
The Girl Who Was Rejected

"She looked up, up into the golden pools and she drowned." Willow Greene was 'Rejected' by the most popular guy in school, Hunter Reed, who was also called as 'Alpha', ever since then, her life started going downhill. She had been confused as to why, but her questions remain unanswered. That was until Rowan Kingson came in to live in her house. Willow felt undeniable attraction towards this golden eyed boy. But is Willow ready to face all the dark creatures Werewolves, Vampires, Witches and faeries? Would she be able to embrace reality?

No_Wall · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Chapter Five: Welcome To Onyxscar

"Why didn't the Koala bear get the job?" Asked Felix.

"Felix no." Said Rowan. "Not now."

Willow wiped her face with the handkerchief. The same handkerchief from the first time she had met Rowan. She had washed it up and given it back to Rowan the very morning, now it was back in her hands with her tears on it.

Rowan and Felix had taken her to the park nearby Smol Bean and here she was, on a bench and they stood in front of her.

"Why?" She croaked out.

"Because he wasn't koalified." It was silent for a moment before Willow burst into laughter. It was funny how no one found it funny, and also because she could relate to the koala.

"I don't know him." Said Rowan. "I don't know her, I'm out of here." He looked up at the sky with a long sigh as if questioning his existence here. That made Willow laugh harder, tears streamed down her face.

Even though she had not known Rowan much, she wasn't embarrassed to cry in front of him, that too not once, but twice. She held her ground at school, she had long back given up crying at school whenever she was bullied cause she knew that it was the power that they held over her was all they cared about. To dominate over her. She won't let them. Ever.

She wiped the last of her tears, which were from laughing, before standing up. "I owe you both a tour."

"Finally." Said Felix under his breath but Willow heard it.

"We can head back." Said Rowan.

"But I really wanted to look around here." Felix whined, but he was ignored.

"You don't have to if you don't feel well."

"I want to." Replied Willow.

"Well then," sighed Rowan, who has been doing an awful lot of sighing. He grinned. "Lead the way."

"Now that we are here," began Willow. "This is the park."

"Wow!" Exclaimed Felix, who even looked shocked. "How come I never noticed that?"

"I thought we were at the mall." Said Rowan with a very serious face. "Is that Armani?"

"Well, you thought wrong." Said Willow. "And no it's just an ice cream truck."

"Great," Said Felix. "I'm craving ice cream."

"Last to get there pays." Yelled Willow before sprinting for the truck.

She was the first to get there, surprisingly. She wasn't bad at running because of the practice she had whenever she had to run from Triple and her friends or Hunter and his sick ways. She knew that Rowan was fast, seeing him whoosh in and out the other day. Looking at Felix she could tell that he too was fast, he looked like the type of person to get up early in the morning to go for a morning jog, but she could never be too sure after all she did see him up before she was and she doesn't really sleep in.

After getting their ice creams they left for the town. She showed them around, the places they'd probably have to go to. The mall, the best cafe in town, art store even though both of them didn't paint, she couldn't help it. This is where she mostly goes to when she came to this part of the town, next was the bookstore where Rowan wanted to go. He bought some books, most of them were titles she had never heard of. Felix wanted to know where the gym so that is where they headed after the bookstore. She was right when she had predicted him to be the sporty type.

They stopped at McDonald's because Felix and Rowan were hungry.

"Good afternoon sir, what would you like to have?" Said the cashier when it was their turn.

"I'll have," started Felix, narrowing his eyes at the menu in his hand. "A bigMac, twenty nuggets, a large coke, and a large fries." Was he for real? She couldn't believe he was going to eat all that.

"Double it." Said Rowan, before turning to look at the astonished Willow. "What do you want?"

"I don't want anything." Said Willow after she regained her cool, she shouldn't judge the other person for the amount of foo they consumed, she wasn't hungry.

"Are you sure?" asked Rowan. "I am payi-"

"They even have ice cream," said Felix, looking like he had just found the golden ticket. "We're getting oreo mcflurry too."

"Of course sir." Said the cashier. "Two of them?"

"Yes," said Felix. "Make it three."



It was dusk by the time they were home, Willow's mother was not home yet. After finishing all that food, which Rowan and Felix munched without bothering about the amount of food that was being consumed by them, they were all finally home!

All Willow wanted to do was lay on her bed and never wake up. she hadn't expected to meet Hunter at the Smol Bean, but she did and she was also fired because of him. Oh well, what's done is done. She shouldn't cry over that jerk.

"Willow," called out Rowan, making her heart skip. "Willow?'

"Yes?" she looked up at him, he was after all pretty tall and she was pretty short, her height is something she didn't like to talk about. when her blue eyes met his golden ones she was ready to swoon.

"You called me?" Rowan asked with a smile on his face.

Confused, Willow scrunched her eyebrows. But then she nodded repeatedly.

"I'm sorry it slipped from my mind," she smiled apologetically. "I'm almost done with your painting. you can check it."

"I'll be there," said Rowan. "Once I put them in my room." He pointed at the bags in his hands. He had emptied almost the whole shop, making Willow anxious, she had then promised to bring him there again, if he would put it all back. But in the end he still bought a lot.

"Make it quick." Said Willow before heading to her room.

In a few minutes, Rowan was knocking on her door. He had been looking at the incomplete portrait all this time, ever since she started on it.

"I'm almost done with it," Willow told him as she shut the door. "Only the last few bits are remaining."

"Can I see it?"

"A minute."

It wasn't long before Rowan once again asked. "Can I see it?"

"No." Willow circled the iris with gold, then highlighted it with white.

"Why not?"

"I'm almost there." And there, she was.She ushered him over. "Its ready."

He walked over and stared at the painting. Willow felt very scared at his reaction might be.

His eyes widened, shock plastered his face. "What's up with my eyes?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Asked Willow, she was confused now.

"Why are they golden?" He asked.

"They are golden." Said Willow grinned nervously. "What are you talking about?"

"My eyes aren't golden." Said Rowan. "They are blue."