
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 28 Extortion

The middle-aged woman spoke very impolitely, her expression and tone of voice showed that she looked down on Jiang Zhenzhen, or people like Jiang Zhenzhen, or their group.

  Since the middle-aged woman is not Jiang Zhenzhen's aunt, what does Jiang Zhenzhen mean when she calls her "auntie"?

  Anyone can tell that this is just a polite address, but this middle-aged woman sneered because of Jiang Zhenzhen's polite address, and her attitude was very arrogant.

  Her words made Yang Haoran, who was sitting beside Jiang Zhenzhen, frowned even more.

  Facing the attitude of the middle-aged woman, Jiang Zhenzhen laughed awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

  "Little girl, I said that you are really amazing. You have only moved into my house for a few days, and you almost demolished my house. The furniture I bought are all brand new, and now they are broken, broken, smashed It was smashed, the walls were cut in many places by kitchen knives, and the worst thing was the gate, which was cut by you with a chainsaw. If you are on a horse, there is no good land in the whole house. How do you think you should compensate me? ?" The middle-aged woman shouted at Jiang Zhenzhen angrily.

  Hearing this, Yang Haoran has already confirmed the identity of the middle-aged woman. It turns out that she is Jiang Zhenzhen's landlord.

  From the moment the middle-aged woman appeared, he had some guesses about the identity of the fat woman, but he was not sure. The words of the middle-aged woman now naturally proved her identity as the landlord.

  To be honest, Jiang Zhenzhen didn't know the situation in the rental house at this time, because she was still in a coma when she was taken out of the rental house, so of course she didn't know the situation in the rental house. She suddenly became more nervous.

  Jiang Zhenzhen didn't know the last situation in the rental house, Yang Haoran still knew some, but because he didn't pay attention to it at the time, what he knew was not so detailed.

  But one thing is certain, it is not as exaggerated as the middle-aged woman said, besides, Yang Haoran went to her rental house once before last night. He was very careful, not even a corner was spared. According to his observation at that time, there was not much furniture in the rental house, and they were all old, which was completely different from what the middle-aged woman said at this time.

  In order to prove that what she said was true, the middle-aged woman took out a few photos from her bag and threw them on Jiang Zhenzhen's hospital bed, and continued to speak angrily: "I took pictures of everything in the house, my mother, you Look! Take a good look at how crazy you were last night!"

  Jiang Zhenzhen stretched out her hand nervously to get the photo on the bed, but was stopped by Yang Haoran who was standing beside her.

  At some point, Yang Haoran's frowning brows were relaxed, he smiled at Jiang Zhenzhen, and then said: "You should have a good rest first, I'll take a look."

  Perhaps it was because she was too nervous, or because she was at a loss, or because of her trust in the master Yang Haoran, Jiang Zhenzhen went to pick up the photo and nodded lightly to Yang Haoran , withdrew his hand.

  After Yang Haoran stopped Jiang Zhenzhen, he picked up the photos on the bed and looked at them. The photos were miserable. Whether it was the living room or the bedroom, everything that could be smashed was smashed, and everything that could be pushed was destroyed. pushed to.

  When Yang Haoran was taken out of the rental house, even if he didn't pay attention to the situation in the rental house, he still had a general impression of the situation in the house. The rental house was indeed a mess and a lot of things were broken at that time, but he To be sure, it is definitely not as serious as the photo.

  Not to mention anything else, let's just say that the anti-theft door was sawed open by the middle-aged man with a chainsaw. At that time, only the position of the lock was cut off. However, judging from the photos, the entire anti-theft door was cut into pieces, piece by piece. Yes, it was simply dismembered.

  Obviously, after the three of Yang Haoran and the others were taken away, the entire rental house was damaged a second time. As for who did the second damage to the rental house, it's hard to say.

  It may be Jiang Zhenzhen's enemy, or it may be the middle-aged woman, the landlord's enemy, or it may be done by some idle guys, they just do it for fun.

  Of course, it is also possible that the landlord in front of me directed and acted on his own, in order to obtain more benefits, so he destroyed the rental house for the second time. The purpose is very simple, that is, to demand more compensation from Jiang Zhenzhen.

  Yang Haoran held a few photos in his hand, looked at them seriously, and the smile on his face became more and more intense. He didn't know what he was thinking.

  Seeing Yang Haoran's expression, the middle-aged woman immediately yelled with displeasure: "Who are you! Are you rushing to lose money?"

  The words of the middle-aged woman made Yang Haoran stop his movements, he put the photo on the bed, then looked at the middle-aged woman, said with a smile: "Hehe, sister, you really have a heart, you actually I also developed the photos, but fortunately there is no one in the photos, otherwise I thought you were going to blackmail."

