened the car window and kept an eye on the situation inside the old building.

  As soon as I got in the car, there was a burst of singing in the old building. It was not the creepy singing in horror movies, but a popular song today, a very cheerful song.

  The one who sang suddenly in the middle of the night was of course Yang Haoran who entered the old building. His voice was very loud, and he seemed to be trying to embolden himself in this way, but it was a very cheerful song that was sung by him abruptly. It became a mourning song.1

  The singing of howling ghosts and howling wolves not only echoed in the old building, but also spread outside. Perhaps it was because he was scared out of his wits, or because he was born with tone deafness. There was a strange feeling in the room.

  Inside the car, the corners of Master Jiang's mouth twitched twice, and then he showed a dumbfounding expression. The singing was so penetrating that even he was moved by it.

  But then, the expression on his face froze, and he heard a terrified scream coming from the old building. This scream came not from Yang Haoran, but from someone.

  The screams were heart-piercing. Master Jiang looked serious. Under his gaze, this old building full of horror and horror suddenly became distorted, as if it was about to come alive, and it seemed Extremely unreal.

  "Has it started? I hope you can get through it. If you can't get through this test, I'm afraid you won't even have the chance to be reincarnated. You will be trapped in this old building forever, unless...unless she is willing to let go about you."

  Master Jiang whispered, then he sighed, shook his head, and sighed: "There are many people in this world who want to have special abilities, but how many people can succeed. You are better than them, at least you still have This opportunity, how many people don't even have the opportunity. It's just that the opportunity you have worked so hard to win is very likely to destroy you. The path is your own choice. Whether you can walk on this path depends on you in the end Own."

  As soon as the words fell, the expression on Master Jiang's face froze again!

  Inside the old building, Yang Haoran's terrified screams did not sound again, and the haunted building became extremely quiet in an instant. There was no other sound, only the sound of nearby insects could be heard.

  "It's over so soon?" Master Jiang was taken aback, then he shook his head and sighed: "It seems that it is just like what the envoy said, he is too timid, and he is not suitable to be a member of us at all."

  In Master Jiang's opinion, something unexpected happened to Yang Haoran. Although he had already made up his mind, he still had no intention of leaving. Since he said he would wait until dawn, he would not break his promise, besides, this is also a rule.

  Just when Master Jiang thought that Yang Haoran was dead, suddenly, another sound came from the ghost building. This time, it was not the singing of ghosts crying and howling wolves, nor the screams of panic, but the sound of angry insults, and the sound of throwing things.

  "Come on! I'm not afraid of you! What the hell! Someone is coming to eat me!"

  "I'm not afraid of anything! I'm afraid of you bastards! Are you scaring me! I'm a real person!"

  "You'd better stay away! Otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless! I took you all in! Don't think that I am joking with you!"

  "Go out and find out! I, Yang Haoran, am afraid of someone when I'm drunk! The whole Lecheng where I ride horses is mine! I'm afraid of me!"

  The corner of Master Jiang's mouth twitched again. He looked at the wine bottle broken by Yang Haoran at the iron gate. He knew that Yang Haoran was insanely drunk inside.

  "Hehe, it seems that this guy is not as bad as the envoy said, at least he is quite courageous after being drunk." Master Jiang said to himself with a smile.

  Time passed little by little, and two hours later, Yang Haoran was still cursing inside the ghost building, but compared to before, his voice had become hoarse, and his momentum was obviously not as strong as before. Master, at this moment, I can't hear what Yang Haoran is cursing at all.

  He scolded for more than two hours, and he used yelling. Even a golden voice can't stand this kind of behavior, let alone he is not a golden voice, and it is normal for his voice to become hoarse.

  Master Jiang looked at the time, it was almost three o'clock, and it was almost one o'clock when Yang Haoran entered the ghost building, now two hours have passed, and it is only ten minutes before three o'clock.

  At four o'clock, there was no sound coming from the ghost building, it was as quiet as when they came, Master Jiang in the car didn't know whether Yang Haoran was dead or alive, but he was still waiting in the car.

  five o'clock!

  six o'clock!

  seven o'clock!

  It's winter now, and in Lecheng, the sky only starts to brighten slightly at seven o'clock.

  Inside the car, Master Jiang looked at the sky, and then his eyes stayed in front of the gate of the ghost building, but no one came out there.

  Yang Haoran's final test is to stay in this ghost building until dawn. If he can come out alive at dawn, then the test is considered to be passed. Now the sky has gradually begun to light up, but Yang Haoran has not walked out of the ghost building.

  Master Jiang didn't leave just because Yang Haoran didn't show up, he was still waiting quietly in the car.

  Of course, if Yang Haoran doesn't come out, he can't wait like this forever. He will wait until eight o'clock. If Yang Haoran has not come out of the ghost building at eight o'clock, then according to the rules, he must leave, and the test will follow. His departure failed.

  Master Jiang didn't tell Yang Haoran about this point, it wasn't because he deliberately lied to him, but because he forgot it because of his negligence.

  The sky is getting brighter and the time is getting closer to eight o'clock, but Yang Haoran still hasn't come out of the ghost building.

  "Could something really happen?" Master Jiang thought in his heart.

  It's normal for him to think this way. There hasn't been any sound in the ghost building for a long time. If Yang Haoran is still alive, it is impossible that there is no movement at all. After all, it is already dawn at this time, and he will definitely rush out immediately Ghost building, who would want to stay in this ghost place for a long time!

  Yang Haoran didn't show up. From Master Jiang's point of view, there are only two possibilities. The first possibility is that Yang Haoran has already died, so he didn't leave the ghost building.

  As for the second possibility, that is Yang Haoran fell asleep in the haunted building.

  This kind of possibility is not impossible, after all, Yang Haoran blew a bottle of high-grade liquor directly before entering the old building, it is also possible to pass out immediately when the alcohol is strong, but this possibility is not great.

  The reason why he feels that this possibility is unlikely is because there are really ghosts in the ghost building in front of him, and there are quite a few of them. Master Jiang knows this very well.

  Once you enter the haunted building, no matter whether you are weird or crazy, you will become the target of the ghosts. Even if you are drunk, they have many ways to wake up a drunk, and then suffer all kinds of torture.

  In this case, except for the dead, I am afraid that no one can sleep well.

  Seeing that there were only ten minutes left until eight o'clock, Master Jiang saw that Yang Haoran still hadn't walked out of the old building, he couldn't help showing a look of hesitation on his face.

  To be honest, he really doesn't know whether Yang Haoran is dead or alive at this time. If Yang Haoran hasn't walked out of the ghost building in another ten minutes, no matter whether he is dead or alive, he can leave According to the rules, and his mission is also counted. Finish.

  However, if he was forced to do nothing for the remaining ten minutes, he would feel a little guilty.

  Yang Haoran gave him a good impression, he really wanted to do something for Yang Haoran. It would be fine if Yang Haoran died in the ghost building, but what if he didn't die?

  If Yang Haoran is really still alive, then as long as he helps a little, it may become the key to Yang Haoran passing the test.

  Recalling that Yang Haoran did not explain the rules clearly before entering the ghost building, so after some hesitation, he decided to use the last ten minutes to help Yang Haoran.