
My New Home

Opening your eyes in a dense forest was not the first thing anyone would have wanted but I soon figured out that forests in this world did not have any scary and meat loving creatures, at least that was what I thought. I kept on walking and walking till I reached a big and so steep mountain which was impossible to climb on . So I reached a dead end as I was thinking what to do and in which direction I had to go I noticed that the sun was slowly going down and I now had to find a place to spend the night in. I had a rough idea of what I had to do. So now I opened the book the gods gave me . I found the spell I was looking for " Faire un trod " in description it was written that it was spell to make a hole in the ground or a wall . In instructions portion it was said that all I had to do was keep my right hand in front and speak the magical words clear and loud . I did what I was told to do and 'Boom' it worked I could see a big enough hole in the mountain to live with all the necessities of a 8 year old boy. Soon using many more such spells I made that hole good enough for me to stay. All I had experienced from my past life told me that I should live a low life in this forest alone without any other human interferences. I thought about my decision over and over and at last I knew that the forest had now become my new home.

So yeah, moving forward now, after all the hard work I had put into the building of my new and permanent residence it had led me to be very very hungry. The sun was going to set soon and I had to act fast , so I looked any food regarding spell up in the book I got . " How to keep your food hot in cold nights" , " How to cook a delicious meal in 10 minutes " these spells were all very umm... interesting, but these reminded me of a lot of those fake tv commercials in the previous world I lived in . In the end I found a spell to bring the nearest and most fresh fruits to me , I know many of you might be thinking that fruits at night is a terrible idea but I had no choice, the sun was already down at this point , and I did not know the place very well so I thought that fruits would be a good idea. I placed my left hand in the front this time (as was given in the instructions portion.) and spoke the following words loudly, " apporter des fruits " nothing happened, I did it again nothing happened at last I gave up as it was pitch black now and standing in the open was not safe anymore as I could hear several howls from deep in the forest, I thought " looks like I have to sleep on an empty stomach tonight I looked at the moon in the sky one last time before entering my new house as I walked up to my bed I saw a number of fruits in there, guess I really was blessed by the gods after all . My stomach was full after eating those delicious but unknown fruits . I did not give a second thoughts whether the fruits were poisonous or not , I was too hungry to do that. I jumped on the bed still unknown that I was careless enough to leave the opening of the hole aka my new house open . All I thought before closing my eyes and going to sleep was " I don't regret living alone in a completely new and unknown world. " But it was too soon for me to make a judgement and I understood it the very next day, as I opened my eyes to see a giant wolf like creature ( but completely white..) staring at me and showing off his big and sharp teeth.....

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Shumishona_Ghosecreators' thoughts