  Yang Haoran answered the wrong question, but the face of the middle-aged woman changed because of his words. She seemed to think that Yang Haoran had something to say, and she stopped asking who Yang Haoran was. With a cold face, she said: " What do you mean by that? Do you want to renege on the debt if you damage something in my house? "

  When Jiang Zhenzhen heard this, her expression became anxious, and she wanted to explain, but she didn't have the slightest idea of ​​reneging on the debt. Since she broke someone else's things, she should pay for it, but before she opened her mouth, Yang Haoran stretched out his hand and interrupted.

  Yang Haoran ignored Jiang Zhenzhen, continued to yell at the middle-aged woman and said with a smile: "What did my sister say, I must pay for it, but I just want to ask my sister, the situation in the rental house, you must not be deliberately sabotaged by someone else." Caused?"

  The middle-aged woman's expression froze, and then she was furious, and roared: "Others caused it on purpose? Who would do such a thing if they are so idle? Can you be sure that the situation in the rental house must be caused by others?" of?"

  "Of course I can be sure, because I was there at the time, and I was the only one among the three who was sober and taken out of the rental house. Do you think I can be sure?" Yang Haoran replied with a smile.

  The middle-aged woman obviously didn't expect that Yang Haoran was also one of the parties involved, but she didn't admit it because of this, and continued to shout: "I don't care so much! The house was rented by her from me, and the house and everything in it If anything goes wrong, I have to seek compensation from her, this is only right and proper, and I will never let me take half a step back when the Heavenly King comes!"

  "Sister, don't get excited. Let me tell you what happened last night. It's not too late for you to get angry. Last night..."

  "Last night, you Ma Le Gobi! You kid, why don't you gossip here! This matter must be paid for privately! Or we will see you in court!" It seemed that Yang Haoran's words had stepped on some sore feet. The middle-aged woman Feeling very excited.

  The smile on Yang Haoran's face did not diminish, but it revealed a bit of chill. He was not frightened by the words of the middle-aged woman in front of him. He has seen a lot of people over the years, so he seems very calm.

  "Old woman, you don't appreciate calling you sister, well, since you have said so, then you can take these photos to sue, don't be cowardly, or I will look down on you, by the way, then just now In other words, last night... your rented house was haunted last night, hehe, isn't it very exciting?"

  Looking at Yang Haoran's harmless smile on his face, and after hearing his words, the middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment, her eyes flashed with horror, although it was only a flash, she was still captured by Yang Haoran Arrived.

  Yang Haoran sneered, he didn't continue to speak, but was waiting, waiting for the middle-aged woman to recover.

  When the middle-aged woman came back to her senses, his ethereal voice reached the middle-aged woman's ears again.

  "This ghost is an old woman, her whole body is rotten. She can say that the house belongs to her..."

  "You are talking nonsense!" The middle-aged woman seemed to be greatly stimulated, her expression was both angry and frightened.

  The patients and their family members who were present at the scene were a little puzzled when they heard Yang Haoran say that the ghost was haunted, and some even showed curiosity, but the roar of the middle-aged woman not only brought them back to their senses , and at the same time finally completely angered them.

  "Why are you arguing! You have been arguing endlessly since you came in! If you have any personal grievances, go out and quarrel! My old man still needs to rest!" One of the young men yelled at the middle-aged woman.

  With him taking the lead, a few more people stood up and angered the middle-aged woman. The middle-aged woman wanted to fight back, but she couldn't beat four hands with two fists, no matter how aggressive she was , at At this moment, he was still blushing from the scolding of everyone.

  For a while, the ward became a mess, attracting crowds from other wards and several nurses at the same time.

  The middle-aged woman saw that she had aroused public outrage, and what Yang Haoran said just now seemed to have greatly stimulated her, so she planned to leave first, but when she turned around and was about to leave, Yang Haoran came from behind . Hao Ran's nasty voice.

  "The old woman, you should know her, right?"

  Yang Haoran's voice was not loud, but since the two were not far apart, the words fell into the middle-aged woman's ears verbatim.

  The middle-aged woman trembled, and with an ugly face, she walked quickly towards the door of the ward, walked back after two steps, and took the photos from Jiang Zhenzhen's hospital bed.

  "Let's wait and see!"

  Throwing down a cruel sentence, the middle-aged woman fled out of the ward in desperation under the murderous gazes. If she didn't leave, the patient's family members who were more irritable might beat her up.

  After the middle-aged woman left, Jiang Zhenzhen showed a worried look on her face. Yang Haoran saw the worry in her heart and said, "Don't worry, the old woman is just a paper tiger. You don't have to be afraid of her. Call me if you have something to worry about." , I'll handle it for you."2

  With Yang Haoran's words, Jiang Zhenzhen seemed to feel more at ease, and nodded emphatically at Yang Haoran.